Rican migration Essays

  • Puerto Rican Migration to the United States

    1525 Words  | 4 Pages

    Puerto Rican Migration to the United States Unlike Mexicans, Puerto Ricans did not have a vast amount of land. However, the whites in America effected both people. Mexicans would lose their land in the southwest to the Anglos. The Treaty of Guadeloupe would create a harsh environment for the Mexicans where they were not equal citizens. Whites would come into the southwest and take the land that previously belonged to the Mexicans. For Puerto Rico, as in the Mexican struggle, a treaty began a

  • The Reasons Behind Puerto Rican Migration to America

    2564 Words  | 6 Pages

    Reasons Behind Puerto Rican Migration to America As a Puerto Rican who was born and raised in Hartford, I did not think much about how or why my parents are here in the United States. It was after reading the articles in Hist 247 Reader: Latinos in the USA that I began to question the reasons and conditions of my grandparent's migration. Many think that Puerto Ricans began to migrate to the United States after 1898 when the United States took over Puerto Rico but Puerto Ricans have been migrating

  • The History of Puerto Ricans' Migration to the United States

    1543 Words  | 4 Pages

    Puerto Ricans' Migration to the United States Immigration to the United States has been occurring for centuries now. For years people from all different parts of the globe have dreamed of living in the United States, which is known to many foreigners as the land of opportunity. There are so many ethnic groups that exist in the United States that it has become known as the melting pot of the world. The Puerto Rican's migration to the United States was not an easy process. The Puerto Ricans faced

  • The Different Experience of Puerto Ricans' Migration to the United States

    1840 Words  | 4 Pages

    Different Experience of Puerto Ricans' Migration to the United States Some people are inclined to view the Puerto Rican experience as a historical repetition of earlier migrations to the United States. However, the migration experience of Puerto Ricans to the United States is more complex, as well as one of a kind. Similarities do exist between the migration of Puerto Ricans and that of other groups, however, no other ethnic group has shared the tribulations of the Puerto Rican population. Their experience

  • Political and Migration Issues Affecting Puerto Ricans in the United States

    2014 Words  | 5 Pages

    Political and Migration Issues Affecting Puerto Ricans in the United States Puerto Ricans have a very distinct and complicated history. Their history is unlike any other immigrants who migrated at the United States at any time. Their island became a focus of the United States in 1898, when they won the island as booty in the Spanish-American war. Puerto Ricans residing in the United States have always had the dilemma of having to straddle both the American and Puerto Rican cultures and Spanish

  • Puerto Ricans Immigrating to America

    2053 Words  | 5 Pages

    Puerto Ricans Immigrating to America The migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States occurred in two major waves. The first wave was in the 1910s-1940s and the second wave was from the 1960s to the 1990s. Each wave of migrants brought new generations of Puerto Ricans to the United States. Both waves of migrants believed that they were going to live a better life in America and migrated to major cities such as New York City, Chicago, Hartford, etc. The early migrants looked for industrial jobs

  • The United States Effect on Puerto Rican Music

    1506 Words  | 4 Pages

    Puerto Rican Music The United States played an important role in the evolution of Puerto Rican culture, more specifically music. While Puerto Rican culture remains distinct from that of American culture, its historical progression is forever tied with that of the United States. This is evident in the evolution of Puerto Rican music. It is also evident in the experience of Puerto Rican musicians both on the island and in the Diaspora. U.S rule was in part responsible for Puerto Rican migration both

  • Puerto Rican Experience in Hartford

    2473 Words  | 5 Pages

    Puerto Rican Experience in Hartford Hartford is the home to the highest percentage (27%) of Puerto Ricans in the country (Cruz, 5). Nonetheless, Puerto Ricans still face myriad challenges with respect to the integration and acceptance of their culture in Hartford. Although the PR community is only two generations old, Puerto Ricans have managed to both organize and mobilize in this relatively short time (Cruz, 2). Puerto Ricans have focused closely on their ethnic identity because they viewed

  • Influence of the Spanish on Puerto Rican Society

    1260 Words  | 3 Pages

    Influence of the Spanish on Puerto Rican Society In the histories of Colonial Latin America there is one common aspect and that is the importation of slaves as a labor force. The resulting consequences for the territory are vital if we are to understand the development of the society. In Puerto Rico these consequences deal mainly with African influence on the peasantry, the corrective measures taken thereafter to negate the African influence, and the results of these corrective measures. The

  • The Language Barrier for Puerto Ricans

    946 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Language Barrier for Puerto Ricans "Pollito, Chicken Gallina, Hen Lapiz, Pencil y Pluma, Pen. Ventana, Window Puerta, Door Maestra, Teacher y Piso, Floor I sing in English, I sing in Spanish, so all my friends can understand." The issue of language is central to the Puerto Rican experience in the United States. Living in a land where the dominant language is English, this Spanish speaking population is involved in a historical struggle to overcome the language barrier. Among other

