Partial derivative Essays

  • The Gradient and Directional Derivative

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    vector field in a function.It points to the points in the route of the maximum rate of increase of the scalar field. Its magnitude is the maximum rate of modify. Directional derivative: Directional derivative represents the instantaneous rate of modification of the function. It generalizes the view of a partial derivative. Gradient: The gradient is defined for the function f(x,y) is as gradf(x,y)= [gradf(x,y)] = [(delf)/(delx)] i + [(delf)/(dely)] j This can be calculated by putting the

  • The Evolution of Differential Calculus

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    ‘differential’ comes from the process known as differentiation, which is the process of finding the derivative of a curve. Differential calculus is a major topic covered in calculus. According to Interactive Mathematics, “We use the derivative to determine the maximum and minimum values of particular functions (e.g. cost, strength, amount of material used in a building, profit, loss, etc.).” Not only are derivatives used to determine how to maximize or minimize functions, but they are also used in determining

  • What Is Partial Differential Equation

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    ABSTRACT A partial differential equation is a differential equation that contain unknown multivariable functions and their partial derivatives while ordinary differential equations contains function of a single variables and their derivatives. Therefore, an ordinary differential equation is a special case of partial differential equation but the behaviour of a solution is quite different. It is much more complicated in the case of partial differential equation because it has more than one independent

  • Essay On Partial Differential Equation

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    ABSTRACT A partial differential equation is a differential equation that contain unknown multivariable functions and their partial derivatives while ordinary differential equations contains function of a single variables and their derivatives. Therefore, an ordinary differential equation is a special case of partial differential equation but the behaviour of a solution is quite different. It is much more complicated in the case of partial differential equation because it has more than one independent

  • Calculus and Its Use in Everyday Life

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    Ever wonder how scientists figure out how long it takes for the radiation from a nuclear weapon to decay? This dilemma can be solved by calculus, which helps determine the rate of decay of the radioactive material. Calculus can aid people in many everyday situations, such as deciding how much fencing is needed to encompass a designated area. Finding how gravity affects certain objects is how calculus aids people who study Physics. Mechanics find calculus useful to determine rates of flow of fluids

  • Teaching and Learning 'Rate of Change'' (Slope) in Senior Secondary Schools in Australia

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    Analysing understanding is an essay which will discuss the researched issue of Teaching and Learning of ’rate of change (slope)’ in Senior Secondary Schools in Australia. Students require a contextual knowledge of slope “so that they come to see slope as a graphical representation of the relationship between two quantities’ (Center for Algebraic Thinking (CAT), 2014). Without the multiple understandings required to master ‘rate of change’ and algebra many students are ill equipped to go on to levels

  • Virtues Of My Life: Order, Courage, Patience

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    possible to love what one ought to love, unless we recognize some principles of order by which to govern ourselves." Because of the needs of our soul, I again agree with Russell Kirk that religion, morality itself, and our everyday feelings are derivatives of order. Nothing can be achieved without some sort of order, but we must first recognize that the things we desire can be achieved only by gaining order. Order is truly the first need of human life. Courage is the second virtue I have chosen. Courage

  • Integro Differential Equations Essay

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    Evaluating Volterra Integro-Differential Equations in terms of Global, Polynomial and Numerical Equations in Boundary Conditions The integro-differential equations are originated from different mathematical models for many scientific phenomena. Nonlinear integro-differential equations are also can be seen in various applications of various scientific fields that are modeled by nonlinear phenomena.[3] The solutions using in integro-differential equations have an important role in lots of engineering

  • Derivatives

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    The use of derivatives can be a great tool for institutions to increase profits or minimize risks. Nevertheless, the significant risks associated with derivatives suggests that derivatives must be actively managed. Derivatives can mitigate substantial losses should there be a significant increase or decrease in interest rates (Saunders & Cornett, 2011). In addition, these financial security instruments can help financial institutions to manage various types of risks (Saunders & Cornett, 2011)

  • Duels

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    to increase. However, dueling is more than a literary climax or a plot twist; duels have been being fought for centuries and are actually derivatives of many medieval practices. The word duel has several predecessors, depending on which history is being referenced. The most common form of the word is derived from the German word Duell, which is a derivative of the Latin word duellum. Duellum is a combination of the Latin words bellum and duo, which connotes a war between two. This simple definition

