President of the Philippines Essays

  • Philippine President Essay

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    Introduction In the analysis of the Philippine Executive, it is best to study the Office of the President. Throughout history, different personalities have occupied the Office of the President who may have institutionalized or de-institutionalized it. Since the creation of the 1987 Constitution, there have been four presidents that have been under the Constitution. The 1987 Constitution The 1935 Constitution provided for a Head of State and Head of Government which is co-equal and co-ordinate with

  • Corazon Aquino: The President Of The Philippines

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    1933 – August 1, 2009) was a Philippine government official who served as the 11th President of the Philippines, the first lady to embrace that administrative center, and the first female president in Asia, however not the first female Asian head of state. Aquino was the most conspicuous figure of the 1986 People Power Revolution, which collapsed the 20-year authoritarian principle of President Ferdinand Marcos and restored majority rules system to the Philippines. She was named Time magazine's

  • History Of Ferdinand Marcos

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    September 11, 1917 in Sarrat, Philippines. Ferdinand was a great student and studied law at the University of the Philippines. The Philippines is a country with almost 97 million people and is located on the south eastern border of Asia. Before Marco’s presidency, he was involved in other aspects of government. During World War II he served as an officer for the Philippines and was captured by the Japanese but later escaped. When the war was over he was an aide to President Roxas in 1949. He also served

  • The Philippine Government: History And History Of The Philippines

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    division, and an archipelago—Philippines. The Philippines is rich with history and culture. From people to food, rich tales and history envelopes it. Thus, the history on how this country discovers and experience is no keep under wraps. However, the development of our political history is quite unclear or perhaps sometimes neglected. Discussing it could strengthen or helps us understood our political system. In this paper, we would discuss the development of Philippine government, on how it has undergone

  • Herbert M. Bautista

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    Personal Profile HERBERT M. BAUTISTA mpa, mnsa Quezon City Vice Mayor Presiding Officer, 15th City Council President, National Movement of Young Legislators Vice Mayor Herbert M Bautista is probably one of the youngest officials of the country who has had a long and fruitful experience in government and the youth movement. From 1986 to 1989, he was President of the Kabataang Barangay National Federation and was appointed ex-officio City Councilor representing the Youth Sector of Quezon City

  • The Cold War and U.S. Policy in the Philippines

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    and political evolution of the Philippines has been controlled by the dependence between the two allied countries. In 1898, the United States took special interest in the economic opportunities in the Philippines; it was en route to China, contained a hearty supply of sugar and rice, and most importantly, because of the fear of losing the Philippines to rival countries, Germany and Japan. With the United States’ interest in mind the Spanish agreed to cede the Philippines to America after a payment of

  • Spanish American War Essay

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    a very happy day for many, but also a very sad day for others. Why did this happen? What did American and Spain have against each other? What resulted from the war? Causes of the War In the 1800s, Spain had control over a lot of land, like The Philippines Islands, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. But that reign didn't last very long. From 1868 to 1878, Cuba started to rebel against Spain to gain independence. This was called the Cuba War of Independence. However, after these ten years, the war was ended with

  • Philippine History

    7843 Words  | 16 Pages

    Philippine History Spanish Colony 1565 - 1898 Ferdinand Magellan set out from Spain in 1519 on the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe with five ships and a complement of 264 crew. Three years later in 1522, only the one ship, the Victoria, returned to Spain with 18 men. The Philippines were the death of Magellan. The expedition sighted the island of Samar on March 16, 1521. Magellan was welcomed by two Rajas, Kolambu and Siagu. He named the islands the Archipelago of San Lazaro, erected

  • Importance Of Political System In The Philippines

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    Philippines is perceived as one of the poorest countries in the world, and is highly recognized for presence of corruption, violence, and abuse of human rights even after the transition to a democratic tradition. With the end of Ferdinand Marco’s dictatorship in 1986 and transition to a new system of democracy, the country's low status of political system and economy developed greatly; however many of the political problems still remains unsettled. In determining the country’s poor, weak status,

  • Comparing The Philippines And The United States Of America

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    Here we will compare two radically different cultures occupying completely opposite sides of the world, the Philippines and the United States of America. This will be a comparative essay in which we compare and the two countries. Merriam-Webster defines culture as “the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations; the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious

