New Way Essays

  • New Ways of Learning in the Workplace

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    New Ways of Learning in the Workplace In today's "high performance organizations," workers must be prepared for continuous on-the-job growth and development. Given the increased age, variety of experiences, and diverse lifestyles and cultures of the working population, it is understandable that adult education practices must move beyond the traditional model of teachers as purveyors of knowledge and learners as passive recipients. Methods and techniques that draw upon workers' previous experiences

  • Christianity: New Teachings for a New Way of Life

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    Christianity: New Teachings for a New Way of Life The Christian vision of Human Sexuality compared to many religions is seen as quite restrictive. Religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism do not put near as much effort in restricting human sexuality as Christians do. Particularly in Hinduism, sex is seen as a good thing and is even celebrated. Even more, some Hindu’s practice the teachings of the Kama Sutra “which provides the details of erotic method…presenting the particulars of various types of

  • Internet Provides New Ways to Communicate

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    Internet Provides New Ways to Communicate Through the centuries, technology has changed communication. In the 19th century people communicated through mail by the use of the pony express and through the electrical speech machine, known today as the telephone. In the 20th century into the beginning of the 21st century the new technology of computers has become widely available to people around the world. With computers, the internet has changed the way people communicate today. Postal mail

  • Kilner's Case Study: Having A Baby The New-Fashioned Way

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    Introduction In kilner’s case study “Having a baby the new-fashioned way”, present a story that can be relatable to a lot of families struggling to have a child. This is a dilemma that can be controversial and ethical in own sense. The couple that were discussed in the case study were Betty and Tom. Betty and Tom who are both in their early forties who have struggled to bear children. Dr. Ralph Linstra from Liberty University believes that “Fertility can be taken for granted”. Dr. Ralph talks about

  • Jason Tried The Best Way To Learn A New Language

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    Being new to the country, Jason tried his best to succeed the best way possible. Jason Jifeng Bao came to this country when he was only 7 years old, getting on a bus in a village, then getting on a plane in the airport and leaving home. When they landed they were in New York City. They came over from China for a better life, a better education, more money, and more food. It affected his future by living in a different country. When Jason started school they put him right into second grade just

  • Jackson Pollock

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    1912. He was the youngest of his five brothers. Even though he was born on a farm, he never milked a cow and he was terrified of horses because he grew up in California. He dropped out of high school at the age of seventeen and proceeded to move to New York City with his older brother, Charles, and studied with Thomas Hart Benton at the Art Students League. Thomas Benton was already a great artist at the time in which Pollock studied with him. Benton acted like the father figure in Pollock’s life

  • The Radio: Past and Present

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    to hear things live as they happened. This gave sport fans the opportunity to sit down and tune into a game anytime they like. The radio started off big and then took a dramatic fall due to the introduction of the television. However, radio found new ways to attract the public. Radio broadcasting was introduced to the public in the early 1920s (Potter 226). There was only one type of broadcast protocol in the 1920’s and 30’s being AM radio(The Early Years). In 1921 there were only five AM radio

  • Zaha M. Hadid

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    student to "architecture's new diva" as the title of the January 1996 Architectural DigestUs profile suggested. Her work has been accepted as a significant contribution to architecture and her style is one that other architects now emulate. These characteristics might serve to qualify her under Howard Gardner's definition of creativity. "The creative individual is a person who regularly solves problems, fashions products, or defines new questions in a domain in a way that is initially considered

  • Fire as technology and influence on society

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    which made their lives easier and more efficient. Many of these creations have advanced our culture, while others have paved the way for future advancements and inspired new ways of thought. One example of this is the discovery of fire, which revolutionized the way humans act and think. Fire has a unique connection to humans, evolving alongside humanity, each growing in ways that wouldn't have been possible without the other. We can only speculate as to how humans began to control fire, yet it can safely

  • Report On Westside Gym

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    Report On Westside Gym Introduction This report will be research and development of a gym called “Westside Health & Fitness Club”. I will talk about the location of the gym, price per customer, offers, new ways to improve the gym, and research into what the customer wants. This report aims to use research and development to create innovative ideas that will set this gym apart from others in the area. Findings With regards to the location of the gym, the evidence suggests that

