Public figure Essays

  • Morality, Virtue and the Public Figure

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    Virtue and the Public Figure Introduction According to the dictionary Grand Robert, the term “public” means “what concerns people as a whole and what belongs to the social or political community and is done in its name”; a public figure is defined as “a person who is invested with an official function or plays an important role in the social or political life of his or her country”. In relation to these definitions, it is possible to identify different categories of public figures with more or less

  • Media Should Respect Privacy of Public Figures

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    The Media Should Respect Privacy of Public Figures How much privacy of the individual is protected under the United States Constitution? Every one is entitled to the right of privacy, but to what extent is that privacy granted? Public figures are constantly being harassed and photographed by the media. Some photographers and reporters will go to any means, even illegal actions, to get a picture or story. However, public figures are human beings like everyone else, and the media should give them

  • Mourning Public Figures

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    the conventional ways to mourn. However, in today’s day in age this solemn act of mourning has become grossly exploited when it comes to mourning of public figures. In Diana Taylor’s essay, “False Identifications” she goes into in depth analysis on precisely this and what that, in turn, says about society overall. This essay will compare the public acts of mourning of Princess Diana and Farrah Fawcett; in addition to contrasting the different roles the media has played between the twelve-year difference

  • Politics and Love in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra

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    the entire play, and give the love story its heightened sense of importance and tragedy. The relationship between Antony and Cleopatra would not have attained its renown and immortality had they not had been extremely powerful and public figures. The conflict between public duty and personal desire is the underlying theme of the play, and how the characters respond to this conflict is what imbues the play with suspense and interest. This conflict is most clearly seen in Antony who is caught between

  • Defences of Defamation

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    comment The fair comment defence is sometimes known as the critics defence as its' designed to protect the rights of the press to state valid opinions on matters of public interest such as governmental activity, political debate, public figures and general affairs. And secondly it defends comments on works of art in the public eye such as theatre productions, music and literature.

  • Comparing Existentialism in The Trial and Nausea

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    and that the universe is absurd, with an emphasis on the phenomena of anxiety and alienation." As Existentialism was coming to the foreground of the philosophical world during the 1940's, a group of Existentialist philosophers became well-known public figures in America. Their philosophies were commonly discussed in magazines, and their concepts of man's ultimate freedom of choice were quite intriguing to readers. Two philosophers who embodied this set of beliefs were Jean-Paul Sartre and Franz Kafka

  • Should There Be A Law Against Paparazzi?

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    photographers (paparazzi) from pursuing persons who do not want to be photograph? I believe there’s a symbolic relationship that exists between celebrities and photographer; they need each other to create the aura that feeds them both. And the general public needs that aura to feed its dream and fantasies. Without the paparazzi and the tabloids that sell better than an item greatly reduced in its sale price, the famous wouldn’t be famous. The glitter would fade away into gray mist like a fog. The famous

  • James Joyce's Araby - Character, Structure and Style in Araby

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    period. The schools, streets, businesses, hotels, and public figures generally appear under their real names and it accounts to the realistic style of the story. In the opening of the story, James Joyce carefully described the protagonist’s neighborhood and surroundings in three paragraphs. As he used real names like’ North Richmond street’ and “ Christian brothers’ School “, thus by reading the first paragraph, readers are able to figure out a map of the community in which the protagonist lived

  • The Origins of Greek Theatre

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    Dionysos but soon enough its fields of interest spread to various myths along with historic facts. As ancient drama was an institution of Democracy, the great tragic poets Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides as well as the comedian Aristophanes elevated public debate and political criticism to a level of aesthetic achievement. Euripides and the ethologist Menandros, in the thriving years of Alexandria and later on during the Roman domination, reached a beau ideal level and through the Romans managed to

  • Oprah

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    has entertained, enlightened and uplifted millions of viewers for the past two decades. Her accomplishments as a television pioneer, producer, publisher, educator and philanthropist have established her as one of the most respected and admired public figures today. Television Pioneer Magazine Founder & Editorial Director Producer/Actress Online Leader Philanthropist Television Programming Creator Cable Network Co-Founder Honorary Achievements TELEVISION PIONEER Oprah began her broadcasting career

