Passive Essays

  • The Passive Voice

    2641 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Passive Voice The English language has two voices--the active and the passive. The active voice and the passive voice differ in that a passive verb phrase has an additional auxiliary BE followed by an EN participle. In a sense, the English passive is "inflexible" when compared to the passive formation of other languages. For example, some languages use word order, verb inflections, and impersonal constructions to form the passive voice. In their book, The Grammar Book: ESL/EFL Teacher's

  • The Passive and Pitiful Ethan Frome

    912 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Passive and Pitiful Ethan Frome Ethan Frome is a man torn between what he wants to do, and what he should do.  Life in a rural town can be tough, but when faced with complications, it can be almost unbearable.  When Ethan decides to marry his distant cousin, Zeena, his life turns down a long and lonesome road.  Ethan's lack of assertiveness and decisive action only worsens his already lonesome and stressful life. Though too intelligent for rural life, Ethan finds himself

  • Active Aggression in Boys and Passive Aggression in Girls

    5920 Words  | 12 Pages

    Introduction In understanding moral and ethical development of individuals, we have been exposed to a vast amount of information enlightening us of the complex ways in which both males and females cognitively develop their moral and ethical values. Through this we have learned about the many gender differences in these values, which has raised the question of why males and females branch apart in this development, when the separation occurs, and if it is a result biological differences, or socialization

  • Rip Van Winkle: A Classic Tale of Passive Resistance

    963 Words  | 2 Pages

    In this classic tale Rip Van Winkle is portrayed as one who is a victim of circumstances beyond his control. A further reading may perhaps reveal a different Rip Van Winkle, one who pursues an avenue of passive resistance in response to a life which he feels is beyond his control. Passive Resistance is usually connected with such famous people as Henry David Thoreau who developed the principal of civil disobedience. For Thoreau, the idea was to choose not to support governmental taxes and policies

  • The Male Gaze of Film and the Passive Glance of TV

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    Theorist Laura Mulvey is notorious for her claims about the nature of cinematic enjoyment. In “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”, she concludes that a spectator experiences two main pleasures in viewing conventional Hollywood films: (1) a voyeuristic pleasure, constituted from considering a female figure in an objectified, sexual way, and (2) a narcissistic pleasure, arising from identification with a male protagonist and his ‘gaze’. (Mulvey 62) Central to her argument is Mulvey’s emphasis on

  • The Passive Time Traveler in Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut

    704 Words  | 2 Pages

    ( Slaughterhouse Five 23 ). Billy Pilgrim also seems to remember a trip to an alien planet; he spoke of it at a radio show and wrote of it to a newspaper. But most likely, his vivid recollections of extraterrestrial experiences and disposition to passive time travel are simply delusions stemming from a post-traumatic stress disorder. A post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder caused by recent trauma, or the resurfacing of trauma in one’s child hood. Its symptoms include constant painful memories

  • Negative Effects Of Passive Smoking On Children

    605 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dear Parents I am writing to inform you about the negative effects of passive smoking on a child’s health. Passive smoking also known as second hand smoking is when you inhale smoke from other people’s cigarettes, cigars or pipes. This action is very bad in concern to health overall. In children especially, the negative effects include; respiratory illness, asthma attacks and symptoms, lung airway disease, brain cancer, lymphomas and meningococcal disease. All these disease are injurious to health

  • Subject Verb in a Passive Voice Teaching Evaluation

    2039 Words  | 5 Pages

    sister.’ Further more, a great amount of proverbs are said like, ’Rome was not built in one day’. Actually, passive voice penetrates into our daily life and more professional fields. Compare with the straightforward relationship between subject and verb in a context, the relationship of subject and verb in a passive voice context is that the subject receives the action of the verb. We utilize passive voice in communication or compositions to express specific meanings and convey particular information,

  • Successful Management of the Passive Aggressive Employee

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    ability to handle every challenging employee situation with the appropriate communication and actions. One of the most difficult types of employees to manage is the Passive-Aggressive who refuses to accept constructive feedback and tries to stir up discontent among other employees. In order to be successful in the management of the Passive Aggressive Employee, there has to be a planned approach, which includes effective communication, consequences, and actions. This article discusses the effect feedback

  • Minimizing Energy by Using Passive Solar Systems

    1010 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Passive solar system collects heat as the sun shines through the windows and is stored on thermal mass. It uses the sun’s energy for heating or cooling buildings. Future homes should be constructed with this system because its advantages outweigh its drawbacks with low emissions of CO2 or other pollutant, consists of little maintenance, and has positive long term effects such as low electric bills. This system releases low emissions of CO2 or any other pollutant because it takes advantage of a

