Seth MacFarlane Essays

  • Defending Family Guy

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    which we used to rely (Family Guy)?” This phrase is heard often by individuals who choose to watch one of the most famous animated sitcoms in the past decade, Family Guy. The first sentence happens to be the key slogan in the series theme song. Seth MacFarlane used this saying when the show was brought back to the air in 2005. This was around the time that I had originally started to watch the sitcom, after I watched a few of the episodes that aired before the cancellation in 2002. Family Guy’s popularity

  • Political Conservatism In 'Family Guy And American Dad'

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    Virginia which includes a CIA agent and father named Stan, a mother named Francine, a pothead daughter named Hayley, a geeky son named Steve, a troublemaker alien named Roger, and a German CIA agent in a fish’s body named Klaus. These two shows by Seth MacFarlane have something in common and that is the stereotypical representation of political ideologies. “Family Guy” is about the stereotypical liberal family and “American Dad!” is about the stereotypical conservative family. To begin with, a political

  • Racism in Family Guy Supports Stereotypes

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    In today’s society, a minstrel show would unquestionably be pointed out as a racist act. However, if stereotypes were used in comedic TV shows it becomes more uncertain as to whether or not it is appropriate. With the popular use of satire in the current pop culture, the line between racism and harmless satire is harder to define. Shows like Family Guy play on a lot of racial stereotypes but do not always receive attention on those jokes. The show is often written off as just a raunchy animated show

  • Family Guy Gender Roles

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    Michelle Johnson Mpj5106 SCA # 2 Family Guy is an animated television show that follows the life of an American family. This show depicts its characters in a gender stereotypical way. Peter, the father, acts typical to his gender role. He is the “man of the house”, working at an assembly line job to bring in money for the family and then coming home to watch television and drink beer for the rest of the day. Peter’s wife, Louis, is portrayed as a nagging housewife character. The family also includes

  • Humor In Family Guy

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    In the television series Family Guy, there are many episodes that contain different types of humor including: slapstick humor, pop-culture humor, and offensive humor. Because of the use of so many types of humor, Family Guy appeals to a very unique and somewhat split demographic. The demographic is unique because the pop-culture references embedded in Family Guy’s format are primarily drawn from the 1970s and 80s, so only previous generations are guaranteed to get all the references; yet, the humor

  • Who Is Peter Griffin In Family Guy

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    Family Guy is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane in 1999. The show focuses on a family, the Griffins, with the main character of the family Peter Griffin. As a father of the stereotypical American family, Peter Griffin is the man of the house in the show Family Guy. Peter Griffin is known to be the lazy father that sits at home and watches T.V. all day. Peter works at a toy factory where he inspects toys and confirm that they are safe for the children. He has a wife Lois

  • In Contempt By Christopher Darden: A Review

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    In Contempt by Christopher Darden: A Review This report is based upon the book In Contempt, written by Christopher A. Darden with Jess Walter. This book is published by Regan Books an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers and is copyrighted 1996 by Christopher A. Darden. Introduction of the Author The book In Contempt was written by Christopher A. Darden. Chris Darden is famous for being one of the prosecuting attorneys in the court case, The People vs. Simpson. He has worked hard his whole life

  • The Addams Family Satirical

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    Addams Family Values: The Crazy and the Kooky of the Satirical The Addams Family was an unusual sitcom about an outlandish family of hellish outcasts homed in the center of suburban life. The 1964 television show was originally based off of a comic strip by a cartoonist, Charles Addams. It was a surreal show that was based one running joke. The Addams Family was “mysterious and kooky” and did not fit into comptempary life of modern suburban culture. Adaption of nostalgic popular culture allows

  • Humor And Irony In 'The Cartoon Family Guy'

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    In the cartoon Family Guy, there are many different jokes and humorous events that make you laugh until your stomach hurts. Although some of the jokes and events that go on throughout the show might offend people, it isn’t intended to hurt anyone. This shows main goal is to make people laugh. There are many characters on the show, the father, Peter Griffin who is always at the Drunken Clam with his buddies Glenn and Joe. Peter works at the Brewery and is always getting himself into trouble wherever

  • Family Guy Satire

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    successful animated cartoon series brings entertainment weekly to worldwide audiences of up to 22 million. The sitcom, created by the talented Seth McFarlane was originally designed to target specifically the American audience, but later due to popularity now broadcasts it’s hilariously ridiculing jokes all over the world. Through the loveable characters of the series, Seth is able to recreate the pressing issues of today’s society into sarcastic and biased situations, in which the flaws of the opposing views

