Punch line Essays

  • How to Kill a Joke

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    There’s a joke I love, but finding the right audience for it is almost impossible. When I first heard it, I laughed heartily while glaring at the teller. Sure, it was funny to me, but the teller defied social convention in saying it. Ever since hearing this joke, I’ve only managed a successful retelling once or twice, but each time was well worth the effort. The joke is this: Three pregnant women are in a doctor’s waiting room, knitting. The first mother checks her watch and takes a pill from her

  • The Guerrilla Girls Breaking Barriers With Punch Lines

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    This investigation will examine a few key works by the anonymous female artist group know in popular culture as the Guerrilla Girls. In this essay it will reveal several prominent themes within the groups works that uncover the racial and gender inequalities in politics, art and pop culture with the use of humor. These collaborating artists work and operate with a variety of mediums, their works display a strong message concerned with activism connected by humor allowing the Guerrilla Girls to communicate

  • Discovering Self: Reflections on Career Planning Course

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    I am truly blessed to have gotten the chance to take HD111 Career Planning with Pam Zuckerman. Going into the class I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and I thought the class was just going to focus on finding a career. Although, I still don’t know what I want to do with my life, this class helped me find myself and learn so much about myself. I am now able to narrow down possibilities in order to help find he perfect career. The class went far beyond my expectations and I have Pam to

  • The Difference Between Men and Women

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    controversial; in addition, psychological and cognitive differences are always divisive. Men are considered to be physically stronger than women. First, the physical duties of a household always seem to be a job for the man of the house. For example, in “Punch and Judy” by Dave Barry he mentions that “From the dawn of human civilization, the task of inflating the inflatable pool toy has always fallen to the male.” Second, for now, men are most of the army fighting force of any country. While in Israel

  • Reflection: My Experience For The First Year Of College

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    Reflection Paper At the beginning of the fall 2016 semester, I was struggling to find my classes. Now, as this semester comes to an end, I am able to look back and reflect on all of the different experiences I have collected within the last few months. Since the beginning of the first semester of college, I have learned time management skills, the values of family, and the limits of my emotional state. All throughout high school, I was the honors student who never studied, did her homework twenty

  • Family In The Outsiders

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    Class and family are always yours. They will not change. You are born into both, and stay in both. Family are the people that you go to for help, and the people you go to to make you laugh. The people in your class are your community and the people who you are friends with. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy has two families. He has his actual family; the descendants of his parents, but he has another family. He has his friends. What does it take for unrelated people to become your only family? There is

  • Evaluation of a Theatrical Production of Too Much Punch For Judy

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    Evaluation of a Theatrical Production of Too Much Punch For Judy 'Too Much Punch for Judy' is a true story about a teenage girl, Judy, who kills her sister in a drink-drive incident, which occurs on the way home from a typical night out. This play is performed using the words spoken of those involved or closely affected; the play illustrates the far-reaching effects of the fatality on family, witnesses and the emergency services. I thought the performance was very thought provoking as

  • Beach Descriptive Essay

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    Millions of visitors encounter warm sandy beaches every year. Locations such as these attract people from all walks of life. Vacationers come prepared to entertain themselves whether it be laying on the beach or walking on the pier. Many other activities are provided by vendors for beachgoers to enjoy. The chaotic beach image is drastically crowded with people, but they are relaxing, creating a great family atmosphere. This creative image expands upon a chaotic environment in which tourists are enjoying

  • Theme Of Gone Girl

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    dolls, the dolls were a way for Amy to make Nick realize just how much control she has over him. In the Punch and Judy story, Punch kills his child, murders his wife Judy when she discovers the crime, and then kills anyone else he encounters while avoiding the law. However in Amy’s interpretation, the reversal of roles is evident. Amy, who would be Judy, is getting away with murder rather than Punch. This metaphor encapsulates the couple’s history and dynamic clearly. Nick has gotten away with many

  • Analysis of Mending Wall by Robert Frost

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    elaborates on this concept as he states another visual sentence, "He is all pine and I am apple orchard." This line depicts the differences between him and his neighbor. Robert Frost joins all his lines together in this narrative poem while still focusing on different ideas. He uses this style of poetry to develop the theme. Everything flows together yet stands apart line by line. Narratives are pleasingly unrestrained and their strive to tell stories are easeful. In "Mending Wall", Frost

