Proportion Essays

  • Proportions Of Numbers And Magnitudes

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    Proportions of Numbers and Magnitudes In the Elements, Euclid devotes a book to magnitudes (Five), and he devotes a book to numbers (Seven). Both magnitudes and numbers represent quantity, however; magnitude is continuous while number is discrete. That is, numbers are composed of units which can be used to divide the whole, while magnitudes can not be distinguished as parts from a whole, therefore; numbers can be more accurately compared because there is a standard unit representing one of something

  • Goethe's Faust - A Man of Un-heroic Proportions

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    Faust: A Man of Un-heroic Proportions In Faust, Goethe builds a dramatic poem around the strengths and weaknesses of a man who under a personalized definition of a hero fails miserably. A hero is someone that humanity models themselves and their actions after, someone who can be revered by the masses as an individual of great morality and strength, a man or woman that never sacrifices his beliefs under adversity. Therefore, through his immoral actions and his unwillingness to respect others

  • Epic of Beowulf Essay - Hero of Epic Proportions

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    Beowulf - Hero of Epic Proportions Beowulf is “the strongest of the Geats -- greater / and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world” (ll.110-111). Even though he is famous for his massive strength, Beowulf has other attributes that are noticeable other than his strength. These attributes, arrogance, bravery, and a strong love for his people are what make Beowulf become such a powerful, epic hero. Beowulf is arrogant. He constantly brags about his supreme strength. The “strongest man alive”

  • A Sense of Proportion

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    More English soldiers died in the Great War than in any other British Empire conflict. Under the best of circumstances, this would have been a difficult burden to bear. Moreover, the manner of fighting shattered all romantic notions of noble and gallant warfare - there is nothing noble or gallant about trench warfare or poison gas. Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway is a novel that speaks to belated trauma and the cruelty of failing to face its realities. Much of this sentiment is expressed by the futile

  • Got Milk? Advertisement Analysis

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    The sex appeal of this woman in a bar full of alcohol drinking milk makes you question what the purpose of this add is. The positioning, proportions, and color in this ad portray the use of the goodness/purity of white milk positioned directly by the dark seductive woman and liquor bottles, which make you question what is good and bad for yourself. The proportions of the liquor bottles and the martini milk glass in this advertisement show the sizes, or importance of these objects. The liquor bottles

  • The Golden Ratio

    987 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Golden Ratio Certain pictures, objects, and animals appeal to the human mind more than others. Proportions and images of symmetry often contribute to our fascination with them. Often, when examined carefully, you may find a common “coincidence” between man made objects and those found naturally in nature. This fluke, however, may be used to ascertain various mathematical relationships between these objects. This paper will introduce the golden ratio and weigh its significance on math

  • The Baha'i International Archives Building and Its Classical Style of Greek Architecture

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    immortal classical style of Greek architecture. An admirer of Greek architecture, Shogi Effendi who was the Guardian of the Baha'i faith, chose this style to carry out the construction of the Archives building. This building replicates the general proportions of the famous Parthenon in Athens, Greece. The Archives building is a museum which holds the original writings of the Bab, Baha 'u' llah and Abdu' l Baha , as well as some of their clothes and belongings. Baha 'u' llah is the prophet founder

  • The Four Humors

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    and diseases intensely and one scientist in particular, Empedocles, came to the conclusion that that body consists of four main fluids, or humors. These humors were yellow bile, black bile, phlegm and blood. If one of these components was out of proportion in the body, disease occurred. The imbalance was called isonomia, an idea which was also proposed by the Greek scientist Empedocles. Empedocles followed the Pythagorean school of natural philosophers rather than the Hippocratic school as most other

  • Cyber Terrorism

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    locale and are executed precisely in this spot. This has been a limit of the damage inflicted upon those the perpetrator hopes to influence and the general public. This playing field has grown enormously to what could be conceived as boundless proportions. "Individuals or groups can now use Cyberspace to threaten International governments, or terrorize the citizens of a country" ( The creation of a boundless area of attack makes it that much harder to determine where an act will

  • Investigation into Chair Design

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    of the chair is as wide as the back of the seat but tapers towards the top. This main support is framed with two tall slim struts. The construction of the low seat and tapering back makes the chair look almost abstract because of these bizarre proportions. In the photograph it looks as if the picture has been taken from a strange angle which has distorted the shape. There is little in the way of applied decoration on the chair except for the back, which on a portion is padded and covered in a light

