National Party Essays

  • The Democratic National Party vs. the Republican National Party

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    two party political system. These two parties play a very important role in our government, they are a source of ideas for public policy, and they legally oppose each other (class citation), forcing compromises of ideas which are beneficial to the people of the United States of America. Though these two parties generally always oppose each other on the issues, some people believe that there are not significant differences between the Democratic National Party and the Republican National Party. Despite

  • The Program of the National Socialist German Workers' Party

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    The Program of the National Socialist German Workers' Party Germany under the rule of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party believed they were superior to the peoples of all other nations and all individual efforts were to be performed for the betterment of the German State. Germany’s loss in World War I resulted in the Peace Treaty of Versailles, which created tremendous economic and social hardships on Germany. Germany had to make reparations to the Allied and Associated Governments involved

  • The Purpose Of The National Party

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    idea of a National Party came about in the eighteenth century around the Enlightenment era (Introduction to Nationalism 2014). The importance of the National Party lies within its most widely known principle which is strong pride in one’s nation and ways in which the people can improve their party to spread how great their country is. The National Party of Europa overall is considered to be far-right. This party puts the value of country on a high pedestal (Introduction 2014). Also, this party does not

  • National Women's Party Essay

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    The National Women’s Party In this day and age many Americans take for granted the rights and privileges that they have grown up having. Many do know what it took to gain these rights and what battles were fought to have them granted to them. Not so long ago women had to wage a war with their government to even gain one of the most basic political rights someone could have, the right to vote. Winning the right for women to vote was a long and hard fought battle that spanned over a 72 year period

  • National Freedom Party: Restoring American Democracy

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    The name of the party is The National Freedom Party. The name of the new party captures the essence of the American spirit built upon the pillars of civil rights and liberties for all the Americans as enshrined in the American constitution. Since independence, the freedom of the people has been the starting point and the finishing point when formulating national policies. America has participated in global wars, experienced a bloody civil war all in the name of freedom. However, with so many changes

  • Nazism: National Socialist German Workers Party

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    Nazism by definition is the political principles of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. It is typically characterised as a form of fascism that incorporates elements of scientific racism, which is a pseudoscientific belief that there is evidence to support or justify racism, and antisemitism. The ideology was influenced by German nationalism, the Völkisch movement, and the anti-Communist paramilitary groups that emerged during the Weimar Republic after Germany's defeat in the First World

  • Apartheid: The History of the National Party and Its Influence in South America

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    In 1948 the National Party took power of South Africa. The all-white minority government began enforcing already existing laws that encouraged segregation and separatism in the non-white majority country. Under these new sanctions apartheid, which literally means a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race, non-whites would be forced to not only go to separate public facilities but would later be force to live on separate lands similar to that of the Native Americans in

  • The Rule of Forbes Burnham and the People’s National Congress Party

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    was viewed to be less radical then Jagan. Burnham strongly believed in making Guyana a socialist country. In the 1964 elections, the PNC received about 41% of the votes along with the new political party, The United Force which received about 12% of the votes with that percentage the United Force party gave in and supported the PNC making Burnham prime minister. The United Force who represented the conservatives of Guyanese society such as business elites and the Catholic Church. Under Burnham’s

  • Scottish Separatist Movement - Yes Scotland vs. Better Together

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    Referendum, 2014." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. . Scotland. Scottish Government. Scotland's Future: Your Guide to an Independent Scotland. ScotReferendum,com, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. . Scotland. Scottish National Party. Vote SNP: 2011 Manifesto. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. .

