Prime Time for Education It would be a wonderful world if we could give our children a better future. Why not start by filling their little minds with a handful of education at an early age? In Arizona it has been a controversial subject on whether to fund full day kindergarten. In my research on the subject and the experience I have had with my own children full day kindergarten is all around a wonderful idea. There are benefits for children, parents and teachers. Benjamin Franklin once said, “An
The Prime Minister of Canada has an integral role within the Canadian parliament. In the political Parliamentary system of Canada, the Prime Minister wields the executive responsibility. He is accountable for an assortment of administrative, managerial, and supervisory decisions in effect across the country. The executive role is the branch of government that is generally responsible for creating laws, and enforcing the regulations to ensure these laws are observed. The Prime Minister is the Head
There are many countervailing such as the House of Commons, the Senate, the public service, opposition parties are many of the powers and processes that help to limit the powers of the Prime Minister during his mandate and allows for check and balances throughout the government. The Prime Ministers and his government, must work under the principle of good governance. There are three core principles that allow for good governance, first, the Members of Parliament are elected by the Canadian public
Power of the Prime Minister The Prime Minister is the head of government in the British Isles and is therefore supposedly the most powerful person in the Isles. The Prime Minister is appointed by the currently reigning Monarch after a general election and is, according to tradition, usually the leader of the political party which wins the most seats in the House of Commons in the aforementioned general election. The Monarch is not obliged by law to appoint the leader of this party however
The prime minister is undoubtedly the central figure in Canadian government and politics. At the top of the hierarchy within the system of parliamentary government, he or she is often called the ‘first among equals’, having the understood role of a leader who works side by side with the rest of government in accomplishing the matters of Parliament. However in truth, there are no true equals to the prime minister, and government does not always work as the ideal team as it is made out to be. In terms
Analysis of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodice by Muriel Spark “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is a novel about a teacher’s dedication to her pupils. It is also about loyalty and betrayal.” The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is a novel about a teacher’s dedication to her pupils. It is also about loyalty and betrayal. The novel emphasises the effects of dedication, loyalty and betrayal within a small group of people and the way in which they are all intertwined. It forces the reader to look at particular
Kim Campbell, Canada's first female Prime Minister, rose quickly in her political standings reaching, what she would find to be the height of her career only seven years after entering politics. It appeared like the loss of the 1993 election and the all around destruction of the Progressive Conservative party was completely Kim Campbell’s fault however actually was a joint effort by Brian Mulroney and Kim Campbell. Kim Campbell rose so quickly in her political status that she did not have the experience
News Is it prime time or all the time? Media influence has become a social mainstay in contemporary society. Not only do newspapers, radio, television and magazines strive to inform and entertain, but they also hold a significant power over what people believe. Since its inception, the standard of media presence was long a tool of integrity and fairness. Newspersons and entertainers may have embellished here and there in order to put more flavor into a certain piece or program, but for the most
The Prime Minister of Great Britain There are a lot of political issues in Great Britain today. United Kingdom is a large, industrialized democratic society and as such it has to have politics and therefore political issues. One of those issues how should executive branch work and whether the Prime Minister has too much power. Right now in Great Britain there is a great debate on this issue and I am going to examine it in detail. The facts I have used here are from different writings on British
The Dangers of Social Conformity Exposed in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie depicts the coming of age of six adolescent girls in Edinburgh, Scotland during the 1930's. The story brings us into the classroom of Miss Jean Brodie, a fascist school teacher at the Marcia Blaine School for Girls, and gives close encounter with the social and political climate in Europe during the era surrounding the second World War. Spark's novel is a narrative relating
politics argue that the Prime Minister of Canada stands alone from the rest of the government. The powers vested in the prime minister, along with the persistent media attention given to the position, reinforce the Prime Minister of Canada’s superior role both in the House of Commons and in the public. The result has led to concerns regarding the power of the prime minister. Hugh Mellon argues that the prime minister of Canada is indeed too powerful. Mellon refers to the prime minister’s control over
Limits of the Prime Minister The formal constitutional powers listed in the previous answer 'The powers of the Prime Minister' are subject to a number of restraints in practice, which means that the British PM is not as powerful as often assumed, or as commonly alleged by critics. The large number of main constraints are as follows: Constraints on the power of patronage ------------------------------------- Ø If the party has been in opposition, then the first Cabinet appointed
On October 31, 1984, Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, was shot down while walking from her house to her office in New Delhi, India's Capital City (The New York Times). The fatal shooting was carried out by two men who were members of her personal bodyguard. The shooting marked an abrupt and tragic end to the lengthy political career of the woman who was not only India's first female Prime Minister, but also the daughter of the very first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, better
When comparing the prime minister’s power in correlation to the political actors below them to that of a premier’s, it can be seen that they both hold relative strength. Yet, the prime minister has greater overall power compared to premiers and can take substantial steps to limiting their influence and ability. Both political figures assign their own cabinet members, and both hold considerable influence over their appointees. If they so choose to have a cabinet minister dismissed, it can be done
greatest Prime Minister of Canada was? Mackenzie King our 10thPrime Minister of Canada and by far one of our greatest. William Lyon Mackenzie King accomplished a lot in his twenty-0ne years of ministering our Country Canada! "It is what we prevent, rather than what we do that counts most in Government." (Mackenzie King august 26, 1936) This statement sums up the best secrets of Mackenzie King's success as prime minister, and perhaps, the key to governing Canada effectively. King's record of prime minister
The Power Of The Prime Minister The role of a Prime Minister has existed since the 1700's, however most historians find it hard to pin point or name the first ever Prime Minister. Sir Robert Walpole, while universally recognized as the first prime minister of Britain, did not actually hold the title. He was probably called first minister while the title of prime minister was not officially recognized until 1905. The extent of Prime Ministerial power depends on many factors. The formal
The Greatest Prime Minister of Canada Entirely throughout this presentation, I willplacek them and focus mostly on their past achievements, leadership qualities and failures and faults within the office. I want to use a few of the great prime ministers instead of just one. I chose to do these specific politicians was because they led Canada to be what it is today, in other words a “better Canada”. So first I want to start with Sir John A. Macdonald. JAM was the first prime minister of Canada
scientist Mathew Kerby notes that the Canadian prime minister possess the power to appoint cabinet ministers to his/her liking. Of course, the power to elect the governing body of Canada based on one’s own opinion of what Canada should be is absolutely telling as to just how powerful the position of Prime Minister of Canada is. The Prime Minister should not possess the exclusive power to elect the Federal Cabinet of Canada. Before someone is elected Prime Minister, their political party must name them
leader of the majority party, the Prime Minister of Canada acts as the spokesperson for the party, alongside appointing and allocating Members of Parliament and their responsibilities (Matheson, 2012). Additionally, the Prime Minister extends their powers to the Crown, whereby they nominate a candidate to the role of the Governor General. Meanwhile, the Governor General is responsible for the appointment of judges to Canada’s Supreme Court, upon the advice of the Prime Minister (Library of Parliament
Prime Numbers Prime numbers and their properties were first studied extensively by the ancient Greek mathematicians. The mathematicians of Pythagoras's school (500 BC to 300 BC) were interested in numbers for their mystical and numerological properties. They understood the idea of primality and were interested in perfect and amicable numbers. A perfect number is one whose proper divisors sum to the number itself. e.g. The number 6 has proper divisors 1, 2 and 3 and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 28 has