The Causes And Consequences Of The French Revolution

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French Revolution, a major movement in the history of France is a subject of controversy for the historians because of the fact it took a different path than which it had started on. French revolution which began in 1789 was to establish a constitutional monarchy and end the inequality that was present in the contemporary France. But it however seemed to be derailed from that path and emerged as a radical movement that resulted in the dictatorship and brought an unexpected situation of terror and violence in the society. Here, in this essay we will discuss this transition and its possible reason and the consequences. If we look back into the revolutionary history of any nation or any great historical movement in the world we can see that revolution always results as the injustice, social disorder, weak government, lack of proper law and people’s capacity to tolerate such flaws comes to …show more content…

Likewise, French Revolution is no exception. Its birth is the result of the poor monarchy, an unjust society and the inequality that had made the lives of majority of population miserable. French society which was divided in different classes such as the first estates that was comprised of the clergies of French Catholic Church; second estate that constituted the nobles, high power government officials, and the aristocrats; third estate which was the remaining groups such as bourgeoisie and the

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