Rafael Trujillo Essays

  • The Dominican Republic By Rafael Trujillo

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    Rafael Trujillo was the infamous dictator of the Dominican Republic. He was often feared by some and loved by others. Trujillo often attracted followers by utilizing his sexual intrigue. He would take advantage of woman to boost his political power and to put his subjugates on a higher pedestal . Trujillo also changed the “common Dominican household”, with this being he aided in changing the gender relations between males and females. Trujillo also utilized the infamous trait that various men from

  • Rafael Trujillo: Dictator of the Dominican Republic

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    Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina is without a doubt one of the most known figures within the Dominican history. The “Era de Trujillo” (The Trujillo Era) occupied the Dominican Republic for the long period of thirty-one years. His dictatorship started in 1930 and ended with his assassination on May 30, 1961. Trujillo’s Career began with the occupation of the United States in 1916. During this time he was trained in a military school, and became part of the National Police, a military group made by

  • The Dominican Republic, and its owner, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo

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    The Dominican Republic, and its owner, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo All throughout the 20th century we can observe the marked presence of totalitarian regimes and governments in Latin America. Countries like Cuba, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic all suffered under the merciless rule of dictators and military leaders. Yet the latter country, the Dominican Republic, experienced a unique variation of these popular dictatorships, one that in the eyes of the world of those

  • Rafael Trujullo: A Successful Leader Of Rafael Trujillo

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    elected a new president by the name of Rafael Trujillo. Rafael Trujillo was a ruthless and selfish dictator even before he won the election. To win the election, he used his connections to kill supporters of the opposing candidates. Rafael Trujillo used his powers to oppress and murder masses of people (2 ”Rafael Trujillo”). Even though he was initially seen as a beneficial leader, Rafael Trujillo was proven to be an evil dictator. In the beginning, Rafael Trujillo was a fruitful and beneficial leader

  • Julia Alvarez Liberty Analysis

    853 Words  | 2 Pages

    Julia Alvarez in the short story, Liberty, depicts that a little girl whose family killed the Dictator of the Dominican Republic his name was Rafael Trujillo's. Alvarez doesn't really ever denied this story's truth and she doesn’t really say it's true. The author's point of this video is to show the audience about the things some people will do to get into the United States of America. The author speaks in an informative tone for the audience to hear her and understands what she is saying. This story

  • Mirabal Sisters: Heroines of the Dominican Republic

    845 Words  | 2 Pages

    four Mirabal sisters were civil rights activists in the Dominican Republic. Three of them were assassinated on orders from dictator Rafael Trujillo, and they quickly became heroes in the fight against his strict and oppressive regime. The Mirabal sisters, Minerva, Maria, Patria and Dedé, all lived in the Dominican Republic in the 1950s, during the Rafael Trujillo dictatorship. The oldest Mirabal sister was Patria Mercedes Mirabal Reyes.​ Patria loved painting and art and at the age of fourteen

  • Rafael Trujillo's In The Time Of The Butterflies

    695 Words  | 2 Pages

    grandmother was Jewish. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini did it by become the leader he was by murdering all other candidates for his job. Trujillo is just like these famous dictators, just like Minerva compares him to them during the book In the Time Of the Butterflies. Just like those dictators, he had his method of making himself look good by manipulating history. Rafael Trujillo’s power influenced a lot of groups during the time of his rule . The groups that got most affected by Trujillo's regime where

  • Bravery of the Butterfly Sisters: Resistance Against Tyranny

    1081 Words  | 3 Pages

    against El Rafael Trujillo were Patria, Minerva, and María named ”The Butterfly Sisters”, they lived in the Dominican Republic in a town called Salcedo “Ciabo”. While People thought they could be ignorant, The Butterfly sister’s were responsible for being brave and taking a stand for their country because they Inspired people to do what they believe and what they think is right. They didn't mind giving up their lives for the people around them, and they helped to show people how bad El Trujillo really

  • Examples Of Sacrifice In Othello

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    family members. As the plot of the story develops through the perspectives of the Mirabal sisters; Dedé, Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa, it becomes evident that the girls, along with their families, are struggling with the harsh rule of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. In response to the conflict, the sisters establish hatred towards their ruler and decide to join an underground revolution which fights against his severe regime. The girls recruit most of their family except Dedé and her husband who stay

  • Essay On Merengue Tipico

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    Trujillo followed a similar route in which he adopted the music of the merengue cibaeño as the national music. Merengue was not performed in ballrooms outside of el cibao, it was shunned in high society dances and ballrooms until Trujillo made it the national music, “In 1936, Trujillo made an official declaration making the Cibao merengue the official music and dance genre of the Dominican Republic” (Ryan). He hired a band, renamed it la Orquesta de Presidensia Trujillo and made it his

