Republicanism Essays

  • Art and Republicanism

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    Art and Republicanism ABSTRACT: Republicanism is contrasted with liberalism with special reference to the notions of presence, absence and representation. The contrast is more conspicuous in the Platonic tradition of republicanism than it is in the Aristotelian tradition, the former being more likely to degenerate into some form of totalitarianism. Examples thereof are given in accordance with the distinction between a strong and a soft iconoclasm, as it is found both in Antiquity and in Eastern

  • The Pros And Cons Of Republicanism

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    Republicanism is different from other forms of democracy as it defines itself based on the fact people have fundamental rights that cannot be taken away by a majority of voters. The founding of republicanism in America seemed to be the true beginning of who we are and what we have become today. When settlers decided to come to America instead of staying in Britain it was based on the idea that America was a blank slate. They could make it whatever they wanted it to be. Base it on whatever beliefs

  • Ancient Civilizations

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    strongest central governments, but only lasted fourteen years. The most peaceful time was when the Han Dynasty ruled. Another ancient civilization was the Romans. They started out as a monarchy government by having one ruler. Eventually an idea of republicanism overthrew the monarchy. The Romans thought that this would keep any one person from gaining too much power. The most powerful governing body was the senate. The senators elected two consuls each year. The consul’s jobs were to supervise the

  • China In The 20th Century

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    Overview China in the 20th century has been going through enormous changes. From colonialism and imperialism to republicanism, from communism to capitalism, and from underdevelopment to a country maintaining over 10% economic growth for over ten years. In this research paper, I will focus on the transition of China from a Communist command economy to a type of market economy as well as the economic fluctuations throughout this period. In 1949 Oct 1, the People’s Republic of China was

  • Machiavelli's Reputation in the Modern World

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    government, Machiavelli wrote The Prince, a manual of sorts that explained how a monarch should rule his state and why. While Machiavelli had been a strong proponent of republican ideals in the past, in The Prince, his ideas are far from adhering to republicanism. The book seems to promote the ideal monarch as a cold, heartless person whose only goal in life should be to retain power, regardless of who or what he destroys. This includes killing enemies of the state, personal enemies of the Prince, and

  • Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall Analysis

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Taking a different approach than Landes and Scott, Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall examines male support of women’s inclusion in the public sphere. Although certain historians would disagree with her, she argues that certain Jacobins, including Robespierre, were in fact Old Regime feminists, and that their revolutionary arguments for women’s inferior status did not stem from the general atmosphere of chauvinism during the Old Regime, but represented a conservative retreat from their previous position

  • Audrey Hofstadter Summary: The Founding Fathers: The Age of Realism

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    privileged classes were fearful of granting man his due rights, as the belief that 'man was an unregenerate rebel who has to be controlled' reverberated. However, the Fathers were indeed ?intellectual heirs? of the seventeenth-century England republicanism with its opposition to arbitrary rule and faith in popular sovereignty. Thus, the paradoxical fears of the advance in democracy, and of a return to the extreme right emerged. The awareness that both military dictatorship and a return to monarchy

  • Jefferson And Madison And Federalism

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    being President of the United States. However, Jefferson and Madison each picked somewhere to stand their ground and keep some of their Republican views. Jefferson didn't out right abandon Republican views. Jefferson's mission was to restore republicanism, to check the growth of government power, and to stop the decline of virute that had set in during Federalist rule. In his inaugural address he stated, "The will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable;

  • Political Liberalism

    1117 Words  | 3 Pages

    Liberalism Norman Davies describes liberalism as "being developed along two parallel tracks, the political and the economic. Political liberalism focused on the essential concept of government by consent. In its most thoroughgoing form it embraced republicanism, though most liberals favored a popular, limited, and fair-minded monarch as a factor encouraging stability." (A History of Europe, p.802) At the core of liberalism was the idea of freedom of thought and expression. People were now not only able

  • Race and Intelligence - Investigating the Low IQ of Racists

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    backgrounds of racists. Some interesting generalities can be extracted from these studies, including the fact that racists tend to be conservatives, conformists, Republicans, and hypochondriacs. The high incidence of conservatism, conformism, and Republicanism are all related phenomena. That is, one would expect a conformist to be a conservative, and a conservative to be a Republican, and a Republican to be a conformist, etc. But, why would they tend to be hypochondriacs? Perhaps they blame their body

