Seuss Essays

  • Dr. Seuss Report

    990 Words  | 2 Pages

    but they do know what they like. And what they like is the author Theodor Geisel, or better known as the beloved Dr. Seuss. During the years of my early childhood I fondly remember my parents reading me the whimsical words of Dr. Seuss. His books were filled with imagination and humor which made them very enjoyable for me to listen to. As I got older I started to read Dr. Seuss books all by myself. All of his books are constructed with simple words that make it easy for children to learn how to

  • The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

    1548 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Lorax The Lorax by Dr. Seuss is a children's book about greed and destruction. The book is set in the forest of Truffula Trees. The Once-ler was riding through the country in his wagon one day and discovers the beautiful forest of Truffula Trees. Way back in the day when the grass was still green And the pond was still wet And the clouds were still clean, And the song of the Swomee-Swans rang out in space… One morning I came to this glorious place. And I first saw the trees! The

  • Dr. Seuss

    2656 Words  | 6 Pages

    Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss I took an unconventional approach in the topic I chose for my reading assignment – whereas most groups selected single novels, my partner and I opted to read a collection of short stories by none other than the notorious Dr. Seuss. Were I writing this essay on a “normal” book, I would be able to pose a question about the book itself and answer it in an ordinary sort of way. However, given the subject matter I have chosen, an essay on an individual book, though possible, would

  • Theodor Seuss Geisel: Dr. Seuss

    1583 Words  | 4 Pages

    It's not.”(Dr. Seuss, the Lorax) The childhood of thousands of adults and children alike were all made memorable because of one man. Theodor Seuss Geisel. His use of words and depictions, although with hidden messages, of daily life has molded the imagination of every child. On March second 1904 a baby boy was born to a Theodor Robert Geisel and Henrietta Seuss Geisel, on Howard Street, Springfield, Massachusetts (Cat in the This little boy will soon become the great Dr. Seuss, but for now

  • Theodor Seuss Geisel's Expertise: Dr. Seuss

    1090 Words  | 3 Pages

    Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, is the American author of many popular children’s books. As an author, poet, cartoonist, and political activist, Geisel is considered to be extraordinary in the world of children’s writings. Born in 1904, on Howard Street in Springfield, Massachusetts is where he developed the aspiration to create such whimsical rhymes. Through the gift of his compelling imagination and amusing language, Dr. Seuss encourages young children to relish and enjoy reading

  • The Lorax By Dr. Seuss

    1982 Words  | 4 Pages

    “The Lorax” is a children’s story/book written by Dr. Seuss who is a political German-American author and artist. Some people see this book a source that shows how some people are concerned about climate change. The ending page of the book has a significant role in explaining the damage the Onceler caused. Although many of the details, pictures, and lines Dr. Seuss mentioned while walking the readers through the deterioration of the setting of the story are very important, the part that shows the

  • Dr. Seuss' “The Lorax”

    1383 Words  | 3 Pages

    Theodore Geisel, commonly known as Dr Seuss, published “The Lorax” in 1971. “The Lorax” is a popular children's book that focuses on human ecology and the environmental movement. The book tells the story of the Once-ler, and how his business led to him cutting down all the Truffula trees, which destroyed the ecosystem, habitat, and polluted the water and the air in the meantime. “The Lorax”, while it is a very substantial tool for the environmental movement, presents several wrong ideas about the

  • Dr Seuss Biography

    1454 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dr. Seuss was one of the influential well known children's author. His books are still read to children today. My personal favorite book of his is "Horton Hears a Who!". His real name is Theodor Seuss Geisel. He was born on March 2, 1904. Was an a American writer, poet, and cartoonist. He was most widely known for his children's books written and illustrated as Dr. Seuss. He had used the pen name Dr. Theophrastus Seuss in college and later used Theo LeSieg and Rosetta Stone. Geisel Published 46 children's

  • Literary Analysis of Dr. Seuss

    1670 Words  | 4 Pages

    Literary Analysis of Dr. Seuss Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, is perhaps one of the most beloved children’s authors of the twentieth century. Although he is most famous as an author of children’s books, Geisel was also a political cartoonist, advertisement designer, and film director (Kaplan). He used the power of imagination to produce unforgettable children’s books and helped solve the problem of illiteracy among America’s children. By using his experiences in life as a foundation

  • Dr Seuss Myth

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Man, The Myth, The Legend, Dr.Seuss When people hear the name “Dr. Seuss,” images of Loraxs and cats in hats spring to mind, but not many people know the story of his rise to fame. Theodor Seuss Geisel was a loving husband, a phenomenal story teller, and somehow had the ability to get kids to read and comprehend the words they are given. He did all of this while making whimsical characters, and giving his opinion about what was happening during World War II. Dr.Seuss is a brilliant mastermind

