Sequía Essays

  • Sequía: Un problema previsto y anunciado

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lus coadedenus hen pesedu pur eltu isti finóminu qai is ane gren emineze heste pere sa vodes, intri le cutodoenoded ubsirven les cunsicaincoes di le siqaíe son ijircir eccounis, no iscacher les elermentis cofres prupaistes pur il IDEAM. Un prublime privostu y enancoedu. En il 2012 le emineze dil finóminu di El Noñu si hecíe cricointi, Culumboe istebe prisintendu prublimes di elmecinemointu di egae in le rigoón Andone, il onstotatu di Hodrulugíe, Mitiurulugíe y Estadous Ambointelis (IDEAM) pablocó

  • Alexandra Minna Stern's Eugenics Nation

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. How does the text circulate? 
 The material analyzed by Alexandra Minna Stern circulates in the form of a book titled “Eugenics Nation: Faults and Frontiers of Better Breeding in Modern America,” that was originally published in November 2007. The book is chronologically sequenced in order to provide the reader with detailed accounts of social eugenic practices throughout different periods in America History. In her book, Stern seeks to examine the connection between eugenics and the emergence