National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Essays

  • Law Enforcement Officers and Their Families

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    Law Enforcement Officers and Their Families The law enforcement officers who protect and serve the local communities have and live stressful lives. How stressful is the occupation of a law enforcement officer in their job and in their personal lives than other occupations? How hard would it be to be a spouse or loved one of a law enforcement officer? Does the public know what goes on in a law enforcement officer's job life and the life of their family? Could the average person handle the daily

  • Impacts and Ramifications of Stress in the Workplace

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    performance, absenteeism, and turnover. Works Cited Hill, M. A., Miller, C. C., & Colelle, A. (2011). Organizational Behavior. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. (2011, November 03). Law enforcement officer fatalities preliminary 2011 numbers. Retrieved from OSHA. (2002). Workplace violence. Retrieved from Perman, C. (2012

  • Police Officers Are Underpaid

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    It was 1992 and his whole life was ahead of him. He was young, married and anticipating the arrival of his first child. As a dispatcher, he was looking forward to his twenty-first birthday so he could be a police officer. “He wanted to be a cop, and that is the only thing he wanted to do,” says Anderson County Sheriff Gene Taylor (Buie). He was well-trained and graduated at the top of his class from the South Carolina Police Academy. He knew the rules, rehearsed them over and over, and lived by them

  • Violence Against Police Brutality

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    One of the main subjects in the current national news is, of course, police involved shootings: in the aftermath of the deaths regarding Philandro Castile, Alton Sterling and others. A less discussed subject would be violence against law enforcement within the nation. This can be discussed within the context of violence as a backlash against the so-called police brutality and a display of itself. In the last few years the “War on Police” has escalated because of the one sided reporting fueled by

  • Law Enforcement and Police Stress

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    one job. Aside from the heroic services police officers perform in their duty, they experience overwhelming stress in their daily duty. Police stress refers to the negative pressures related to police work (Police Stress, n.d.). In order to maintain peace and order, there must be an effective police force up and running. For that to happen, departments need to be aware and deal with the negative effects caused by police stress. Whereas, police officers must conquer their stress in order to work at

  • Tragic Mass Shooting In Odessa, Texas

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    pedestrians and law enforcement officers as he made his way through the city. He hijacked a U.S. Postal Service van, killing the postal worker, and using the vehicle to continue his rampage. The randomness and mobility of the attack made

  • Racial Profiling

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    unnecessary and is very extreme. Conservatives are for taking action over war on terrorism because their values are very high when it comes to National security

  • Police Bribery Essay

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    Bribery Among Law Enforcement Officers Bribery Among Law Enforcement Officers James Andrews Dr. Lubinski Slippery Rock University Introduction ​What is one profession centered on the protection and preservation of society? Police officers take an oath to do exactly that, protect and preserve society for those who cannot do so. There are approximately 900,000 police officers in the United States (National Law Enforcement

  • Milton Cayette IIi : A Native Of St. James Parish

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    job by being a law enforcement officer. A cop provides a feeling of security to most people. When most people see a law enforcement officer, they feel safe no matter what the situation may be. Even with the negative publicity the police has been receiving, some cops are still seen as the good guys and keep order in the community. Being a police officer is still at the... ... middle of paper ... ...erall, I think that this interview has taught me that every law enforcement officer have a different

  • Essay On Police Tribute

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    Social media gets out of hand and blames one police officer then blames the whole law enforcement for police corruption and racism. When a white man is shot and killed or convicted of a crime no one shouts and riots he is automatically a suspect but if a african american man is shot or killed the police officers are looked down and blamed for such a tragic event and should be fired from his job when he was doing his job. Police officer are highly trained and take their job professionally and seriously

  • The Impact of Rotating Shift Work on Police Officers

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    The impact of rotating shift work on police officers in terms of fatigue, increased stress, and other long term medical problems cannot be overstated. In 2011, an in-depth research project, “Sleep disorders, health, and safety in police officers” (JAMA, 2011), was conducted involving a group of North American police officers in regards to the sleep disorders and the health and safety of the officers participating. The study involved 4,957 officers that worked rotating shifts over a period of approximately