  • Thoughts On The Collapse Of Baring Bank

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    Events leading to Barings Bank's collapse Barings Bank's activities in Singapore between 1992 and 1995 enabled Nick Leeson to operate effectively without supervision from Barings Bank in London. Leeson acted both as head of settlement operations (charged with ensuring accurate accounting) and as floor manager for Barings' trading on Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX), though the positions would normally have been held by two employees. This placed Leeson in the position of reporting

  • Finance Course Reflection

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    Vanilla Swaps to Exotic Credit Derivatives: How to Approach the Interpretation of Credit Events. Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, 13(5), 705+. Kuttner, R. (2009, June). Betting the Fed: The Federal Reserve Can Do What Democratic Institutions Can't. but Its Days as a Shadow Government May Be Numbered. The American Prospect, 20, 33+. Meltzer, A. H. (2009). Reflections on the Financial Crisis. The Cato Journal, 29(1), 25+. Neville, L. (2009, November). Derivatives Stage a Comeback. Global

  • Trading Stock Options Online

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    years. The Internet has fueled a booming business of small investors throwing money at the derivatives market. The upside to an expanding array of financial products is a greater potential for profit to be made by investors skilled in daily trading; the downside is increased risk and a more complex trading environment. For the amateur investor who is ready to learn how to trade stock options the derivatives market can be enticing, but also frightening. This article will outline some of the advantages

  • Pt1420 Unit 8 Assignment

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    Table of Contents Numerical Integration 2 Trapezoidal Rule 2 Simpson’s Rule 3 Roots of Equation: 4 Fixed‐Point Iteration 4 Newton‐Raphson Method 4 Systems of Linear Equations 4 LU Decomposition 4 Gauss‐Seidel 4 References: 4 Numerical Integration Numerical integration consist of a wide variety of different method for calculating the area under the curve. Some of the ones that I will cover in this portfolio are the Trapezoidal Rule and the Simpson 1/3 Rule. I will explain how some

  • Factors that Affect the Speeds of Rollercoasters

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    Factors that Affect the Speeds of Rollercoasters AIM === The aim of this investigation is to find out how one chosen factor affects the speed of a roller coaster car at the bottom of a slope. In the investigation, a marble is used to represent a car. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTORS ------- VERTICAL HEIGHT OF SLOPE (THE HIGHER, THE FASTER) ------------------------------------------------- GRADIENT OF THE SLOPE (THE STEEPER

  • Differential Equations

    2562 Words  | 6 Pages

    Approximating Solutions for Differential Equations A differential equation is defined as an equation which relates an unknown function to one or more derivatives. When solved and transformed into its original equation in the form f(x), an exact value can be found at any given point. While some differential equations can be solved, it is important to realize that very few differential equations that come from "real world" problems can be solved explicitly, and often it is necessary to resort to numerical

  • Currency Swaps

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    Although a relatively recent invention, currency swaps have quickly become a vital and widely used financial instrument. Given the steady increase in globalization, understanding the potential benefits of using currency swaps is essential to any modern multinational business. Currency swapping works just as the name implies – different national currencies are swapped between two parties for an agreed amount of time. defines a currency swap as “two notional principals [of different

  • Documenting the Process to Record Equity in Financial Statements

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    This narrative is to document the process to record equity in the financial statements. Gibson Energy ULC currently is not a publicly traded corporation and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gibson Energy Holding ULC who is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of R/C Guitar Cooperatief U.A., a Dutch co-op owned by investment funds affiliated with Riverstone Holdings LLC. As a result, the risks associated with recording share activity is low due to limited transactions and the process to record Share

  • An Analysis of E-trade

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    (France, Sweden, the UK, and Japan) to complement our existing coverage in Australia, New Zealand and Canada; the acquisition of TIR in August 1999; and in January 2000, the acquisition of Telebanc. TIR is active in equity, fixed income, currency and derivatives markets in over 35 countries, and holds seats on multiple stock exchanges around the world. Telebanc is the parent of Telebank, an Internet-based, federally chartered savings bank, offering a wide range of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC")-insured

  • Terminal Velocity Lab Report

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    Air resistance and drag can either be proportional to the velocity or to the square of the velocity. Drag force will eventually counteract downward forces on an object in freefall, resulting in a terminal velocity. The acceleration of the object can be modeled by an exponential decay graph. PURPOSE Evaluate how terminal velocity varies with mass. Determine in which instances air resistance is proportional to velocity or to velocity squared. Understand how mass influences the decay constant k.