  • Argumentative Essay On Family Guy

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    There are a number of shows that are based around families and one of those shows is Family Guy. It is an American adult animated sitcom which is based around a family known as the Griffins. This family consists of parents Peter and Lois along with their three children, Meg, Chris and Stewie. Both Meg and Chris are teenagers while Stewie is still a baby. The family also has a pet dog named Brian who happens to talk. The father is a blue collar worker and the wife is a stay at home mother who comes

  • Think Outside the Box

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    We all know that Family Guy by Seth McFarlane does show offensive content. Most people do not pay much attention to age rating on the corner of the television screen unless they are a parent. As children get older, there are always those certain shows that parents do not allow them to watch. However, once they start to develop mature minds, they begin to understand the reason of restriction from watching the shows in the first place. Kids tend to watch the show even though it is restricted to viewers

  • Clothing In The Bible Essay

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    Clothing in the Bible has usually been regarded as less important when determining significance in scripture. Not to say that it is of utmost importance, but it does serve as a visual aid God uses to point people towards Himself. In fact, clothing as a symbol has never been new, since clothing has been used as a symbol consciously and unconsciously, to represent religion, class, occupation, or for practical use, such as warmth for the winter. Commonly, clothing has been used as a means to an end

  • Free Essays - Anthem

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    Anthem is a story of man’s struggle to be free and to fight the masses of conformity.  It tells of human nature and the want to gain all the knowledge that one could possibly attain.  Man loses his safe haven and his security when he lets this lust for knowledge overpower him and lets it be seen by others. He becomes vulnerable Like Johann Faust, Prometheus sells his life for wisdom.  Unlike Faust, however, Prometheus is expelled from his society but gains his freedom of individuality and his freedom

  • Compare and Contrast ?Genesis? and ?Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest?,

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    Topic # 3 Compare and Contrast “Genesis” and “Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest”, Looking at both myth and short story. Although there are many similarities present, a distinct difference is made between “Genesis” and "Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest" in that “Genesis” is a mythical narrative while "Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest" is an adaptation of a mythic story (Adam and Eve) in the form of a short story. When comparing and contrasting these two stories we see similarities

  • Analysis Of Adam And Eve

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    The creation story takes a place in a very beautiful garden that was called later “Eden.” In the beginning of the story, Adam begins his life alone with the other animals. By the time God creates him a helper and unfortunately, she is a woman. Adam have no clue in how to treat this woman, he never experienced living with a human. While Adam was struggling and trying to figure out how to live with this woman and how to treat her, Eve had a plenty of time to understand this life and the purpose of

  • Pursuit of Knowledge in Inferno and The Open Boat

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    Pursuit of Knowledge in Inferno and The Open Boat It is inherent for man to want to understand more about himself and the universe in which he lives.  Galilio Galilei stated, "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."  However, the pursuit of knowledge has not been easy, for man has endured several obstacles, whether willingly or by chance as presented in Genesis, Dante's "Inferno," and Stephen

  • Comparing Araby and Genesis

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    Parallels between Araby and Genesis In the Bible, the story of creation occurs in the garden of Eden.  The book of Genesis tells the tale of Adam and Eve, whom God allowed to eat the fruit from any tree in the garden except for that of the central tree of knowledge.  Unfortunately, with the serpent’s deceitful encouragement, Eve enticed Adam to eat from that banned tree.  The fruit opened Adam’s eyes to the reality that he was naked (Gen. 3:7-20).  Interestingly, the second paragraph of “Araby”

  • Snot

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    together. Unfortunately, he accidentally struck his son Tubal Cain during this episode killing him in the process. Now as Paul Harvey would say, “that is the rest of the story.” Closing out the chapter Adam and Eve have another son in whom they name Seth. The Hebrew word for his name was Shet, which means granted or compensation. His name will come to mean good, while Cain represents evil.

  • Genesis 1-11 Essay

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    What does Genesis 1-11 teach regarding the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and civilization? How does this teaching on these topics affect your worldview? Genesis 1-11 sets the basis for all biblical truth as it recognizes that God is the creator of all things. Genesis is the first book of the Bible meaning “the book of beginnings” which serves as an introduction the entire Bible. “God is introduced as an absolute personal being who cares about His creation and the human struggle