  • New Learning Strategies for Generation X

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    New Learning Strategies for Generation X Generation X workers resent the labels that have been used to describe them: slackers, arrogant, disloyal, having short attention spans. In fact, these descriptions are less likely to reflect the behaviors of individuals in Generation X than the perceptions of managers who are not attuned to new ways of learning. This Digest investigates ways in which the learning characteristics of the young adults classified as Generation X reflect the need for the new

  • Allen Ginsberg's Howl

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    Movement" in modern literature has become an important period in the history of literature and society in America. Incorporating influences such as jazz, art, literature, philosophy, and religion, the Beat writers created a new and prophetic vision of modern life and changed the way an entire generation of people see the world. That generation is now aging and its representative voices are becoming lost to eternity, but the message is alive and well. The Beats have forever altered the nature of

  • The Internet and Rapidly Developing Technology

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    like that we can hardly find our way through everyday life with out using or having an internet connected computer next to us. The way we think, live, and communicate was changed once for all with the invention of networked communication of computers. Computers are no longer a piece of machine that sits on top of our desk for us to admire the marvelous technology brought by the geeks and freaks of 80's, but for us to constantly use and put in to work. And in a way, environment which we live in, the

  • Rock Music and Creativity

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    professor of philosophy and psychology at the University of Sussex, has written many essays on creativity. In The Creative Priority she divides creativity into three main branches. The first involves `making unfamiliar combinations of familiar ideas', new ways to join already existing ideas in order to generate a completely novel creation, be it a poem, a painting or a scientific invention. The `exploration of conceptual spaces', searching for possibilities in an area that no one has thought about before

  • Cubism

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    individual way. Cubism sprung from a comment made by French Painter Paul Cezanne. Cezanne claimed "All nature is made up of the cone, the cylinder and the sphere". Cubists liked this idea. So therefore they decided to focus on the forms Cezanne was talking about, and they painted the world and objects as if they were really made up of geometric shapes. At first, their works shocked people. It was unrealistic and quite unlike traditional art styles. The cubists were interested in the way we look

  • Retirement Planning

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    more people were turning against Roosevelt’s New Deal program. This led Roosevelt to a new program of reform, which we know today as social security. It stated heavier taxes on the wealthy, new way of controlling banks and public utilities, and a huge work relief program for those people who were unemployed. Social Security has been around for so long, but now people under the age of sixty-five think it will go bankrupt before they retire, according to a new CNN/TIME poll, and most of them do not think

  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Warfare

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    now people were dependent on the new machines of the Industrial Age (1). The Revolution brought with it radical changes in the textile and engine worlds; it was a time of reason and innovations. Although it was a time of progress, there were drawbacks to the headway made in the Industrial Revolution. Granted, it provided solutions to the problems of a world without industry. However, it also created problems with its mechanized inventions that provided new ways of killing. Ironically, there was

  • The Internet’s Impact on Stock Trading

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    of online stock trading and to demonstrate, through analysis, the claim that the industry is vulnerable to an extended decline in the stock market. It was going to be a sure fire way to make some quick money. In the late 1990’s, high technology and internet stocks were experiencing tremendous gains and a new way of trading stock was being developed. Online trading was in its ... ... middle of paper ... “Gains Allure; Fed up with Advice to Stay Put, Some Investors are Looking to

  • The Palace Of Versailles

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    “Castle”. When the Chateau was first constructed in 1623, it was constructed as a hunting lodge made of brick, stone, and slate (3-1 Internet 3). When the New Chateau was constructed around 1631 and it was decorated in the Baroque style. The style expressed the power and authority of the head of state. Baroque architecture combined in new ways as classical and renaissance elements as columns, arches, and capitals. Sweeping curved areas replace orderly rectangular areas and sculpture and painting

  • Deconstruction in Architecture

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    speech, it is to draw out conflicting logics of sense and implication, with the object of showing that the text never exactly means what it ways or says what it means . Though, it has been applied not only to text but also to the visual arts and architecture. The approach of deconstruction in architecture is to get architects to think of things in a new way, to view architecture in bits and pieces. Also to develop buildings which show how differently from traditional architectural conventions buildings