  • Ethical And Legal Aspects On Organ Transplantation

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    Ethical And Legal Aspects On Organ Transplantation Recent reports of public figures receiving life-saving transplants have brought renewed attention to the scarcity of organs and the importance of organ transplants. Although more transplants are being performed in the United States each year the transplant waiting list continues to grow. It has been considered that the decrease in organ donors is due to the unsuccessful measures taken by health care professionals. This is a limited view of the

  • John Milton's Struggle With Society

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    John Milton's Struggle With Society John Milton, unlike so many other authors and public figures during the English Civil War, is remarkably easy to place within a historical context. As a vocal supporter of the Commonwealth, Milton left a great deal of information and writings behind to explain precisely how he fit into 17th century England. As Secretary for Foreign Tongues, or Latin Secretary, he worked closely with many of the foremost members of the anti-monarchial regime, such as Oliver

  • Free Essays - Animal Farm

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    Soviet Union and the United States.  In the end, America would prove that capitalism and democracy could outlive a system of government-mandated equality. As Orwell’s presentation within in the book, many animals were used to symbolize different public figures in that time frame. Each animal had an outstanding role through out this book from the pigs to the pigeons each with their own mischief characters. Mr. Jones: Mr. Jones is Orwell’s chief villain in Animal Farm. Of course Napoleon is also the major

  • Sex in Movies

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    that has one goal similar with all other industries, to make money. Compare the movie industry to other industries in todays society. Other forms of industry like the alcohol industry are allowed to operate without constant criticism from public figures. I understand that the alcohol industry runs on a strict set of guidelines and provides for reasonable age limits, but switch back to the movie industry. Most movies are mere ideas of their original versions after they are subjected to industry

  • Controversy: Politics, Public Figures and the National Anthem

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    Have you ever thought about how much politics are involved in our lives? Or have you ever thought about how much we look up to public figures? Public figures influence on our lives greatly, and they are now being told that they should not have the right protest standing during the national anthem because the national anthem represents the power and conquest of our country. I believe that not standing for the national anthem is disrespectful not only to our country, but to the men defending our country

  • The Cowboy Figure

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    The Cowboy Figure The figure of the cowboy is prominent, not only in America’s history, but also in contemporary society. The cowboy has always been regarded as the epitome of freedom, machismo and individuality, and his character maintains a certain romantic quality about it. Riding the range with his trusty horse, forging the frontier, and exposing himself to the mercy of the wilderness, the cowboy lives for himself alone and yet he lives the life about which the rest of society can only

  • Christ Figures in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    3253 Words  | 7 Pages

    Romeo and Juliet as Christ Figures Introduction and Modern Interpretations Modern audiences have been reintroduced to William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet largely through modern film reinterpretations of the play. Many of these films, most notably Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet and John Madden’s 1998 Shakespeare in Love, have focused on the tragic destiny of these "two star-crossed lovers". Seemingly, it is the destiny of Romeo and Juliet to commit suicide because they

  • Figures of speech in The Fall of the House of Usher

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    Figures of speech in The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allen Poe’s short story, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, sets a tone that is dark, gloomy, and threatening. His inclusion of highly descriptive words and various forms of figurative language enhance the story’s evil nature, giving the house and its inhabitants eerie and “supernatural” qualities. Poe’s effective use of personification, symbolism, foreshadowing, and doubling create a morbid tale leading to, and ultimately causing, the fall

  • Hucklebery Finn Literary Figures

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    The Adventures of Huck Finn CHARACTER: Character Name                Description               Quote Huckleberry Finn     A young outcast boy who is always forced to survive on his own due to lack of authority. He is quick-witted and able to make intelligent decisions, but is often influenced by his friend Tom. Jim     A black slave that belonged to Miss Watson but escaped after she threatened to sell him. Huck and him went off together on the river looking for the free states. The king & the duke     Fugitives

  • Biblical Figures and Ideals in Shakespeare's Richard II

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    Biblical Figures and Ideals in William Shakespeare's Richard II William Shakespeare's Richard II tells the story of one monarch's fall from the throne and the ascension of another, Henry Bullingbrook, later to become Henry IV. There is no battle fought between the factions, nor does the process take long. The play is not action-packed, nor does it keep readers in any form of suspense, but rather is comprised of a series of quietly dignified ruminations on the nature of majesty. Thus, the drama