Muromachi period Essays

  • Kosodes: The Muromachi Period

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    Kosodes as a symbol of their upper class. Towards the end of the Kamakura period, there was another type of kimono garments known as hakama; which was worn by women who were in the military class and in the courts. The year 1336 and 1573 was dominated by the Muromachi Era and, during the rise of the merchant and at the end of the period, Japanese people from all social classes wore Kosode as their principle outer garment except during formal occasions. For formal occasions, uchikake, which was a

  • History Of The Noh Theater

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    During this time period there was a war that broke out. This was called the Onin war and lasted from (1467-1477). China was amongst the countries that japan had contact with. One of the results of the Onin war was destruction which caused the country to fall into a chaos which was known as Sengoku (age of country at war). The Sengoku was so devastating to the country that the shogun or ruler family, Ashikaga, lost their power. There were many influences on the history in this period. The Ashikaga family

  • Japanese Garden Architecture

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    represented in forms of stone groupings, and each stone was intentionally laid out positioned as a meaning to the scenery. This played a role in the 14th century often. Buddhism and Daoism beliefs were brought from Korea and China. There were temporary periods where these countries opened its doors to share culture and religious beliefs, fine arts, food spices, etc. Therefore, it’s strongly believed that early gardens in Japan evolved from Korean or Chinese models. The garden of Kinkaku-Ji is laid out in

  • Farewell Addresses to the late Atsumori and the Late Lady Rokujo: Justifications for Attachments and Guides to Enlightenment

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    world and send her to enlightenment. In summary, classic literature works are good representatives of humanity with feelings, positive or negative: happiness, love, excitement, anger, sorrow, humiliation, jealousy, etc. The noh playwrights of the Muromachi era were skillful in treating human inner feelings as more important than external niceties, which, otherwise, would have been ignored, or even not recognized in later times. Delivering a story from different angles enables the reader to appreciate

  • Essay On Passing Periods

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    detention due to short passing periods. Having short passing periods can make a student’s grade go down or worse when students are late to class. This can be prevented by extending passing periods to 10 minutes. Although the staff at H.P.M.S may disapprove, but in the long run, they will see the effects of having longer passing periods has on students. Because of the short time of passing periods, students at Happy Place Middle School are petitioning to extend their passing period time to 10 minutes. In

  • Music and Murder

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    music teachers as “coming from the heart”, because we have not discovered the crimes that the prisoners have committed the music attempts to draw on feelings of sympathy from the viewer for the men. Much of the documentary is left to periods of the men’s music; these periods are an expression of emotion by which the notion of humanity and a second chance is put forward. The structure, the order parts of the documentary are presented determine how prisoners are constructed by the viewer. In Music and

  • Sleeping Disorders and the I-Function

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    REM sleep. During this cycle the periods of REM sleep are interspersed with slow wave sleep in alternation. Each period of REM sleep (there are usually 4 or 5 periods a night) lasts for approximately 5 to 30 minutes. During these periods a sleep paradox occurs. An enormous amount of brain activity takes place; this is sometimes even more activity then when awake. This clearly indicates that sleep is not simply to rest our mind and not to think. So, during this period our brains are extremely active

  • Don’t Get Burned Out

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    train hard and work hard for long periods of time. However, others can also experience burnout in athletics. Burnout leads to reduced interest in the sport, quality of performance, and then withdrawal. Burnout is often associated with overtraining, overreaching, and staleness. Overtraining is the point where training is no longer beneficial but harmful. Overreaching is similar to overtraining however the length of time makes the difference. Overreaching for long periods of time leads to overtraining

  • Essay On Discipline And Termination

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    1. Subject: Discipline and Termination (Applies to administrative and professional staff only.) 2. General Policy Statement Super X Drugs recognizes it has a responsibility to inform administrative and professional staff of unsatisfactory performance in a timely and open manner. The efforts made by Super X Drugs in making the corrective efforts are expected to increase as the length of service. Definitions Misconduct - action on the part of the employee such that the employment association itself

  • Manic Hamlet in Shakespeare's Hamlet

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    Psychologically, mania is described as a mood disorder characterized by euphoric states ,extreme physical activity ,excessive talkativeness, distractedness, and sometimes grandiosity. During manic periods a person becomes "high" extremely active , excessively talkative, and easily distracted. During these periods the affected person's self esteem is also often greatly inflated. These people often become aggressive and hostile to others as their self confidence becomes more and more inflated and exaggerated

