Scottish national identity Essays

  • The Scottish and International Film Industry's Contribution to the Development of Scottish Identity in the Last Part of the Twentieth Century

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    The Scottish and International Film Industry's Contribution to the Development of Scottish Identity in the Last Part of the Twentieth Century When people hear the word 'Scotland' there is, as said by C McArthur (2003:59)'Diverse images and narratives right down to particular words and phrases that immediately come into their head'. These images may it be of tartan, misty landscapes, bagpipes or castles contribute to how Scotland is portrayed and create what is known as a Scottish identity

  • Sir Walter Scott: Hero of Scotland

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    time in the countryside Sir Walter Scott reveled in ancient Scottish folklore told by his grandfather. He took great interest in Scottish history and culture. “Here, in the country air, he became a sturdy boy, and his mind was stored with the old Broder tales and songs” (Lockhart). After leaving the countryside as a young adult, Scott undertook many trips around Scotland to hear the folklore shared by the people. These old tales of Scottish history inspired Scott to write in the romantic style. Sir

  • The Political System of Scotland

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    throne of England united the crowns of England and Scotland. However, the union was only a personal one and Scotland retained its own political and legal system and its own church. In this essay I will explain the distinctive features of the Scottish political system, describe the voting behaviour in Scotland and the future constitutional relationship between Scotland and Westminster. The establishment of a common Parliament occurred as a result of the Treaty of Union of union of 1707,

  • The Pros And Cons Of New Labour

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    The Labour Party had lost the previous four elections, had an identity crisis, and was plagued by party in-fighting. The party had a choice of continuing to represent the working class and not win elections, or reform in order to win elections. The party chose to rebrand to appeal to liberal voters as a whole including

  • Penal Development In Scotland Essay

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    Since the early 20th century, the Scottish penal system has gone through numerous transformations as the society changes and grows, including the important period where Scotland struggled to create it’s own identity, separate from the rest of the UK. These developments have been pivotal in regards to the modernization of the Scottish Criminal Justice system, which is often described as being made up of a complex set of processes and involves many different bodies . Over the past decade, the main

  • Canada Lacks A Real National Identity

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    Canada Lacks A Real National Identity I believe that Canada lacks a real national identity. Canadians tend to identify with community and region rather than the nation. Because Canada has such a great cultural diversity the Canadian identity is shaped by our values and attitudes as they have emerged from our history and geography. Bilingualism and multiculturalism are very important to the Canadian identity. They both strengthen and challenge Canadian identity. Because Canada has so many cultural

  • Scottish Separatist Movement - Yes Scotland vs. Better Together

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    There is no real single entity that can be identified as a singular “Scottish separatist movement”, but rather, there are smaller groups which could be put together under that banner of separatism. In fact, those groups could be on the verge of victory this year, as Scotland prepares for its most important referendum in its history - asking the simple, yet loaded question: “should Scotland be an independent country?” But, before that day comes, we should look at the means for why Scotland should

  • The Scottish Parliament

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    and love as Scotland. With the tricentennial anniversary of union, the idea of Scottish independence has again come up for fierce debate. How, I ask myself, did Alex Salmond and his nationalist cronies manage to concoct such a specious solution to Scotland's problems? A question easily answered: on the basis of false, misinterpreted and corrupt data. In 2007, the SNP scraped a narrow election victory in the Scottish Parliament of 1 seat, holding 47 to Labour's 46 out of 129. This forced the SNP

  • National Identity Cards

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    NATIONAL ID CARD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After the September 11th attacks, the issue of making national ID card in the United States, Canada and other countries has restarted. After reading many articles, magazines, and skipping through lots of frequently ask question about nation General confirmed the black market in phony driver’s licenses exist in that state.” National ID card, I myself believe that national ID card will not only not stop terrorism, illegal immigrants but also create a form

  • Visions of America

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    “progress” was inextricably tied to the destruction of the majestic landscape that was a source of American identity and pride. Landscape painters at this time were faced with the difficult task of reconciling these conflicting aspects of American culture and identity. Their paintings blend physical descriptions of the American land with cultural descriptions of the American national identity. American landscape painting was founded primarily by European artists like Thomas Birch, Francis Guy, William