  • Ionic Bond

    538 Words  | 2 Pages

    When ionic solids dissolve, they divide to give their positive and negative ions that make up the solids. These ions become hydrates and have the same relative proportions when in solution and when solid. The more the solid dissolves, the more the ion’s concentration increases. This increase and build-up allows for the reverse reaction to occur. In this phase of the reaction the ions crystallise out in order for the reaction to have a greater chance of occurring. Eventually the rate of dissolving

  • Philippine ethnic architecture

    602 Words  | 2 Pages

    is generally a comfortable and functional, yet durable and structurally stable. Decorations are aesthetics and socio-politico-religious factors. Pig skulls and carabao horns for instance in Ifugao to indicate social position. It is at modest proportions as it is used essentially as a shelter from the elements and as a place to cook, eat and sleep. At other times, the house doubles as a social and cultural center. It becomes the setting for weddings, wakes, death anniversaries, religious rites and

  • Political Momentum

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    It rolls onto a pile of dry leaves, and suddenly, the leaf is smoking! Oh no! The leaves have caught fire and it is spreading to a nearby tree! Soon, nearby trees have caught fire, and thus the momentum that results in a forest fire of gigantic proportions begins from a single spark. Such is the case with recent interest in campaign finance reform. Only the momentum it has gained in recent months is anything but detrimental! So, to answer the question, "WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF MEANINGFUL CAMPAIGN

  • Free Essays on Mansfield's The Doll's House

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    she liked more than anything, what she liked frightfully, was the lamp." This infatuation symbolizes her impeccability in comparison to the others as she is drawn to the unadorned lamp. Kezia proceeds to find fault with the state and proportions of the doll's house and perfection with the lamp in its simplicity.  As others take interests in the gaudy nature of the house, Kezia rebels:  "But the lamp was perfect.  It seemed to smile at Kezia, to say `I live here.' The lamp was so

  • The Doubles Motif in Flannery O’Connor's The Violent Bear It Away

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    the boy as a double, not as an independent human being” (Paulson 102). Mason clings to the idea of being a prophet and Francis “clings to the idea of being born in a wreck, with no father, an orphan, because this makes him unique, gaining epic proportions in order to transcend the anonymous crowd” (Paulson 106).  Francis denies the father the way that Mason and Rayber deny the mother. Rayber tries, as Mason does, to implant his ideas within Francis.  “Both Rayber and Mason direct the explosive

  • The Message in John Milton's Paradise Lost

    627 Words  | 2 Pages

    Paradise Lost is an epic of epic proportions! It chronologs the designs of Satan, the fall of the angels, the creation and subsequent fall of man from paradise, and finally ends with some hope for a paradise regained. At first glance it seems to be two epics rolled into one. The book begins right away introducing us to the would be protagonist, Satan, up against an indominable force, God. We are made to sympathise with Satan's plight and almost admire him or hope for his success. There is a certain

  • The Artistic Aspect of Architecture

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    detailing become apparent. Even standing at a doorway can provide some involved feelings. Does the building seem to invite the viewer inside with elaborate carvings and an open view to the interior? Or does it intimidate the viewer with its massive proportions making them feel insignificant and trivial? When inside the architecture as a medium the viewer is surrounded by and grasped within its walls and ceiling. This quality is one unique to architecture because it is the only form of art to totally

  • Benzene

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    benzene is made syntheticallyfrom petroleum products. The benzene is a closed ring of six atoms connected by bonds that resonatebetween single and double bonds; each carbon is also bound to a single atom. Benzene isinsoluble in water but mixes in all proportions with organic . Benzene is itself an excellentsolvent for certain and for most simple organic chemicals. It is one of the most commonly used solvents in the organic chemical laboratory. If inhaled in large quantities, benzene is poisonous. The vapors

  • Iannis Xenakis Architecture

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    previous teachers, he “advised him not to take conventional theory lessons but to continue to bring in his expert knowledge of architecture and mathematics.” There are three notable factors that contribute to the initial incorporation of numerical proportions within the compositions of Iannis Xenakis: he was already familiar with the Golden Section from his studies of Greek architecture; the encouragement he received from Messiaen to further pursue his incorporation of mathematics and architecture into

  • Essay on the Influence of Mary Shelley’s Life on Frankenstein

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    literary studies and her father's intellectual conversations with other philosophers. She attempted to compete with her mother's legacy by continuously writing. It was reported that Mary's "attempts to compete with her dead mother reached obsessive proportions by the time she turned seventeen." "When Mary was seventeen," writes Samuel Rosenburg, "she began taking her books and writing material to the nearby Old St. Pancras Church, where her parents had been married and where her mother was buried. There