  • The Philippines, The Island Country Of The Philippines

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    The Philippines, an island country in the Pacific, is a warm tropical paradise to many. The Philippine archipelago consists of 7,107 islands; located in many of the Southeast Asia’s bodies of water: the South China Sea, Philippine Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, and Luzon Straight. The Filipino country is a topical marine with monsoons from the north east from November through April and from the southwest from May to October. It is mainly a mountainous country with narrow to extensive coasts. Although

  • Annexation Of Philippines Essay

    654 Words  | 2 Pages

    of the Annexation of the Philippines The aftermath of the Spanish-American war was very complicated and filled with issues that needed to be resolved. After Spain lost the Spanish-American war, Spain gave up its colony in the Philippines to the U.S. This brought up the issue of whether the United States of America should annex the Philippines. War between America and Spain was a war that decided something. The U.S should have annexed the Philippines because the Philippines was unable to self-govern

  • Dictatorship In The Philippines

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    “Democracy to Dictatorship: Philippines” The nation of the Philippines has a history tied directly to colonial overseers. Spain and the United States both exerted control over the island nation for long periods of time in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Shortly after World War II, the Philippines gained its independence which set it on a course of political instability over the next 20 years. The two events that occurred in the Philippines that caused this new, stable democracy to politically

  • Importance Of Democracy In The Philippines

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    In the Philippines, democracy and freedom are two misguided terms used to describe power. Democracy as a governmental structure formed and constructed by the people and is the source of sovereignty of the Filipinos. This type of regime was adopted by the Philippines vital to its administration ever since the Americans colonized the country. (Roces, 2010) At present, democracy in the Philippines is still alive and active. The population is still able to elect their leaders by voting. The Filipinos

  • Essay About Nationalism In The Philippines

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spain ruled the Philippine islands since the 1570’s under a fairly relaxed occupation. Very few Spaniards were actual residents, missionaries, and merchants. In 1872, in Cavite province, about 200 native soldiers revolted against the colonial rule killing the Spaniard officers. Spain responded by building up its troops to about 28,000 and quickly eased up the revolt within months. Spanish reprisals severed and agitation among the population continued to spread across the country causing the Filipinos

  • Essay On Should The United States Have Annexed The Philippines

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    the Philippines? The United States of America accompanied the Philippines to fight for the independence from Spain. Spain colonized the Philippines for 333 years. Without the assistance of the United States of America the Philippines will still be under Spain without freedom. Even though United States of America aided the Philippines, the United States shouldn’t have annexed the Philippines. There are several reasons why the United States of America shouldn’t have annexed the Philippines. First

  • The Colonization of the Philippines

    1412 Words  | 3 Pages

    Generally, textbooks, articles, and essays talk about America’s “occupation,” “supervision” or “intervention” in the Philippines. They seem to be afraid to use the word “colonization.” According to Webster’s Dictionary the definition of colonization is, “The colonial system of political government or extension of territory, by which one nation exerts political control over another nation, territory, or people, maintaining the colony in a state of dependence, its inhabitants not having the same full

  • Rodrigo Duterte: The Corruption Of The Philippines

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    People of the Philippines have recently elected Rodrigo Duterte as their president. Duterte had a very outspoken campaign that focused heavily on ridding the country of corruption. His plans of eradicating this corruption may seem very unorthodox to many and even immoral to others. During his presidency, Duterte aims to abolish drugs at any cost, at the same time breaking ties with the US while strengthening relations with China. Rodrigo Duterte, who served seven terms as the mayor of a town called

  • Machiavelli Chapter 17

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    exemplifies one who is feared is Rodrigo Duterte, the current president of the Philippines. He is very passionate about the drug problem in the Philippines, to the extent where he allowed for the killing of thousands of people suspected of drug possession or selling. Human rights groups and other leaders criticize Duterte for how he chooses to deal with drug offenders, although he disregards and insults anyone who criticizes how he runs the Philippines. Compared to The Prince, Rodrigo Duterte is more of a

  • The Philippines: A Struggling Economy

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    The Philippines has long been a country with a struggling economy. Ever since World War II, they have struggled to have a steady government and labor system. Independence did not bring any social changes to the country. The hacienda system still persists in the country, where large estates are farmed by sharecroppers. More the half the population are peasants and 20 percent of the population owns 60 percent of the land. Although the sharecropper is supposed to receive half of the harvest, most