  • Case Study: Passive Aggressive Behavior at the Work Place

    935 Words  | 2 Pages

    Case Study: Passive Aggressive Behavior at the Work Place Introduction Passive aggressive behavior can be described as an indirect expression of hostility and discontentment within a given situation by an individual or a group of people. These feelings may be expressed through actions such as procrastination, resentment, intentional inefficiency, sarcasm, and other negative tendencies like chronic lateness. Considering it from an occupational front, passive aggressive behavior generally leads to

  • Passive Transport

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    Distinguish between active and passive transport and define the role of each with in the mammalian kidney. Passive transport is the diffusing of molecules from areas of high concentration to low concentration across a cell membrane without the use of energy. There are four types of passive transport; Diffusion: The movement of molecules from high to low concentration. Facilitated diffusion: The movement of of molecules using carrier protein molecules to transport them across the cell membrane from

  • Examples Of Interrogrative Sentence In Passive And Passive Voice

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    Santwana_Wk40_SSC_CGL_Active-Passive_10 Q1. In the question, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the given four alternatives, suggest the one which best expresses the given sentence in passive/active voice Once every month, the cleaning lady spring cleans our house. 1. The cleaning lady spring cleans our house once every month, 2. Once every month, the cleaning lady will spring clean our house 3. Once every month, the cleaning lady comes to spring clean our house 4. Our

  • Passive Transport

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are two main types of transport: Active transport and Passive Transport. Passive transport is the movement of ions or molecular substances across the cell membrane without requiring energy. Also, in passive transport, there is another type of transport called facilitated diffusion. In facilitated diffusion, energy is not required either and protein channels are lined to make the diffusion of bigger molecules through a semipermeable membrane. On the other hand, active transport requires energy

  • Passive villain

    867 Words  | 2 Pages

    that actively complicates the life of the protagonist. But in some cases, the villain ruins the life of the protagonist in the background by sucking the protagonist dry of hope. Zenobia Pierce Frome from Edith Wharton's novel, Ethan Frome, is the passive villain. She ruins Ethan's life and shows her evil side by neglecting Ethan, complicating his life, and taking away everything Ethan holds dear. Zeena's first weapon against Ethan is neglect. Ethan needs human interaction to function properly. But

  • Argumentative Essay About Euthanasia

    1633 Words  | 4 Pages

    It is the authors’ intention to argue that some forms of euthanasia, to be exact, passive nonvoluntary and in exceptionally rare cases indirect euthanasia are morally permissible. However it must be noted that due to the limit of words and more importantly the authors’ lack of experience surrounding euthanasia, the claim of permissibility reflects that of the authors’ recent course readings and my emergent experience thereof. In addition to this it must also be noted that euthanasia cannot

  • Exposing the Role of Women in The Madwoman in the Attic

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    role of angel was ideally passive and the role of monster was naturally evil, both limited a woman’s behavior into quiet content, with few words to object. Women in the nineteenth century, Gilbert and Gubar claim, lived quiet and passive lives, embodying the ideals of the “Eternal Feminine” vision in Goethe’s Faust. Passivity led to a belief that women were more spiritual than men, meant to contemplate rather than act. “It is just because women are defined as wholly passive, completely void of generative

  • Sexual Education for Children

    1255 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sexual Education for Children Sex education materials for children more often serve to confuse than to inform. These materials generally present females as passive and males as active. The books describe heterosexual norms while ignoring the existence of homosexuality and bisexuality. Many books describe sexual intercourse as existing for the purpose of procreation only. Pictures and descriptions of this sex act more often mystify than inform. Finally, these materials target young children

  • Descartes' Failure

    4855 Words  | 10 Pages

    fails to distinguish between active and passive thinking. Although he succeeds in showing that he is aware of thinking (and therefore at least a passive thinker), from which it follows that he exists, it is possible that Descartes[1] is no more than a passive thinker. I claim that Descartes successfully shows that he exists, that “there is thinking going on,” and that thereby “there exists a thinking thing,” but Descartes’ ‘thinking’ may only be a passive awareness of thinking; he may be separate

  • Active Intellect In Aristotle,

    1045 Words  | 3 Pages

    and we love the senses in themselves but what is the relationship between the two and by what faculty are we able to call anything knowledge once sense perception has occurred? Aristotle sets up as his faculty for knowledge both the active and the passive intellects. We begin to have knowledge through sense experience. We cannot know without sense experienceand it is from sense experience that all knowledge is therefore generated. Knowledge for Aristotle is a knowledge of universals, that is, a knowledge