  • The Identity of a Puerto Rican

    3171 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Identity of a Puerto Rican Sidney W. Mintz describes the Caribbean as "a scattering of some fifty inhabited units spanning nearly 2, 500 miles of sea between Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and the north coast of South America, constitute the oldest colonial sphere of Western European overseas expansion... these territories were dominated and navigated and explored, their aborigines had been thrust into the consciousness of European monarchs, philosophers, and scientists" (17). The islands in the

  • The Language Barrier Standing in the Way of Puerto Rican Immigrants

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    Barrier Standing in the Way of Puerto Rican Immigrants The United States of America is regarded to many foreigners as the "land of opportunity". To many Puerto Ricans that still live on the island they view the mainland as just that. While other Puerto Ricans can't wait to return to their homeland. Many Puerto Ricans came to the United States because they believed they would not only find better jobs but a better education than on the island. Puerto Ricans first started migrating to the United

  • The Racial Struggles of Puerto Ricans

    1729 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Racial Struggles of Puerto Ricans Another large component of Puerto Ricanness is Race. All of the different cultures that have throughout history combined to form Puerto Rico effect their nationality, history, lifestyles, traditions, music, and foods. The "discovery" or infiltration of the island of Borinquen (or Puerto Rico as it was later renamed) in 1493 by Spain resulted in the decimation of the native Taino population. With the loss of an immediate source of cheap labor to work the

  • Puerto Rican Identity and Spanish Colonial Rule

    1399 Words  | 3 Pages

    Puerto Rican Identity and Spanish Colonial Rule The debate on Puerto Rican Identity is a hot bed of controversy, especially in today’s society where American colonialism dominates most of the island’s governmental and economic policies. The country wrestles with the strong influence of its present day colonizers, while it adamantly tries to retain aspects of the legacy of Spanish colonialism. Despite America’s presence, Puerto Ricans maintain what is arguably their own cultural identity which

  • Puerto Rican Music in the United States

    1712 Words  | 4 Pages

    Puerto Rican Music in the United States Music has always been a pervasive symbol of identity. It is a mode of expression that crosses gender, ethnicity and age. One need not understand the lyrics to identify with a musical genre; identification can be found through rhythm, tone of music, as well as other techniques in the music, unrelated to words. For example, most operas are in Italian and obviously everyone that attends an opera, does not speak or understand Italian. However, the audience is

  • The Young Lords of New York

    4017 Words  | 9 Pages

    The Young Lords of New York On 7 June 1969, hundreds of Puerto Ricans gathered in Spanish Harlem, New York City to protest the arrest of Juan" Fi" Ortiz for a series of falsified crimes.[2] As a crowd gathered outside the People's Church in El Barrio, Felipe Luciano addressed those assembled asserting that, " We will not allow the brutalization of our community to go on without a response. For every Puerto Rican that is brutalized, there will be retaliation."[3]Luciano's statements were not

  • The Identity of a Black Puerto Rican

    1296 Words  | 3 Pages

    Black Puerto Rican When the United States invaded and took over Puerto Rico in 1898, race relations acquired yet another facet. "At the beginning of the century, President McKinley carried out military interventions in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines with U.S. corporate interests in mind (Schirmer)" Like Spain, the United States also intended to use Puerto Rico to its own advantage. In his project, David Bernstein states, "The United States used its power to restrict Puerto Rican trade, from

  • Puerto Rican Music and Its Significance

    1585 Words  | 4 Pages

    Puerto Rican Music and Its Significance Spanish music didn’t mean a thing to me growing up, nor did Puerto Rican musicians. I remember listening to Spanish music and not understanding a word that the artists would sing about, but I do remember dancing on my father’s feet to the beat. Though I was a little off beat and stumbling over my feet, I had a great time trying to move. We generally listened to various artists on special occasions, in the car while sight seeing the suburbs and after church

  • Race, Urban Poverty, and Public Policy

    2428 Words  | 5 Pages

    reviewed here is the dynamics of migration. In When Work Disappears, immigrants provide comparative data with which to highlight the problems of ghetto poverty affecting blacks. In No Shame in My Game, Puerto Rican and Dominican immigrants are part of the changing demographics in Harlem. In Canarsie, the possible migration of blacks into a working/middle-class neighborhood prompts conservative backlash from a traditionally liberal community. In Streetwise, the migration of yuppies as a result of gentrification

  • Early American Rule of Puerto Rico

    1255 Words  | 3 Pages

    The general intentions and plans for the island, however, backfired in that the actual goals and feelings of the people were never taken into account. Upon the arrival of the Americans, Puerto Ricans, for the most part, rejoiced in hopes of new liberties not found under Spanish colonial rule. Puerto Ricans expected “under American sovereignty that the wrongs of centuries” would “be righted.” (Trias-Monge 36) The United States would surely extend its democratic policies to Puerto Rico, as it should