Mollusca Essays

  • Sea Critter Observation

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    from Aeolidia papillosa Web site:, (Cowles, 2008) Lunsford , Ryan (2002). Lottia pelta. Retrieved September 3, 2009, from Lottia pelta, shield limpet Web site: (Lunsford, 2002) Phipps

  • Zoology Biology Quiz: Arthropods and Worms

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    improvement in annelids a. Coelom b. Segmentation c. Deuterstome development d. Protostome development Answer: B, Segmentation Mollusca: In the phylum Mollusca, there are many organisms that have body parts that change as the environment around them change; such as the octopus. An octopus can camouflage to variety of objects in its environment. Each organism in the Mollusca phylum has a type of foot that stows mobility and they eat by a radula. The radula is strap like tongue that has very sharp teeth

  • The Importance Of Respiration

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    of paper ... ...ory system perform actions that are similar in both mammals and molluscs, thus resulting in the same end product. Respiration is crucial in the survival of all animals, relating the Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia to the Phylum Mollusca, on a parallel level. Although each animal in these taxonomic groups have varied ways of obtaining the oxygen they use to make energy to get food, both result in the same end product, which provides the animal with life. Whether it be diffusion,

  • Diversity Of Life On Earth Essay

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    Introduction Fossil records indicate life has existed on this planet for at least 3.8 billion years. Most species that have ever existed are now extinct, yet the diversity of life on Earth is still so tremendous and complex scientists estimate there are 10-100 million species yet to be documented. Those that have been documented, have been categorized it into three domains, six kingdoms, twenty-nine phyla, and countless more subdivisions. Seemingly in spite of this diversity, a common ancestry unites

  • Otopus, Cuttlefish, and Squid

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    Otopus, Cuttlefish, and Squid * Since early times, tales of horror have been gone around strange sea creatures, especially the giant squid and the fearsome octopus. They are among the largest, strongest, fastest, most cunning, and ferocious of all animals. Many of them, however, are quite harmless and are useful in a variety of ways. _________________________________________ *The Eight-Armed Octopus The octopus is a soft, bag-shaped creature. It has eight long, slender arms, with

  • Cephalopoda Research Paper

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    Octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, and nautiluses are all of the mollusk class, Cephalopoda, translated to “head foot.” Ancient Cephalopods have been dated back to the late Cambrian period. Unlike other mollusks, cephalopods internalize and reduce their shells to cuttlebone in cuttlefish, pen in squid, and absent altogether in octopi. Cephalopods are found all around the world and inhabit marine waters from tropical to near freezing and from shallow to the deep abyss. Today, there are about 800 species

  • Manus Green Tree Essay

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    The Manus Green Tree Snail, also known as the Emerald Snail, are only found on Manus Island north of New Guinea. Manus snail are found mostly in the central Manus forest. Manus Snails prefer to inhabit the high canopy of the forest. Biologists do not know how many of these snails currently exist. The main risks for the sustainability of this beautiful creature are habitat destruction and over-collection. Large-scale habitat loss is caused by logging, the trees the Manus Snail usually inhabits are

  • Chironex Fleckry Experiment

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    Chironex fleckeri is a part of the phylum Cnideria and is part of the class Cubozoa. It is most commonly known as the Box Jellyfish. It is most commonly found in Western Australia. The adult medusae stage is mostly found along beaches or in the mangrove channels. C. fleckeri is one of the most venomous animals in the world. This venom is important to study for pharmaceutical purposes. It is difficult to study the behaviors of C. fleckeri because it is difficult to keep them alive to study. The experiments

  • Biology of a Squid

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    Biology of a Squid Squids are among the most varied and unique of all invertebrates. They are mollusks of the Class Cephalopod, along with the nautilus, cuttlefish, and octopus. Squids are highly evolved, and have developed a number of traits uncommon to most other mollusks. Fossil records of cephalopods have dated back the Cambrian Period (about 600 million years ago). Structurally, squids have only small variations of a basic theme common to all cephalopods. They are spherical or cigar-shaped

  • Octopus

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    Recently, researchers have discovered the existence of an extremely unique type of octopus. The species, known as the Indo-Malayan octopus, has the ability to alter its shape, form, and color pattern to mimic or imitate other sea creatures in order to avoid predation (2). The discovery of the mimic octopus is noteworthy because no other type of cephalopod is known to have impersonation abilities. The octopus is also not limited to one imitation. Researchers have observed up to eight different formations

