Salesman Essays

  • Death Of A Salesman

    1375 Words  | 3 Pages

    Miller’s explains that a tragic hero does not always have to be a monarch or a man of a higher status. A tragic hero can be a common person. A tragedy does not always have to end pessimistically; it could have an optimistic ending. The play Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller, is a tragedy because it’s hero, Willy Loman, is a tragic figure that faces a superior source, being the American dream and the struggle for success. Loman also excites pity in the reader because of his defeat and his inability

  • Death Of A Salesman

    711 Words  | 2 Pages

    Double-Journal Death of a Salesman Act I- The scene in the bedroom in which Happy and Biff are talking From the perspective of Biff in this scene I can see him attempting to readjust to the situation of living at home. Nothing had changed, but it has. It is his father. There is something in the past that Biff reminisces of with his brother. In the background, he hears his father’s incessant rambling and it seems to frustrate him. He seems to highly respect his mother and somehow see his

  • Death of a salesman

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Instability Lead Life to Its End The character Willy Loman from the play Death of a Salesman has been read throughout the years with distinct interpretations. Many people have given different reasons to what led to Willy’s tragic fate. One interpretation I took was that Willy’s instability in his life led to his death. Some point that led in to my interpretation were his early family life, his relationship with Biff, and his job. Willy’s early family life was a difficult one with its many inconsistencies

  • death of a salesman

    784 Words  | 2 Pages

    seconds, although he attempted many times, your father dies. He gave up. All the fights, all the disrespect, and all the struggles are behind you. However, all the hope, all the passion, and all the love is still there. In Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, the main conflict is between Willy Lowman and his son Biff. Most of their struggles are based on disrespect; however, much of the tension throughout the play is also caused by the act of giving up. Disrespectfulness is the cause of personal tension

  • Death Of A Salesman: Symbols

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    Death of a Salesman: Symbols Many symbols are incorporated into the play "Death of a Sales man" and they in turn relate to both character and theme. The hose, tape recorder and the seeds are some of these symbols. The hose in Miller's drama directly relates to the theme of d eath. The hose is a line attached to the gas main in Willy's house which allows him to snif f the gas. This action can be seen as Willy's suicide wish, and escape from the realities of life. As seen in the loss of his job and

  • Isolation In Death Of A Salesman

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    Impact of Isolation in Death of a Salesman                                                       Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman is the story of a man, Willy Loman, gone deaf to the outside world. Though many try to help

  • Death of a Salesman

    1674 Words  | 4 Pages

    Death of a salesman The Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller is a controversial play of a typical American family and their desire to live the American dream “Rather than a tragedy or failure as the play is often described. Death of a Salesman dramatizes a failure of [that] dream” (Cohn 51). The story is told through the delusional eyes and mind of Willy Loman, a traveling salesman of 34 years, whose fantasy world of lies eventually causes him to suffer an emotional breakdown. Willy’s wife, Linda

  • Death of a Salesman

    857 Words  | 2 Pages

    Death of a Salesman “The American dream is, in part, responsible for a great deal of crime and violence because people feel that the country owes them not only a living but a good living.” Said David Abrahansen. This is true and appropriate in the case of Willy Loman, and his son Biff Loman. Both are eager to obtain their American dream, even though both have completely different views of what that dream should be. The play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller shows the typical lives of typical

  • Death of a Salesman

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    which one could document was the embittered battle between society and the individuals which it was supposed to protect and nourish. Contrasting forms of this topic are well evidenced through his works, especially the plays All My Sons and Death of a Salesman. Both of these plays archive a day or so in the lives of the Keller and Loman families’ respectively. While the climax of both these plays lies in the present, invariably most of the major action takes place in the past. Events are revealed throughout

  • A Comparison of Death Of A Salesman and Hamlet

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Comparison of Death Of A Salesman and Hamlet Willy Loman and Hamlet, two characters so alike, though different.  Both are perfect examples of tragedy in literature, though for separate reasons and by distinct methods.  The definition of a tragedy, in a nutshell, states that for a character to be considered tragic, he/she must be of high moral estate, fall to a level of catastrophe, induce sympathy and horror in the audience, and usually die, and in doing so, re-establish order in the

