Patella Essays

  • Taping Essay

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    participation in sports among children and adolescents has led to an increase in sports related injuries; therefore, increasing the use of physiotherapy and taping. Taping has been used by physical therapists to rehabilitate injuries and stabilize the patella. The purpose is to lessen the intensity of the pain or the likelihood of recurrent injuries on the knee post-injury; especially if the athlete chooses to continue their participation sports. In most studies, knee injuries result from organized sports

  • Patellar Dislocation Research Paper

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    My name is Lakitta Beverly. I am a junior at Mississippi State University majoring in Kinesiology with a concentration in CLEP (Clinical Exercise Physiology). Throughout high school, I experienced patellar dislocation, which is the topic for today’s Technical Research Report. Patellar dislocation is an injury of the knee. Typically, it is caused by a direct blow or a sudden twist of the leg. It occurs when the patellar slips out of its normal position in the Patellofemoral groove and causes intense

  • The Chi Omega Spirit - Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Success

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    The Chi Omega Spirit - Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Success For as long as I can remember I have set high goals for myself regarding my future, my friendships, and my education. Entering college with these standards I knew that I wouldn’t settle for less than my best, and I would strive to amaze myself at my success. One thing I never fit into my planned path of achievement was any type of struggle, or obstacle that could alter the way I have thought for so long. The first month of college

  • Argumentative Essay: Living At The Motion Picture

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    Is this correct; that they're saying you're falling is only due to the Parkinson's? Not the ridiculous size and layout of the room, or the bed in that room, or the extra medications and its side-effects, to lessen the depression caused by being and feeling stuck and trapped in that tiny room? You shouldn't abandon hope on the cottages if that is your heart’s desire living at Motion Picture, and if living there would be safer, healthier, and afford you the happiness you deserve. The Motion Picture’s

  • Analysis Of I Am Not A Patella

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    I have chosen to compare a personal story to the story I Am Not a Patella in the book Privileged Presence. I found that these two stories illustrate two completely different approaches to an injury. In the situation in the story I Am Not a Patella, the writer found that she was ignored as a person and she was defined as her injury. In contrast, the doctor attending to my injury took the time to see me as a whole person. I feel personally that the way my injury was handled was much more effective

  • Rocky Shore Investigation

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    slippery seaweed. My results show that this was mainly Fucus vesiculosus (Bladdder Wrack). Analysis of Results: ==================== Animals ------- There are several clear trends in my results, the clearest of these being the limpet (Patella vulgata). The majority of limpets were situated mainly in the mid-littoral zone and splash zone. They had a peak at station 12 of 31 limpets. Their number slowly built up to this peak from 1 limpet at station 4 to 33 limpets at station 12. The

  • Description Of Boston Terriers

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    My inspiration for this essay comes from my home and family life. Since I was a little girl we’ve had dogs in our home. Our dogs have always been my friends as long as I can remember. Short nosed breeds are my personal favorites, their looks and sounds, health risks and care & training. Three kinds of dogs that are related are Boxers, Boston terriers, and Bulldogs. The Boxer is a happy, high-spirited, playful, and energetic dog. Also, Intelligent, eager and quick to learn. It is on the move continuously

  • Anatomy And Physiology: Case Study Summary: Knee Injuries

    780 Words  | 2 Pages

    Study Knee injury The word patella comes from the great latin language meaning shallow pan or shallow dish. The description of that word could not be more correct, it was meant in reference to balance of food but in anatomy’s case a balance of the body. The patella is a small bone located in front of the knee joint where the thigh bone (femur) and shinbone (tibia) meet. It protects the knee and connects the muscles in the front of the thigh to the tibia. The patella is one of two sesamoid bones

  • Medial Collateral Ligament Essay

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    -Medial collateral ligament (MCL) - Aids in stabilizing the knee towards valgus and varus forces of the knee joint. MCL originates above the joint line on the medial condyle of the femur and inserts below the joint line on the tibia. MCL also serves as a resist to external tibial rotation. MCL remains tight during knee extension and relaxed during flexion. - Injury may occur in MCL either as a result of a medially directed valgus force from the lateral side or it could occur from the external rotation

  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease

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    demonstrate soft tissue swelling anterior to the tibial tuberosity, edema of the inferior patella tendon, and/or infrapatellar bursitis, which are the most significant diagnostic criteria of OSD (Chang). In the majority of OSD cases, symptoms usually diminish within 2 years of onset with excellent long-term prognosis (Kaya). In patients presenting with chronic cases of OSD complications such as genu recurvatum, patella alta or fragmentation of the ossicles may cause the long-term outcome to decline and

