Motif Essays

  • Psycho Motifs

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    PSYCHO MOTIFS Have you ever seen Psycho? I have, and in my opinion this movie is one of the best horror flicks ever. Part of the reason I think this because of the motifs Hitchcock added to the movie. Some of these motifs are the motion down, eyes, and circles. What is a motif? Better yet, what is the motif I’m about to tell you about? Well, let me start by giving you a definition of the word. Motif : A recurrent thematic element used in the development of an artistic or literary work. (In this case

  • Literary Motif in Oedipus Rex

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    Literary Motif in Oedipus Rex M. H. Abrams defines a literary motif as a “conspicuous element, such as a type of incident, device, reference, or formula, which occurs frequently in works of literature” (169). It is the purpose of this essay to expose the main literary motif present in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. Richard Lattimore in “Oedipus Tyrannus” makes the revelation concerning the most apparent motif in the tragedy: . . . the drama belongs to the general story pattern of the

  • Examples Of Motifs In Macbeth

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    A motif is a recurring element, event, idea, or theme in a play. In Macbeth, the witches states, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” This motif is foreshadowing what is about to happen next. It is also saying that the weather is foul but Macbeth has won the battle.Throughout the play Macbeth, there are several motifs involved in the play . Recurrent motifs used in Macbeth are violence, hallucination, blood, nature, and gender. The Middle Ages were very violent back in the day for the British people

  • Animal Motifs in A Passage To India

    515 Words  | 2 Pages

    The recurring animal motifs in A Passage To India suggest a harmonious life existing outside of the contrasting state of humanity. While tensions escalate among the English and Indians, peace presides in the animal kingdom. Perhaps the only characters outside of the animals who acknowledge this peace are Mrs. Moore and Professor Godbole who specifically identify with a wasp extending their voluntary cognizance to Indian culture and the understanding of unity among all living creatures on Earth. "Pretty

  • Motifs in Shakespeare's King Lear

    577 Words  | 2 Pages

    Motifs in King Lear Shakespeare uses many motifs to expand on the themes of the story. His most-used motif revolves around filial responsibility. Each of the two plots contains characters who betray their fathers. Goneril and Regan flatter their father, King Lear, and then betray him. The drastic change that occurred in their attidtude towards their father is clearly evident through Goneril's speech before: "Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter; Dearer than eye-sight,

  • Essay on the Flying Motif in Song of Solomon

    635 Words  | 2 Pages

    Importance of the Flying Motif in Song of Solomon Throughout literature it has been common for authors to use allusions to complement recurrent motifs in their work. In Toni Morrison's Song Of Solomon, Milkman learns that his desire to fly has been passed down to him from his ancestor Solomon. As Milkman is figuring out the puzzle of his ancestry, he realizes that when Solomon tried to take his youngest son, Jake, flying with him, he dropped him and Jake never arrived with his father to their

  • Blood Motif in Macbeth

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    Blood The longest running tradition in medicine, bloodletting, was a widely accepted practice with a three-thousand year-old history from the ancient Egyptians to the late 19th century. At that time, physicians thought that disease was a curse caused by the supernatural. It was a common idea that blood carried the vital force of the body and was the seat of the soul. Anything from body weaknesses to insanity were attributed to a defect in this vital fluid. Bloodletting was a method for balancing

  • Free Essays - The Trap Motif in Hamlet

    632 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Trap Motif in Hamlet Hamlet, William Shakespeare's greatest tragedy, is a story of murder and deceit. The "trap" is a major motif in Hamlet because it is set by various characters, it is motivated by a variety of reasons and the results are often ironic. The first trap is set by Hamlet for the king. Hamlet is enraged by his fathers murder and is seeking vengeance. Hamlet sets a trap by persuading the actors to re-enact his fathers murder on stage. * He sets this trap because he

  • Motif Of Light In Montana 1948

    901 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Montana 1948”, uses the motif of light and silence in many ways to develop, clarify and reinforce ideas about truth and injustice, and portray the nature of some characters. He illustrates the injustice in Bentrock through the motif of light and then demonstrates to the reader the occurrence of something wrong through the motif of silence. The motif of light also sometimes assists the motif of silence to emphasize the significance of the event. Watson utilises the two motifs to effectively depict

  • Music and the Leit Motif in Hamlet

    838 Words  | 2 Pages

    Music and the Leit Motif in Hamlet Throughout William Shakespeare's Hamlet, many leit motifs were seen. If the definition of a allegorical symbol was used for the concept of a leit motif, music was a leit motif in Hamlet.  Music was repetitively brought up, in the play, and was also used by Shakespeare as a means of portraying the concept of being played upon.  The flute was used to illustrate how Hamlet and Claudius played upon others and each other.  Ophelia and other characters sang while

