Operation Smile Essays

  • Operation Smile Scholarship Essay

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    Operation Smile is a non-profit medical foundation which main focus is providing free surgeries to child and adults with cleft lip and palate. They also provide medical attention to people who suffered burns and people with extra fingers. By 2013, Operation Smile had made 3.5 million evaluations and over 200,000 free surgeries for children and adults with facial deformities. I have been an active volunteer for OSP since 2014 and I decided to make my community hours with this awesome organization

  • Pre-Dental Club: Operation Smile

    652 Words  | 2 Pages

    Article 1: Name of Pre-Dental Club: Operation Smile 1.01. The name of the Pre-Dental Club: Operation Smile is the Pre-Dental Club: Operation Smile. Article 2: Objectives and Purposes 2.01. The purposes for the Pre-Dental Club: Operation Smile is to provide resources, services, and information to assist aspiring dentists to successfully matriculate into dentistry school. 2.02. The purpose the Pre-Dental Club: Operation Smile will not diverge from the state or federal laws presently in force or

  • Columbia Regional Hospital Case Study

    1477 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Centralia FBLA collected these supplies for “Operation Smile Supplies” because of request from the hospital and based o a few statistics about healing. The coloring book and coloring supplies, play into art therapy. Art therapy has been proven to reduce stress, and be a coping skill. Art therapy is nothing

  • Volunteer Essay: What Makes Operation Smile A Community

    2466 Words  | 5 Pages

    no matter if you are poor or you have money they will support you equally. They give you not just medical help but the most important emotional support to overcome any of the situations that may come along the road. The intriguing about Operation Smile community is that they never fail to support their patients; volunteers truly give meaning to the word HELP. They do catchments in many parts of the world to make it easier for patients to attend, provide them with transportation, food and accommodation

  • I Love Those Lips, But Those Lips Belong to Another

    2293 Words  | 5 Pages

    belonging to a vision of beauty. When I first saw them they were in their top form. They gave me a smile. The execution of the smile forced the bottom arch to push from the top corners upwards on to the upper arch. Consequentially, they caused my lips to do the same. The intensity was light but was still able to cause the words "nice to meet you" to float into my mind and back into hers. The smile, though light, wasn't like the ones that are often in response to a frivolous or corny joke, accompanied

  • Johnny Rocket’s invades Belgium

    3118 Words  | 7 Pages

    Johnny Rockets is the place where every Guest can enjoy All-American favorites served with a smile! OUR GUEST PROMISE: •     Say "hello" and "goodbye" to everyone passing through our doors. •     Serve the freshest, highest quality simple All-American fare. •     Cheerfully serve guests promptly in a sparkling clean store. •     Always dance on the half hour, twirl straws and serve ketchup with a smile. •     Handle guest needs right here and now. The hamburger market is the strongest of all franchised

  • Broken Hearts

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    Broken Hearts My home has been a place of healing for many broken hearts, both literally and figuratively. My younger sister had two open heart operations before the age of two. I was three years old, and I tried to be the best big sister in the world. I thought that if I loved her enough, her heart would heal itself. My brother was three and thirteen when he had his heart surgeries. This time, I was older and much more fearful, but my brother is the proud new owner of Vinny the Pulmonary Valve

  • James Stewart

    2686 Words  | 6 Pages

    notice emotion and characterization mainly in the eyes and mouth. However, a man can not just act from the neck up. What his body tells us is just as important as what his face tells. Try It! Make your body tense. Tighten every muscle you can. Now, smile. How do you feel? How would you appear to feel? For the actor, the hands are a good place to release energy, but conveying meaningful messages through the hands is hard to do. Also, overuse of gestures can be dizzying to a viewer. Voice is another

  • The Relationship Between Science and Reality

    1280 Words  | 3 Pages

    arrive a t this coexistence theory. According to Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1 ed., science is defined as follows: 1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences. 2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. 3. systematized knowledge in general. The same dictionary defines reality as: 1. the

  • An Event Which Changed My Life

    1937 Words  | 4 Pages

    laid her down on her stomach in my bed, she tried to crawl. La Shundra, was very happy and loved baby, she was so special she touch the hearts of everyone that came to know her even when, she was at her worst until the day she died. She always had smile on her face and she would always see the good in people, no matter how they treated her she would always consider them as her friend. I tried several times to tell her not everyone was her and that she needed to be careful, I guess as mother I was

