SceneOne Essays

  • Changes in Rita in Act Two Scene One of Educating Rita

    1422 Words  | 3 Pages

    Changes in Rita in Act Two Scene One of Educating Rita Willy Russell was born in Whiston, near Liverpool, England, in 1947. Russell has written a string of popular, award-winning plays and musicals, but perhaps one of the most well known is Educating Rita. In this play Willy Russell is very much producing a mirror image of parts of his life. As a child and growing up he didn’t care much for school, he considered himself a kid from the ’D’ stream and a piece of factory fodder. Eventually

  • The Dramatic Significance of Act four Scene One of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

    1640 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Dramatic Significance of Act four Scene One of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing Act 4 in the romantic comedy 'Much ado about nothing' is of great dramatic significance to the whole play, as it is in Scene 1 where Shakespeare brings out the different sides of the characters to illustrate the complexities of love and relationships. Act 4 Scene 1 is clustered with different incidents and in this essay, I will go through each event and describe its importance to the play as a

  • Stanhope's Relationship with Raleigh in Journey's End by RC Sheriff

    2002 Words  | 5 Pages

    Stanhope's Relationship with Raleigh in Journey's End Write about the presentation of Stanhope’s relationship with Raleigh in Act Two Scene One, Act Three Scene Two and Act Three Scene Three. Journey’s end by R.C.Sherriff is an incredible play about how the horrifying conditions in W.W.I affected men physically and psychologically. The audience really feel for the soldiers as the author has made the concept of the war so emotionally involving for the reader. The main character is called

  • Leonato in William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    Leonato in William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing At the beginning of Much Ado About Nothing Leonato is seen to be a friendly old man, he is the governor of Messina which makes you initially think of him as an old, fair gentleman. You can see this because when the soldiers first arrive he is concerned with making his guests as comfortable as possible and their stay as pleasant as possible. He seeks to provide music for their rest, dinners for their nourishment, and parties for their

  • My Own Drama Coursework

    1845 Words  | 4 Pages

    My Own Drama In drama I had studied three different plays which are 'Romeo & Juliet', 'A Taste Of Honey' and 'Saved'. For my performance I had to take out stimulus, themes and ideas from the plays I've studied and put it into my piece of drama. My play was mostly focused on the play 'Saved' so I took out the issue of teenage pregnancy, the abuse of a child and the prison scene. I used the issue of teenage pregnancy and crime between teenagers as my starting point because

  • Buzz Windrip

    1119 Words  | 3 Pages

    “It Can’t Happen Here” the satirical play aggressively taunts tyrannical dictators and the sleeping public alike. While reading this piece, one must compare the practices of politician Buzz Windrip of our 45th president Donald Trump. The following argument is strengthened by examples in ACT 2 and ACT 3; these scenes are prominent examples of how Buzz uses his charismatic ability and easy access to the mind manipulation to appeal to the masses. In ACT 2 Scene 2 B.W. opens the scene on November 1st