  • Knee Joint Essay

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    sitting and standing. The knee joint is the largest joint in the body and it relies on a variety of ligaments, tendons, and soft tissue structures to maintain flexibility, stability, and strength. The knee joint is formed by articulations between the patella, femur and tibia. The knee joint is a hinge synovial joint. Like all synovial joints, the knee is surrounded by soft tissue structures and ligaments that support the joint and help facilitate a wide range of movement. The knee joint requires these

  • Total Knee Replacement Surgery

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    surgery A knee replacement consists of two parts, the femoral component and the tibial tray. (jabber) Total knee replacement surgery is done by an orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon has to open the knee and move that patella to get a better view of the affected areas. After the patella has been moved the surgeon removes that cartilage on the femur that has been affected by the arthritis. The end of the femur is then cut so that the femoral component of the prosthesis will fit properly. After the affect

  • The Anatomy and Actions of the Knee

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    g     Linea aspera on posterior femur, greater trochanter of femur Insert     Patella and via patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity Action     Extension of knee Nerve     Femoral VASTUS INTERMEDIUS Orig     Anterior and lateral femoral shaft Insert     Patella and via patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity Action     Extension of the knee Nerve     Femoral VASTUS MEDIALIS Orig     Linea aspera on posterior femur Insert     Patella and via patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity Action     Extension of knee

  • Essay On Knee Joint

    2896 Words  | 6 Pages

    we used to do in our day to day life. Major parts in a knee joint are femur, tibia, patella and meniscus. It has two articulation components one is in between tibia and femur and another in between femur and patella. Knee joint is a pivot hinge joint. It permits extension and flexion of leg with that rotation in both internal as well as external part. It‘s articular bodies are lateral and medial condyle were patella is present in the posterior region in between the lateral and medial condyle surfaces

  • Accelerometer Reflex

    604 Words  | 2 Pages

    move freely above the floor. Two electrode tabs should be attached above one knee along the line of the quadriceps muscle between the knee and the hip. The tabs should be 5 and 13 cm away from the middle of the patella. A third electrode tab should be placed on the lower leg below the patella. Finally, red and green leads should be attached to the electrode tabs above the knee, with the red lead attached to the lab closest to the knee. A black lead should be hooked up to the electrode on the lower

  • The Injury Of Knee Injuries

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    injured. The four main components of the knee are the bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. The three bones that make up the knee joint are the femur, tibia, and patella. The two types of cartilage are the meniscus and the articular cartilage. The articular cartilage covers the ends of the femur and tibia, along with the back of the patella. This type of cartilage helps the knee glide smoothly across all the bones as you bend or straighten your leg. The meniscus is made of two pieces. One is shaped

  • Comparisons of Upper and Lower Shore Rock Pools

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    In the following study, rock pools from the upper and lower shore of Bracelet Bay, were examined and the organisms within noted. The contents of the two pools were compared. The abiotic variations of the pools were recorded and examined in an attempt to understand why the contents of the pools differed. A greater abundance and variety of organisms was present in the lower shore rock pool, this was due to the lower rock pool being a more benign environment than that of the upper shore. This was

  • Knee Trauma Case Study

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    The anatomy of the knee contains the femur, tibia and the patella. There are four main ligaments within the knee. Those ligaments are called medial collateral (mcl), lateral collateral (lcl), anterior cruciate (acl) and posterior cruciate (pcl). The anterior cruciate ligament (acl) is in the middle of the knee and prevents the shin from sliding. An anterior cruciate ligament tear is the most common harmed ligament, undergoing an estimate of 200,000 happenings yearly. Typically individuals who play

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

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    Anterior knee pain plagues the athletic community, the most common being runner’s knee or patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). One point or another in an athlete’s career they have experienced this kind of pain. When comparing between male and female athletes and who has the higher chance of knee pain, female athletes have a higher prevalence than male athletes (Dolak KL). There are several different mechanisms of patellofemoral pain a few being: pes planus,an increased Q angle, weak, tight or an

  • Effusion In Medicine

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. An effusion is a term for an excess accumulation of fluid in or around the knee joint. Doctors refer to it as an effusion. (Mayo Clinic,201) 2. An inflammation is a localized physical condition in which a part of the body becomes reddened and painful. It is usually reaction to an injury or infection. (WebMD) 3. The purpose of inflammation is a defense mechanism that eventually evolved in organisms to protect them from infection and injury. The purpose is to localize and eliminate the causing