  • Analysis Of Salesman In Death Of A Salesman

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the play Death of a Salesman the author, Arthur Miller illustrates the struggle of most American husbands from the nineteen forty-nines. Amidst all that is happening around the world with the Great Depression in the nineteen thirties the character of Willy Loman strives to support and maintain his wife and their home by paying their mortgage for more than twenty years. Though Miller does not specify what is it that Willy sells we can assume Miller implies that we should connect to this play no

  • Inner Conflict in Death of a Salesman

    1435 Words  | 3 Pages

    Inner Conflict in Death of a Salesman The main conflict in Death of a Salesman deals with the confusion and frustration of Willy Lowman. These feelings are caused by his inability to face the realities of modern society. Willy's most prominent delusion is that success is dependant upon popularity and having personal attractiveness. Willy builds his entire life around this idea and teaches it to his children. When Willy was young, he had met a man named Dave Singleman who was so well-liked

  • Death of A Salesman as a Modern Tragedy

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    Death of A Salesman as a Modern Tragedy It has been stated that the audience needs to have mixed feelings about the destruction of a human being for a play to be a tragedy. To establish Death of A Salesman as a tragedy, we must demonstrate that not only does the audience feel sadness due to Willy’s demise, but also they feel that justice has been exacted on Willy for his behavior. As this is the case I will first examine the reasons why the audience feels sadness for Willy, and then go on to

  • Comparing Death Of A Salesman and Hamlet

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    Death Of A Salesman Vs. Hamlet Willy Loman and Hamlet, two characters so alike, though different. Both are perfect examples of tragedy in literature, though for separate reasons and by distinct methods.  The definition of a tragedy, in a nutshell, states that for a character to be considered tragic, he/she must be of high moral estate, fall to a level of catastrophe, induce sympathy and horror in the audience, and usually die, and in doing so, re-establish order in the society.  Hamlet

  • The Power of Love in Death of a Salesman

    1513 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Power of Love in Death of a Salesman Love is one of the most confusing emotions that one can experience. It is simple yet complicated, unconditional but demanding, overused and unique. It is hard to explain what its means to feel love, to feel loved, or to be in love, however, there are aspects of love that are easily expressed. For example, ones unquestionable affection to the one they love, or the hardships and sacrifice that is endured for loved ones, and the underlying fact that

  • Analysis Of The Ending Of "death Of A Salesman"

    1238 Words  | 3 Pages

    Analysis of the Ending of "Death of a Salesman" The play "Death of a Salesman" shows the final demise of Willy Loman, a sixty- year-old salesman in the America of the 1940's, who has deluded himself all his life about being a big success in the business world. It also portrays his wife Linda, who "plays along" nicely with his lies and tells him what he wants to hear, out of compassion. The book describes the last day of his life, but there are frequent "flashbacks" in which Willy relives key events

  • Death of Salesman

    1016 Words  | 3 Pages

    Willy’s Idea of Success is Misguided Willy Loman, the main character in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, is idealistic, stubborn and has a false sense of importance. He exhibits skewed perceptions of society that have a negative impact on him and his family. Willy believes that his philosophy of life is one that will guarantee himself and his family a life of wealth and success. Willy cannot achieve this success because his perceptions and methods to obtain it are wrong. Willy thinks that a

  • Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller

    1129 Words  | 3 Pages

    an important theme for various literary genres (King Lear, Shakespeare; Fathers and Sons, Turgenev). For many famous writers the significance of fathers’ influence on their children forms a subject of particular interest. . In the play, Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller shows in a very striking manner that the father's influence can be either positive or fatal. The dispiriting story of the three generations of the Lomans family contrasts with the happy account of the life of their neighbors, Charley


    1410 Words  | 3 Pages

    Death of a Salesman In Death of a Salesman, a play written by Arthur Miller, Miller reflects the theme that every man needs to be honest with him self and act in accordance with his nature by displaying success and failure in different lights. Miller embodies the theme through characters in the play by explaining how their success and failures in being true to themselves help shapes their fates. Strongest evidence of Miller’s theme is reflected in the characteristics of Biff Loman, Benard, and Willy

  • Death Of A Salesman

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Tragedy and the Common Man”: A Study of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman The Pulitzer Prize winning play of Arthur Miller Death of a Salesman captures the final days in the life of a lower-middle class salesman Willy Loman, who has forced to face the terrible fact that sixty years of his life have been a failure. Miller has looked into the hearts of some ordinary Americans bewitched by the American Dream. An old man who struggles to keep pace with the expectations of the capitalistic world later