  • Creative Writing: Glenwood Pool

    1171 Words  | 3 Pages

    I stopped him and gave him my water slide tickets. He gave me a smile that said I had given him the world and ran away squealing after his daddy. I sighed again and thought, "Well, at least he's happy!" My throat tightened as I swallowed another sob. I quickened my pace to the changing room. I wanted to get away from

  • Personal Narrative-Destruction Of Japanese Culture

    1617 Words  | 4 Pages

    Even though none of my relatives were killed or tortured by the Japanese, I am still afraid. I am afraid that my vicarious wounds still linger inside me, affecting everything I do. I know that they destroyed our cultural and spiritual circle that we maintained for five thousand years. They just had to leave a natural trace that actually became part of us. I don't know if I should hate them. It is ignorantly and unwittingly buried deeply in our unconsciousness. Natural hatred and attraction, like

  • Waking Up Means: A Narrative Fiction

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    his arms around her felt amazing. She remembered last night, the way they cried and apologized and when he got on one knee. She sat up trying not to wake him but it didn’t work. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled up at her. She couldn’t help but smile and lean down to give him a kiss. “Good morning.” He said wrapping his arms around her. “Good morning.” She said with a giggle. “You should go visit Yuriy. He’s worried about you.” “Yeah… he might be a little mad.” She said closing her eyes. “But

  • Realm of wonders union

    3394 Words  | 7 Pages

    The sun hung lazily in the sky and Alison gave a relieved smile. She looked around and drank the scene around her. How she enjoyed the sound of the birds that sang around and flew gently above them, as they began to venture on to the secret path. The young Amir had seen her in the distance and came running towards her, his face beaming with excitement as he held his arms out ready to embrace his new friend. Alison held her arms out and smiled happily, as they both hugged gently. “You returned,” Amir

  • Personal Experience: First Impressions

    836 Words  | 2 Pages

    were close together, and Kyungsoo often came over to her house to play or study together. Hyunae often confided her problems to Kyungsoo, especially after her parents’ death. On days when she missed her parents most, Kyungsoo would come and make her smile again. He would wait until she was fast asleep and then he would return home. “Wait up!” Hyunae watched as her best friend ran up to her. He rested his right hand on her shoulder for support while catching his breath. Hyunae shook her head disapprovingly

  • Why Smile Are Contagious Essay

    970 Words  | 2 Pages

    Why Smiles are Contagious Name Institution Why Smiles are Contagious Introduction People feel comfortable when those around them smile, and the reason why this happens is simple; a smiling face can be trusted. It is the reason why others smile with you either consciously or unconsciously without the “why” of the action. Maybe, it is the stimulating effect of a smile on the central nervous system or its communication of the assurance that everything would be okay. Maybe it is not because

  • Insecurity Essay

    930 Words  | 2 Pages

    An experience that helped me grow up: My left arm getting burned Everyone struggles with insecurities. Insecurity plays a role in how people view the world and the way they present them. An insecurity is a trait that makes you feel out of place in society. Another way to say it is being fearful or afraid of what of something that could be or what will be in one’s life. This something can carry on with you during elementary, high school or even after college. Feeling insecurities are apart of human

  • Personal Narrative Essay: The Hardest Day Of My Life

    716 Words  | 2 Pages

    together. We worked about three blocks away from each other so it worked out perfectly. This was going to be our last lunch together for a few days though because Josh was going out of town. “You look as gorgeous as ever,” Josh said with a radiant smile on his face. I blushed, smiling back and said, “Why thank you sir, as do you.” This is one of the reasons why I loved Josh so much, he always knew what to say and was a true gentleman. We arrived at our favorite bagel shop to eat, as the delicious

  • Making a Difference

    1529 Words  | 4 Pages

    question is, have I been? Yesterday, I noticed a girl I knew last year eating breakfast alone. As she pushed the soggy scrambled eggs around on her plate, I could tell that she was at the beginning of a rough day. I wanted to join her and share my smile, but I sat elsewhere. My fear of talking with her though I could not remember her name held me back. If I had eaten my breakfast across from her, wou... ... middle of paper ... ...erever he went, I can share with those around me too. Like my grandparents

  • Death and Suicide - The Death of a Friend

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    soaked my red cheeks. Attempting to listen to the hollow words spoken with heartfelt emotion, I glanced at his picture, and my eyes became fixed on his beloved dog. Sudden flashes of sacred memories overcame me. Memories of soccer, his unforgettable smile, and our frequent exchange of playful insults, set my mind spinning. I longed only to hear his delighted voice once more. I sat for what seemed like hours in that lonely yet overcrowded church; my tears still flowed, and I still remembered. October