  • Dr. Seuss Essay

    1233 Words  | 3 Pages

    Theodor Seuss Geisel or better known as Dr. Seuss is a very popular children’s book author. He is one of my top favorite authors of children books. Dr. Seuss got many of his crazy ideas for his books from his hometown . His hometown was Springfield, Massachusetts. His mother was his inspiration for making rhymes. One reason I really think he’s an extraordinary author is he incorporated some of the world’s great issues and put in them in a children’s story book. For example in one of his famous books

  • Dr. Seuss Essay

    579 Words  | 2 Pages

    Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on march 2nd of 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. After service in the army during world war two, he went advertising. For a time, he was made on an editorial cartoonist for PM Newpaper in NYC.In 1958 founded Beginner Books Inc. Random House became a division in 1960 of educational and informational films for children. Two documentary films that he made during the period, Hitler Lives and Design for death, later received Academy Awards. In 1957 Geisel became founding

  • Dr Seuss Biography

    940 Words  | 2 Pages

    Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904 in Springfield, Massachusetts. He was a cartoonist, writer, and poet. Under the pen name of Dr. Seuss, he wrote many well known children’s books, such as Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat and The Lorax. His birthday, March 2nd, is now the date for National Read Across America Day. Theodor attended Dartmouth College and graduated in 1925. Then he went to Lincoln College, Oxford, where he wanted to get a PhD in English literature. However, later

  • Dr Seuss Biography

    1239 Words  | 3 Pages

    Theodor Seuss Geisel better known as Dr. Seuss was an American writer, poet and cartoonist. His imaginative characters, colorful drawings, and appealing rhymes are familiar to anyone who grew up reading his stories. Theodor worked persistently at what he loved to do so much and never strived for personal fame. Many people have no knowledge of his private life. For example, Dr. Seuss wasn’t actually a doctor; he started signing his work as “Dr. Theophrastus Seuss” as a joke. To make it easier he later

  • Dr Seuss Impact On Society

    1564 Words  | 4 Pages

    because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” (Dr Seuss). Dr Seuss is still to this day known as one of the most influential children’s authors of all time. Publishing over sixty books throughout his lifetime, Dr Seuss’s novels are sure to leave an impact, receiving many awards such as: The Caldecott Medal, Regina Medal, Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal, Pulitzer Prize Award, and two Emmys. Dr Seuss or Theodor Geisel will always be known for his most popular works Green Eggs

  • Dr. Seuss Biography

    795 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ben Kaplan 3/11/14 APUSH Dr. Seuss Biography Morgan, Neil & Judith Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel: A Biography. New York, NY: De Capo Press, 1996 (Kindle / iPhone Editions) Born and raised in Springfield Massachusetts, Theodor Geisel was born on March 2nd 1904. Under the pen-name Dr. Seuss, Ted was able to accomplish his dream of becoming a writer after attending Dartmouth College and wrote for the school paper – the Jack-O-Lantern. Upon graduation, Geisel went to Oxford in

  • Dr Seuss Struggles

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    In life, Dr. Seuss had a few struggles such as: he had a drinking problem, kicked out of the magazine staff, and left home at the age of 18. Theodor Seuss Geisel known as Dr. Seuss was born in 1904 on Howard Street in Springfield, Massachusetts. Although Theodor's family enjoyed great financial success for many years, the onset of World War 1 and 2 Prohibition presented both money and social or hard to make friends a challenge for the German immigrants. These were some of Theodor's struggles throughout

  • Dr Seuss Book Analysis

    1300 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lesson Description: In this lesson, the students will discover some of the themes of Dr. Seuss 's major books. By working as, a group and deciphering the theme or themes of a particular Dr. Seuss book chosen for them. The students will figure out how, despite being written for young children, Dr. Seuss ' books contain powerful messages about important themes in American history and society. The students will conclude by creating posters to showcase one of these themes. Learner Profile: Grade Level:

  • Dr Seuss Writing Style

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dr. Seuss Theodor Seuss Geisel was born March 2, 1904 and he died September 24, 1991, 87 years later, of cancer. He was an American writer, poet, and cartoonist and was most widely known for his children’s books written and illustrated by himself. Geisel was not an actual doctor ( Dr. Seuss 1). In fact, when he became editor-in-chief of his school’s magazine of Dartmouth College, he would sign his work as “Seuss”; later in life he added “Doctor” in front. Geisel’s father, Theodor Robert, and grandfather

  • Theodore Geisel's Emergence as Dr. Seuss

    3876 Words  | 8 Pages

    Theodore Geisel's Emergence as Dr. Seuss The appellation , "Dr. Seuss," has become a name that often evokes fond memories of a cherished childhood. Entrenched in monotony of gray day when, "The sun did not shine./ It was too wet to play," we only had to look at the grinning face of Dr. Seuss's famous cat to remind us that there was more to do than wait as time slipped away. There was something appealing in the simple anapestic tetrameter rhythm, coupled with nonsensical words and illustrations