  • Motif of Play in John Updike's A&P

    1066 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Motif of Play in A & P In the short story "A & P" the author, John Updike, uses the motif of play as one of the main means by which he develops the character of Sammy, the nineteen-year-old narrator and protagonist of the story. In his many and varied references to play, Sammy reveals, along with his obvious immaturity, his rich imagination and potential for possible growth. The story takes place in the summertime of 1960 on a Thursday afternoon. Sammy is employed at the A & P grocery

  • Mystical Motifs in Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway

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    Mystical Motifs in Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway The scholarship surrounding Woolf’s mysticism by and large focuses on a psychoanalytical approach. While this paper will somewhat attempt to move away from a psychoanalytical methodology, it is valuable to examine the existing scholarship and the departures from this approach. Within this theoretical structure, the critical discussion further breaks down into two separate, though not incompatible, groups: those who see Woolf’s use of mysticism as a feminist

  • Free Handmaid's Tale Essays: The Red Motif

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    The Red Motif in The Handmaid's Tale In the dystopian novel "The Handmaid's Tale" written by Margaret Atwood, the recurrent appearance of the color red draws an interesting yet perverse parallel between femininity and violence. The dominant color of the novel, red is associated with all things female. However, red is also the color of blood; death and violence therefore are closely associated with women in this male-dominated ultraconservative government. We are first introduced to the color red

  • The Synecdochic Motif in Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio

    1774 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Synecdochic Motif in Winesburg, Ohio The sum of the parts of the vignettes of townsfolk of Winesburg, Ohio is greater than the whole novel. Winesburg, too, is only one town in all of Ohio, which is one of a host of states in the U.S. This magnification is at the heart of the novel, in which synecdoche is the main lens through which Sherwood Anderson allows us to regard the grotesques. This narrow aperture of perception does not compromise full characterization, but instead forces the

  • The Water Motif in Beloved by Toni Morrison

    1442 Words  | 3 Pages

    twenty on their porch. She claimed her name is Beloved. They took her in and she lived with them. Throughout the novel, Morrison uses many symbols and imagery to express her thoughts and to help us better understand the characters. Morrison uses the motif of water throughout the novel to represent birth, re-birth, and escape to freedom. In Beloved, one of the things that water represents is birth. When Sethe was running away form Sweet Home, she was pregnant. In order to get to freedom, she had to

  • themebeo Epic of Beowulf Essay - Themes and Motifs in Beowulf

    961 Words  | 2 Pages

    Beowulf:  Themes and Motifs Beowulf is the most important work of Old English literature, and is well deserved of the distinction.  Throughout the epic, the Anglo-Saxon storyteller uses many elements to build a certain depth to the characters. Just a few of the important character elements in Beowulf are Wealth & Honor, Biblical & Paganistic, and Man vs. Wild themes. Many of the characters in Beowulf are, like in most epics, defined by their status.  But, in addition to status, the Anglo-Saxon

  • The Great Gatsby Themes And Motifs

    1347 Words  | 3 Pages

    Book Analysis F. Scott Fitzgerald the author of "The Great Gatsby" reveals many principles about today's society and the "American dream." One of the biggest fears in today's world is the fear of not fitting into society. People of all age groups and backgrounds share this fear. Many individuals believe that to receive somebody's affection, they must assimilate into that person's society. In the story, Jay Gatsby pursues the American dream and his passions to be happy to only come to a tragedy and

  • The Bird Motif in Invisible Man

    669 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Ralph Ellison's novel, Invisible Man, the narrator must go through a journey of self discovery. He does not identify himself with the black people, nor is he a part of the white culture. Throughout the novel, Ellison uses the bird motif emphasize the personalities of the groups that he is describing. In his humble beginnings the narrator's greatest desire is to achieve the power that would earn him respect from all races of people. He attempts to achieve this by adapting white ideals and adopting

  • The Motifs of Blood and Water in in Shakespeare's Macbeth

    1461 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Motifs of Blood and Water in Macbeth In his masterpiece Macbeth, William Shakespeare employs many motifs, but none more often than blood and water. The play includes many images of blood and water to show the characters' attitudes toward their own development of guilt. Both motifs mature and change in their meaning along with the setting and mood of the play. “Without an understanding of the blood and water symbolism, the play cannot be completely understood”(Scott 14). Blood symbolizes

  • On the Road Essay: The Motif of Inadequacy of the Language

    1552 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Motif of Inadequacy of the Language in On the Road Henry Glass, a kid fresh out of a penitentiary in Indiana who takes a bus to Denver with Sal Paradise, tells him about his brush with the Bible in jail, and then explains the dangers of the phenomenon of signification (I firmly believe that Kerouac intended no deconstructionist subtext in the passage; nor is it likely to be an neo-Marxist attempt to explicate the class conflict between the signifiers and the signified): Anybody that's