  • The Mirabal Sisters

    888 Words  | 2 Pages

    butterflies, fought against the regime of the cruel dictator Rafael Trujillo. They were murdered on November 25, 1960, for their activism and work in the anti-Trujillo movement known as the Fourteenth of June. Their sacrifice is still recognized today, 57 years later, and has had a lasting impact on human rights activism throughout the world. Their brutal assassination led to a regime change and eventual assassination of President Trujillo, recognition of the power resistant movements hold and world-wide

  • Theme of Sacrifice in Julia Alvarez's In Liberty and Exile

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    Sacrificing is the act of giving up, destroying, permitting injury to, or forgoing something valued for the sake of something having a more pressing claim. In Liberty and Exile by Julia Alvarez a lot of people have to take certain responsibilities which can involve sacrificing. Liberty is freedom from external or foreign rule. or independence. The author, Julia Alvarez, has been in simular situations to those in Liberty and Exile. " I think of myself at 10 years old, newly arrived in this country

  • Examples Of Masculinity In Hipolito Mejia

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    Political leaders like Rafael Leonidas Trujillo and Hipolito Mejia are enforcers of such societal norms of masculinity. Many people in the Dominican Republic looked up to them during their time in office. In order for society to possess these ideas of masculinity, there has to be someone who will reenforce it everyday. Trujillo ruled the Dominican Republic for 31 years, oppressing and doing as he pleased. The novel focuses on many aspects of his dictatorship and how it affected Beli. We can also

  • Role Of Dictatorship In Julia Alvarez's A Genetics Of Justice

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    Stalin, and Pol Pot are amongst the group of men who have tormented, traumatized, and scarred innocent citizen into living a censored life because of their dictatorship. However, for Julia Alvarez and her family their dictator’s name was Rafael Trujillo. Trujillo caused Julia, her family, and other Dominicans to live life in fear.Similar, to this dictator was Alvarez’s mother answer to all of Julia’s questions “No flies fly into a closed mouth.” which basically means to be silent. Coincidentally,

  • The Bravery of Minerva in In The Time of The Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

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    the bravery to go toe-to-toe with Trujillo, was quite willing to break the law, and wanted nothing more than to get involved with and involve others in the revolution. To begin with, Minerva Mirabal was certainly a brave and courageous individual.; and she made sure people knew it. But was this merely a mask to cover a cowardly personality? Though she had her flaws, it's almost admirable when you examine the number of times she crossed paths with Trujillo and came out on top. Or alive. That's

  • The Theme Of Difference In 'The Time Of The Butterflies'

    820 Words  | 2 Pages

    Butterflies, Minerva Mirabal is the main character because she is the first person to open up the eyes of her family members to the true injustice being committed in her society. This novel takes place in the Dominican Republic where a dictator named Rafael Trujillo controls everything and everyone. Growing up during this time Minerva has always had a restless and rebellious urge to fight for what she wants. In The Time Of The Butterflies, Minerva is the main character because she believes that her actions

  • Salcedo: The Dominican Women Of The Dominican Republic

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    Salcedo is one of the smallest provinces in all of its country. It is also the province that has been recently dedicated to the Mirabal sisters. Four Dominican women who fought for the freedom of the Dominican republic from the Dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. Patia Mercedes, born on February 27, 1924, was the eldest sister. Bélgica Adela Mirabal, the second sister, was born on February 29, 1925. Minerva Argentina, the third sister, was born on March 12, 1926. And lastly, Maria Teresa, the youngest

  • Trujillo Assassination In The Dominican Republic

    1907 Words  | 4 Pages

    Trujillo Assassination In the last era between the year 1943 to 1961 Trujillo ruled the Dominican Republic, many hated him and wanted him out of power or even some wished for his death. Many people along the way fought to overthrow the power Trujillo had over the Island. Many things led to Trujillo assassination, many people wanted him out of power because of how he was leading the country to discrimination, violence and misery. Trujillo assassination was well planned and was

  • The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao

    1850 Words  | 4 Pages

    Junot Diaz was raised in New Jersey but born in the Dominican Republic. In 2008 Junot Diaz won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for the best work of fiction written in English with “The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao”. Junot was the second Hispanic novelist in receiving this honor, after Oscar Hijuelos had achieved it in 1990 with the “Mambo Kings Play Songs of love”. Even though Diaz chose English as his medium of expression, he never aspired to create a failed Spanglish, but an English exceptionally

  • The Four Sisters Characters By Julia Alvarez

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    This book by Julia Alvarez takes place in the Dominican Republic during the time of Trujillo, the dictator of the country. The readers are introduced to a family of four sisters and their parents and are able to read about their experiences throughout their lives and how their oppressive government affected them. The four sisters names are Patria, Dede, Minerva, and Maria Teresa. As the reader progresses into the book, these names start to form characters and personalities that, quite frankly, are