Octopodidae Essays

  • Octopus Research Paper

    571 Words  | 2 Pages

    has arms with sucker stalks that are broad, muscular cylinders. It has no funnel valve and no nuchal cartilage. It has eight arms and no shell which also are common characteristics of a cephalopod. (Kalupa, 2012) The octopus is under the family Octopodidae because it has suckers in a one or two series. It also does not have a detachable hectocotylus, which is...

  • Characteristics of the Amphioctopus Marginatus

    535 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Amphioctopus Marginatus is of the Kingdom Animalia because like other members of this kingdom, it is both multicellular and is a heterotroph. This species is also part of the phylum Mollusca because like other mollusks, it has a coelom, (letter B on the first phylogeny tree), a visceral body mass, and a mantle (letter C). Furthermore, because it is not part of the phylum Chordata, it does not have the notochord (letter A) (Doc 2). It is of the class Cephalopoda, because like other members of

  • Octopus Research Paper

    1302 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cephalopods certainly look alien, so it is hardly surprising that science fiction writers have hijacked their characteristics for imaginary aliens. An octopus has three hearts that pump blue-green blood around its body, using a copper- rather than iron-based carrier for oxygen. Its eight tentacles are covered in suckers that enable it to amble, probe and manipulate with great dexterity. When in danger or enraged, it can switch to jet propulsion, and if danger persists it can eject an ink cloud of

  • Blue Ringed Octopus Research Paper

    1204 Words  | 3 Pages

    The blue ringed octopus Introduction: The Blue Ringed Octopus is a very fascinating animal because it is famous for its deadly poison, which is powerful enough to kill a person. Also, beaches in Australia actually put on “beware” signs about the octopus! Wanna know more? Well come and read this book! Appearance: Like all octopuses, they have eight legs, bulging eyes, and rounded bodies. They also have 2 eyes that are about ⅓ of the body and no bones. The blue ringed octopus is usually light

  • Essay On Octopus

    589 Words  | 2 Pages

    animal, the mimic octopus, has acquired the unique adaption of being able to impersonate characteristic of other species as a mechanism of self defense. The mimic octopus’ full systematic classification is Animalia Mollusca Cephalopoda Octopoda Octopodidae Thaumoctopus mimicus. This octopus likes to live in shallow waters that are only 2 to 12 meters deep off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia and is restricted to this area. More specifically, it can be found at river mouths in the sand substrates,

  • Essay On Octopus

    607 Words  | 2 Pages

    animals they not only change the colour of the body, like other octopuses, but their change the shape of their body too. Mimic octopus (Thaumoctopus mimicus) belongs to the order Octopoda (octopuses) within the Cephaloda class. Its family, the Octopodidae contains over 200 species, most of them are known, benthic octopus species. Related species are wonderpus octopus, blue-ringed octopus and giant octopus. Mimic octopuses have a small size, they grow up to 60cm. Their tentacles are about 25 cm long

  • The Biology of the Venom of Hapalochlaena Maculosa

    3072 Words  | 7 Pages

    terrifying for the victim. This venom, known as maculotoxin, is an unusual venom both in how it has come to be the weapon of the blue-ringed octopus and in how it works. Physical Biology H. maculosa is a member of Class Cephalopoda and Family Octopodidae. The octopus is made up of a main body, or head, in which there is a well-developed brain, a mouth region that houses the beak, and a pair of eyes. Surrounding the mouth are eight or ten tentacles which are lined with suckers. Within the mantle