  • Summary Of The Poem You Were You By Sandra Beasley

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    morning. However, when we do recall what we had dreamt, we seem to always be able to describe exactly what happened in great detail. In the poem “You Were You” by Sandra Beasley, the narrator is doing exactly that. As the reader goes through the poem line by line, a more detailed and complete picture of the narrator’s dream is created. We are told that the whole dream is taking place at a bar. This bar is a favorite of an important man in the narrator’s life. The man’s attire is acknowledged in addition

  • Aunt Jennifer's Tigers

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    At first glance, it appears to be a feminist piece whose sole purpose is to point out the ways in which a particular woman (Aunt Jennifer) is oppressed. However when a closer look is given, there is much more to this piece. When the poem is read line by line, much more meaning can be gleaned from it. “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers prance across a screen,” the screen would seem to be a tapestry of some kind on which Aunt Jennifer stitched tigers. “Bright topaz denizens,” the tiger Aunt Jennifer stitched are

  • On Line Recruiting

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    On-Line Recruiting On-line recruiting is the process of attracting and hiring applicants for positions within an organization through use of the internet. In this paper I will assess an on-line recruitment service, identify the advantages and disadvantages of this vehicle as a recruiting technique for an organization, evaluate the pros and cons of dealing with virtual resumes, and develop criteria an organization can use for selecting an on-line recruiting service. CareerBuilder.com is an

  • The Line Between Feudalism and Capitalism

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    The Line Between Feudalism and Capitalism We consider America to be a capitalist nation, but what exactly makes it capitalist? Webster’s dictionary defines capitalism as an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state owned wealth. Capitalism affects the people in it on a daily basis; it affects the

  • Edwin Morgan's Opening the Cage

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    the poet to create a fourteen line sonnet. At first glance, the poem may seem to be random and senseless, and this interpretation could hold true, for Cage was known especially for his chaotic and seemingly mindless music. One thing to keep in mind is that Cage desired to create meaning through musical methods that most people would believe to be meaningless. Edwin Morgan, the author, is similarly doing this by creating meaning through meaninglessness. Based on a line of 14 words, by simply taking

  • Hamlet: The Theme of Having A Clear Conscience

    733 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hamlet: The Theme of Having A Clear Conscience The most important line in Hamlet  is, "The play's the thing, wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king." (II, ii, 617).  In the play, the issue of a clear conscience forms a key motif.  When the conscience of the characters appears, it does so as a result of some action; as in the case of the aforementioned line, which follows Hamlet's conversation with the player.  This line is of particular significance because it ties action and its effect

  • frost

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    The Road Not Taken In line one, Frost introduces the elements of his primary metaphor, the diverging roads. Lines two to three expresses the speaker's disappointment with his human limitations; he must make a choice. The choice is not easy, since "long I stood" before coming to a decision. Lines four and five examine the path as best the narrator can. However his vision is limited because the path bends and is covered over. These lines indicate that although the speaker would like to acquire more

  • Ready for Takeoff

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    flight was delayed by three hours, thus destroying my great mood. As I make my way through security I watch everyone take their belongings off and place them into a rectangular plastic bin, which goes through a scanner. As I am near the front of the line the OCD side of me is freaking; everyone has to take off their shoes, and I have to walk on that floor afterwards. Then, I reevaluate and tell myself that it is only my feet. Finally, I couldn’t help but notice some people getting full body pat downs

  • Parataxis Of Homer

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    parataxis, Homer can briefly tell and describe characters and events. Often, characters are identified by their relationships to others, a great deed they have accomplished, to hardships they have come across. In describing Odysseus in Book V, lines 97 to 115 of which lines 105 to 110 are paratactical, Hermes says “you have with you the man who is wretched beyond all the other men of all those who fought around the city of Priam for nine years, and in the tenth they sacked the city and set sail for home,

  • god v satan

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    bible like the story of Jesus (what most the bible is about) the cross he dies on is a great symbol just look at it, it have strong vertical and horizontal lines. These types of lines are carming, sturdy, reliable and if made big can be towering and thretning but because they cross in the middle it is also unsettling as your eyes follow the lines they relaxes and then the center that you came to focus on startles you. The cross is a will designed symbol. The Ten Commandments is another example of