  • Concepts of Family and Home in Jane Austen's Persuasion

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    English navy has been world-renowned from the time of the Spanish Armada, in 1588, and played a key role in the expansion of the British Empire; not only does the navy serve as an example of Englishness, it helped create that very notion of national identity. In Persuasion, Austen domesticates the navy, portraying it as one large brotherhood. In fact, Captain Wentworth cancels a trip to his biological brother in order to visit his injured friend, Captain Harville. Officers discuss transporting each

  • Search for national identity

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    The Search For National Identity Nationalism is the attitude members of a nation have when they care about their national identity. Nationalism can also be the love of a country and the willingness to make sacrifices for it. Just as a person’s identity is affected by other people and the events in their life, a nation is affected the same way. There have been many people and events that have affected the national identity of America. There were two Awakenings that spread different aspects of American

  • Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper And Charlotte Perkins Gilman's National Identity

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    National Identity and The Yellow Wallpaper   Gilman is an author whose writing is based on individuals making up America's collective identity. "The Yellow Wallpaper" is from the vantage points of being a woman, at a time when women were not supposed to have individual thoughts and personalities. At this time in history, the social roles of women were very well-defined: mothers and caretakers of the family, prim and proper creatures that were pleasant to look at, seen but not heard, and

  • Comparing Sir Thomas More's Utopia and Virgil's Aeneid

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    Identity and Power in Sir Thomas More's Utopia and Virgil's Aeneid In Utopia and the Aeneid, Sir Thomas More and Virgil describe the construction and perpetuation of a national identity. In the former, the Utopian state operates on the “inside” by enforcing, through methods of surveillance, a normalized identity on its citizens under the guise of bettering their lives. In the latter, the depleted national identity of the future Romans in the wake of the Trojan War must reformulate itself from

  • Each of Us Has the Power to Change the World

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    individual, ethnic, and national identities sometimes lead to conflicts because they are entities which drive humans to become self-seeking, disrespectful, and often exclusionary. However, the process of becoming aware of individual identity also can result in the solution of international conflicts between people of different cultures and ethnicities. This happens because in the process of understanding who you are, you are also able to appreciate other people's identities. Hence, it is important

  • The Seven-Years War

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    folklore of privateering, which has become a cherished, if often overlooked part of our shared heritage. Legends were forged during the battle for American independence, and these men were understandably glorified as part of the formation of our national identity. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of these men were common opportunists, if noteworthy naval warriors. The profit motive was the driving force behind almost all of their expeditions, and a successful privateer could easily become

  • Japanese Identity

    3661 Words  | 8 Pages

    Japanese Identity Throughout its history, Japan has striven to define its national identity not by its own means, but by those predefined by foreign, and most recently, Western powers. Despite legends of the island archipelago being created by the sun goddess Amaterasu, Japan seems to have consistently maintained a indecisive self-image with respect to its neighbors. In the past, China had represented the pinnacle of culture and technology and had tremendously influenced other surrounding countries

  • Gallipoli - The Anzac Legend

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    caused trouble by harassing owners of shops and playing pranks on others and paying for prostitutes. During this time more steps were taken to develop a legend by giving the troops a form of National Identity and calling them The Anzacs. We know now that it is now a part of Australia’s cultural identity and origin on the battlefield. The Anzac’s didn...

  • Beach Burial

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    AWARENESS OF NATIONAL IDENTITY ORAL EXAMINATION Softly and Humbly to the Gulf of Arabs,The convoys of dead sailors come; At night they sway and wander in the waters far under,But morning rolls them in the foam. Between the sob and clubbing of the gunfire Someone, it seems, has time for this,To pluck them from the shallows and bury them in burrows And tread the sand upon their nakedness;And each cross, the driven stake of tidewood,Bears the last signature of men,Written with such perplexity

  • Language Conflict In Canada

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    1867, most Canadians wanted to establish a distinctive Canadian national identity, a kind of Canadian nationalism. Since the English Canadians were now the majority, they were the dominant forces in creating the political and cultural aspect of the independent Canada. They relied on the democratic government of England and to some extent to those of the United States, which guaranteed equal rights. Their vision of national identity included English as the primary language and the English culture