  • Machiavelli and the Roman Empire

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    Machiavelli argued, as Hegel would later, that one must look to history and the accounts of previous nations' events in order to "sense...that flavor that they have in themselves" in common with those from the past (Discourses 6). This seems to follow the adage that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, yet for Machiavelli he seems more concerned with actually emulating history in order to repeat success than looking out for particular things to avoid. For this reason, he

  • The Differences Between Thomas Paine And Edmund Burke And The French Revolution

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    The differences between Thomas Paine and Edmund Burke’s assertions on politics revolve around the two men’s views on the necessity of the French Revolution. Apparently, the social and political upheaval that shook France in the ten years questioned the absolute monarchial rule of the French, and in turn, sought to destroy the social hierarchies defined by the aristocrats. In other words, power was subject to the lineage in which an individual is born and for that reason, social infrastructures remained

  • The Importance Of Independence In Thomas Paine's Common Sense

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    Common Sense Essay Thomas Paine’s Common Sense an extremely influential piece of American history that helped shaped the future of our country. It gave many reasons of why the colonies should break away from Britain and declare independence. After being published, it sold well over 100,000 copies in the first few months. Paine was able to make all the reasons of why the colonies should break away from Britain available to many people and was able to convince them that these reasons were strong and

  • Republicanism Apush

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    Republicanism- The uprising of the second awakening made American to see the Roman Catholic Church restricting its people. The Republicanism, as they said, was “freedom”, while Romanism is “slavery”. Know Nothing Party- An American party that tends use political influence to undercut immigrants voting rights and keeping

  • The Causes And Consequences Of The French Revolution

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    French Revolution, a major movement in the history of France is a subject of controversy for the historians because of the fact it took a different path than which it had started on. French revolution which began in 1789 was to establish a constitutional monarchy and end the inequality that was present in the contemporary France. But it however seemed to be derailed from that path and emerged as a radical movement that resulted in the dictatorship and brought an unexpected situation of terror and

  • Colonial TImes and Independence in Common Sense by Thomas Paine

    519 Words  | 2 Pages

    Common Sense written by Thomas Paine in 1776 was originally a pamphlet that argues America’s independence about reflections about the government, and religion. He also speaks of the colonial people situation. Paine wanted a new beginning where everyone had equal social rights and freedom. Paine starts off expressing the difference between society and the government. Paine says “Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state

  • Pros And Cons Of Republicanism

    1044 Words  | 3 Pages

    the seven, republicanism is the most vital and essential principle. This is established through its ability to prevent tyranny of the majority, reflect the changing values of the masses through representatives, and perhaps most significantly, the ideology that the government is based off of the consent of the people, and so can be dissolved if it is the wish of said people. It promotes the idea of popular sovereignty and the power of people over the government. The idea of republicanism prevents the

  • 18th Century Republicanism

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    What do you think about when you hear Republican? If the first thing that comes to your mind is Sarah Palin then you probably aren’t thinking about the Republicanism of the eighteenth century. The Republican Party today is much different than the Republicanism of the Founding Fathers. The “Republicans” of the eighteenth century weren’t concerned with social issues such as gay marriage and the war on drugs as modern day Republicans are. Instead, they were fighting for freedom from the British who

  • Liberalism And Republicanism Essay

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    posit that despite the harsh clashes between liberalism and republicanism, both elements play important roles in American politics, and their marriage has given birth to a unique America. I will begin by giving brief explanations about liberalism and republicanism, before showing how their dynamic interaction has given rise to American exceptionalism. It is also important to note that the slight emphasis on liberalism more than republicanism that is also evident in the US Constitution. While Locke’s


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    JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICANISM After the extreme partisanship of 1800, it was expected by supporters and foes alike that the presidential administration of Thomas Jefferson would pioneer substantial and even radical changes. The federal government was now in the hands of a relentless man and a persistent party that planned to diminish its size and influence. But although he overturned the principal Federalist domestic and foreign policies, Thomas Jefferson generally pursued the course as a chief