Myiasis Essays

  • Forensic Entomology: Blowflies

    986 Words  | 2 Pages

    away from a natural orifice. In some cases of abuse and neglect, eggs can be laid in wound sites where the individual is not deceased. Myiasis is the disease in which rotting flesh becomes attractive to insects and they feed on living tissue(Personal Communication). Eventually infection spreads and the certain tissue dies. However, in cases of suspicious death myiasis can cause problems calculating the post mortem interval. To conclude, the development and use of forensic entomology, especially the

  • Obesity In Pets

    2065 Words  | 5 Pages

    Obesity is a major problem for multiple species across the states, cats, dogs and rabbits are going to surpass healthy ones in the next five years as pet obesity rates continue to increase through the country and the PDSA has warned about it, as stated on the spruce. With rabbits specifically, there is a high risk for obesity in domesticated rabbits due to the lack of knowledge on their specific nutritional needs. It is extremely important for pet owners to know common knowledge on their rabbit’s