  • Starfish Essay

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    Fish that are found in the benthic part of the ocean are really interesting to me. Benthic means it's the lowest level in any body of water such as an ocean or a lake. Different organisms that live in this deep part of the ocean are called benthos. Some examples of benthos are starfish, sea cucumbers, oysters, and clams. There are many different geographies to the be if ocean such as trenches, mountains, and volcanoes. The benthos have their own food source which is called detritus. Detritus

  • Deformis Stilla Research Paper

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    The name of our organism is Deformis stilla. Deformis stilla is translated to ugly blobfish. Our organism is found in the deep seas of the Dead Sea. Our organism is a carnivore and obtains its food by dangling the light attached to its head in front of itself which guides the prey towards its mouth. It moves by fins which enable it glide like a stingray through the water, and it also pushes air out of its body to propel itself. The organism digests its food by taking in the entire fish or prey it

  • Octopus Ethnography

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    Spencer Stein Sarah Beck Oceanography 101 14 May 2018 The octopus genome and the evolution of cephalopod neural and morphological novelties This Jornal conducted research on the two-spot octopus, or Octopus bimaculoides, by sequencing the genome of this species. They found that “Coleoid cephalopods (octopus, squid and cuttlefish) are active, resourceful predators with a rich behavioural repertoire. They have the largest nervous systems among the invertebrates and present other striking morphological

  • Dumbo Octopuse Research Paper

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    My invertebrate research paper is about Dumbo octopus, also called Grimpoteuthis. Dumbo octopuses are type of mollusks. In the category of mollusks it is divided into smaller groups, and they are part of the cephalopods. These octopuses got their name from Disney’s film Dumbo. This is because of their fin that extends from the mantle above each eye. Dumbo octopuses are deep sea animals that live on the ocean floor at extreme depths of 3000 to 4000 meters, and because of that they have the ability

  • Animal Kingdom Essay

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    INTRODUCTION: The Animal Kingdom is generally believed to have originated in Archeozoic oceans long before the first fossil record. Every major phylum of animals has at least some marine representatives; some groups, such as cnidarians and echinoderms, are largely or entirely marine lives. From the ancestral marine environment, different groups of animals have invaded fresh water; some have moved onto land. There are over a million described species of animals. About 5% of this number are consists

  • Flatworm Circulatory System

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    flows at a very slow speed because of absence of smooth muscles that are responsible for contraction of blood vessels. Blood is drawn back toward the heart through open-ended pores (ostia) when the heart relaxes. Most invertebrates (Arthropoda and Mollusca) have an open circulatory

  • Coelomate And Acoelomate

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    Most animal phyla originated in a relatively brief span of geological time, however the diversity among them is extraordinary. Every organism is very unique a detailed in certain ways, comparisons of certain types of organisms can be very difficult. The class in which will be compared is that of the invertebrates. The main difference between coelomate and acoelomate body plans are that coelomates have a true coelom, which is a fluid-filled body cavity completely lined by tissue which is derived from

  • Characteristics of the Amphioctopus Marginatus

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    The Amphioctopus Marginatus is of the Kingdom Animalia because like other members of this kingdom, it is both multicellular and is a heterotroph. This species is also part of the phylum Mollusca because like other mollusks, it has a coelom, (letter B on the first phylogeny tree), a visceral body mass, and a mantle (letter C). Furthermore, because it is not part of the phylum Chordata, it does not have the notochord (letter A) (Doc 2). It is of the class Cephalopoda, because like other members of

  • Essay On Octopus

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    titanum, the titan arum. The first animal, the mimic octopus, has acquired the unique adaption of being able to impersonate characteristic of other species as a mechanism of self defense. The mimic octopus’ full systematic classification is Animalia Mollusca Cephalopoda Octopoda Octopodidae Thaumoctopus mimicus. This octopus likes to live in shallow waters that are only 2 to 12 meters deep off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia and is restricted to this area. More specifically, it can be found at river

  • Characteristics and Reproduction of the Fairy Shrimp

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    in the size of shrimp communities. Works Cited Peckersky, Barbara, Freshwater Macro invertebrates of North America, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990. Pennak, Robert W., Freshwater Invertebrates of The United States, 3rd Ed., Protozoa to Mollusca, New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1989