  • The Political System of Scotland

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    The Political System of Scotland Unlike Wales, which was subdued by conquest in the thirteenth century, Scotland was never permanently incorporated into the United Kingdom by force of arms. In 1603 the succession of James I to the throne of England united the crowns of England and Scotland. However, the

  • The Importance of the Economic Factors in the Rise to Power of the Fascist Party in Italy

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    The Importance of the Economic Factors in the Rise to Power of the Fascist Party in Italy Fascism came on the heels of a war that economically and physically crippled Italy. In an attempt to regain control, Italian general and dictator, Benito Mussolini created a political party that rivalled the Socialist party. Fascism was an extremely harsh dictatorship type of power that left many people a victim of its cruelty. This essay will explore whether the rise of fascism was due to the economic

  • Scottish Independence Essay

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    of Scottish independence, the Left in Scotland is similarly caught on two minds. There are those in the Labour Party and the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) who maintain that independence would disunite the British working class and only go to serve the interests of the bourgeoisie. However, others on the Left, most notably in the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) and the Communist Party of Scotland (CPS), believe that the breakup of the British state is a precondition for securing progressive, socialist

  • Penal Development In Scotland Essay

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    incarceration and encouraging the sentencers to use them’ . For most of the twentieth century a secular shift away from custodial punishment was evident. During the 1950s and 1960s, law and order was thought to be an issue out with the control of political parties and it was the shared opinion that the people who held the specific knowledge about it, not the politicians in question, should be the ones to sort crime, so there was no real link between governance and the control of criminality. There is the opinion

  • The Fascists’ Control of Italy and their Social and Economic Policies

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    aided their control over Italy yet may not be cited as the sole cause. The Fascist party’s social and economic policies along with other factors attributed to the overall control of Italy. Through such policies it was a certainty that the Fascist party would hold complete power over the population of Italy in each aspect of an individual’s life whether it was their leisure time through the Dopolavoro or at work under the corporate state system which was formally introduced in 1934. This complete

  • Mussolini’s Consolidation of Power Between 1922 and 25

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    Mussolini’s Consolidation of Power Between 1922 and 25 “ It seems that Mussolini from the outset was determined to retain power in his hand; but he was uncertain of the method to be employed towards the other political parties and their leaders, towards the press, and towards parliament” (F.L. Carsten, an academic historian and specialist on European Fascism, The Rise of Fascism, (1967) In 1922 Mussolini had just been appointed Prime Minister after the fascist march on Rome. However

  • Agent Carter Season 4 Essay

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    Agent Carter Season 1 Much like Luke Cage, Agent Carter explores social justice but in the late 1940’s. Hayley Atwell is easily the best part of the show as she fights for women’s rights and kicks a lot of ass on the way. Agent Carter deserved her own story and it was a treat for fans to see a strong woman in a lead role that inspired women everywhere. Agents of Shield Season 4 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD just gets better and better with every season. Season 4 explored a much darker tone and introduced

  • The Scottish Parliament

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    For more than three hundred years, Scotland has been an active member of a union with Wales, England and Northern Ireland but recently this partnership has come under threat due to nationalist views from a group of deluded self-serving failed councillors better known as the SNP. The ideals of these individuals threaten the very fabric of this hub of culture and enterprise that we know and love as Scotland. With the tricentennial anniversary of union, the idea of Scottish independence has again come

  • Political System Of Fascism

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    Fascism is such a unique form of government, and it needs the right conditions to form. Unfortunately, for many countries, and Italy specifically, fascism typically begins to grow after the previous political system failed. The political systems fail during or after the loss of a war, resulting in serious turmoil and corruption throughout the country, even with a powerful, charismatic leader trying to save the country. The Italian political system was extremely flawed because the ideals of fascism

  • Mussolini’s Battle for Births Policy

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    Section A- Plan of Investigation: What was the impact of Mussolini’s “Battle for Births” policy on Italy between 1926 and 1945? The investigation will focus on economic and social impacts of the “Battle for Births”. Mussolini demanded that the Italian population grow rapidly and abundantly, without regard to the consequences that would accompany a sudden increase in population. In order to successfully investigate this question, the motives for the policy and the means of enforcing the policy, such

  • Apartheid Essay

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    separate society. The African National Congress (ANC) which began as a nonviolent civil rights group tried to get rid of apartheid which was not successful until Nelson Mendela became the president and restored the South Africans natural rights. Apartheid started in 1948 during the twentieth century. A few years before apartheid began the arrival of blacks began. Their arrival began the “Malan's Herenigde Nasionale Party (Reunited National Party) which was a political party in the 1940’s and was created