  • African American Police Research Paper

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    lately, it’s been a rise with police. (1st para)How did police get started? According to the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund, in 1635 “The City of Boston establishes the first system of law enforcement in the 13 colonies. Called the ‘night watch,’ officers served part-time, without pay.” Later, on September 24, 1789, “The United States Congress creates the first Federal law enforcement officer, the United States Marshal,” which were appointed by President George Washington.” According

  • Mass Media Impact On Police Officer Essay

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    impact on police officer. There are few individuals who gives negative impression towards cops but will call upon these officers once it suitable for their needs. The primary role of a police officer is to protect and serve. Before one should critique about a police officer, especially the way in which society view’s a officer, it is significant to understand the role, responsibilities, and different types of officers as well as Detective. (DA). In a simple definition police officers protect lives

  • The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI)

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    Today in 2017 there are many branches of law enforcement, I’ll be talking about just one out of the many. That is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Also I’ll be talking about the history of the department, duties of certain occupations, the effect the job has on society, and the requirements to join the force. Firstly, did you ever wonder how the FBI was created or even its origins through today? The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) started in 1908 and was born as a force of Special

  • Victim Advocates

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    some instances you can be a victim of fraud, sexual abuse, mental and physical abuse. Victim advocates are and can be based on the type of crime victims (National Organization for Victim Assistance, 2015). But given in your time of need the government has giving us the resources of having victim advocates (U.S. Department of Transportation, & National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010). There are victim advocates that go beyond the criminal justice proceedings and called are system advocates

  • Comparing The Black Lives Matter Movement And Black Panther Party

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    They both were against police and fought against them. These are statistics based on cop killings. 13 percent of americans are black, and they commit 52 percent of the crime in this country. (Bandler). BLM protesters killed 5 police officers in dallas, and then they promoted their war against cops. (Fernandez). Cops killed nearly twice as many whites than blacks in 2015. (Shapiro). More Whites and Hispanics die from police homicide than Blacks. (Johnson) According to the FBI, Blacks

  • Terrorism In Canada Essay

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    were abroad and suspected of engaging in terrorism-related activity (Publicsafety.GC.CA, 2016, Pg. 6-7). The other main threat within Canada is the Right-Wing Extremist movement. These groups also pose a threat due to Canadian citizens and law enforcement officers, due to the now, over 100 right-wing extremist groups operating in Canada, mostly concentrated in Alberta, British

  • The Impact of Rotating Shift Work on Police Officers

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    Studies have shown that officers working rotating shifts sleep one to four hours less on average than those assigned to permanent shifts (Aveni, 1999). Some of these officers develop a long term sleep deficiency that can never be recovered. Officers that are sleep deprived are not only operating at an unsafe level, but have been found to have the same level of performance as someone with an alcohol impairment between 0.04% and 0.08% BAC and would be presumed to be legally unsafe to operate a motor

  • Case Study: The Law Office Of W. Christopher Weaver

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    About Us The Law Office of W. Christopher Weaver, PC, was created out of both duty and passion: a duty to practice the profession of law with integrity; a passion to help those among us who work hard and do the right thing, to no avail. We believe the more we work to protect the rights of these individuals, the better equipped these individuals will be to protect themselves and their families. What makes us different? 1. We listen. The first step to finding a solution is to first understand

  • Deterrence Argumentative Essay

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    According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 622 correctional officers have been killed in the line of duty. Statute 18 U.S.C. 1121 was passed in 1996 making it a Federal crime for inmates to murder an officer of the law. In 2014, the America Correctional Association (ACA) published a report on correctional officer fatalities while working. The ACA reported, “There were 113 correctional officer fatalities between 1999 and 2008. 65% of those deaths