  • My Philosophy of Education

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    Educators’ expectations have been lowered, and are no longer concentrating on whether or not the students truly learn what is being taught. Today, many educators are satisfied with a student just being able to remember the information for only short periods of time. So rather than encouraging the students to be dedicated to learning the material and traveling their own path in life, we have encouraged them to simply get by and follow the lead of the current trend. This is not true for all educators

  • Huck Finn - Life on the raft vs land

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    In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, Huck lives in two different settings. One of the settings is on land with the widow and with his father and the other is on the river with Jim. There are many differences of living on land as opposed to living on the Mississippi River. On land, Huck has more rules to live by and he has to watch himself so as not to upset the widow or his father. On the river, Huck didn't have to worry about anything except people finding Jim. He also

  • Periods Of English Literature

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    when one looks at the different periods in English literature, seeing the depictions of a certain era through writings that unintentionally convey great varieties in the mentality and lifestyles of the people who lived during that time. From war and violence to the more genteel inclinations of love and peace, English literature has evolved throughout the centuries, most especially if one considers the differences between the Old English, Renaissance and Romantic periods. The Anglo-Saxon history is

  • Paleolithic Art

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    the late Paleolithic period 40,000-10,000 B.C. (the Stone Age), is one of the most beautiful, natural periods of cave art and clay sculptures. Created by Nomadic hunters and gatherers with ivory, wood, and bone, these figures were thought to be symbolic and have some magical or ritual relevance. Figures and drawings have been found in all parts of the world dating back to the Cro-Magnon man as late as 60,000 years ago. There are two different periods of overlapping periods. The first, dating between

  • Free Shakespeare's Hamlet Essays: Gertrude and Hamlet

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    Gertrude and Hamlet Hamlet's behavior is often explained using Freud's theory of sexual behavior; however the symptoms of bipolar disease explain Hamlet's behavior. Bipolar disease is defined as: "This disease causes symptoms like mood swings with periods of both depression and mania. They have consequent changes in thinking and behavior. Bipolar means the sharing of two poles, or high and low, having to do with mood."(2) " Hamlet's behavior throughout the play was extremely physical, excessive

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    to missed periods. It also causes women to have more of the male hormone in their bodies, which cause male hair growth. Not all of PCOS patients have excessive hair growth some may have other skin conditions, like acne. PCOS is the one of the most notorious cause if missed menstrual cycles and “infertility due to the lack of ovulation”. (Thatcher, 12) There are three main reasons women with PCOS get medical attention. The first is that they have missed menstrual cycles. A woman’s period should not

  • Evangelicalism

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    to another: the Revolution was not yet complete. History: Causes leading to Evangelicalism The fifty years following independence witnessed dramatic changes in the character of American society. As is the case with all periods of momentous social change, the early national period generated both optimism and unease. While the Revolution had succeeded in throwing off the British, it by no means resolved the growing nation's infrastructural, political and racial problems. Rather, in the sudden absence

  • For Esme- With Love and Squalor

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    For Esme- With Love and Squalor 1) In “For Esme- With Love and Squalor,” J.D. Salinger addresses a part of every person’s life. Everyone experiences periods in their life when they question the world and what is happening around them. Most people probably do not experience it quite as dramatic as the writer of the story, Sergeant X, does. He finds himself in the middle of the pure madness of war, and is having a hard time coping with the realities of the situation. Eventually, people

  • Native Son Essay: Bigger as a Reflection of Society

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    Naturalistic society that Wright presents the reader with close him out as effectively as if they had shut a door in his face. In the first book, Wright tells the reader "these were the rhythms of his life: indifference and violence; periods of abstract brooding and periods of intense desire; moments of silence and moments of anger -- like water ebbing and flowing from the tug of a far-away, invisible force" (p.31). Bigger is controlled by forces that he cannot tangibly understand. The society seems

  • Observation of a Special Education (Special Ed) Program

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    phone and fax. The special education program at Smallville High School (SHS) is only seven years old. SHS is on a seven-period day, and the Severely Handicapped (SH), Special Day Class (SDC), and Resource Special Program (RSP) teachers are only assigned students two or three periods. The majority of students are only enrolled in a Special Education class one or two periods, depending upon their individual need. The breakdown of each individual section of the special education program at SHS looks