Military use of children Essays

  • Child Soldiers in Africa

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    soldiers are any children under the age of 18 who are recruited by some rebel groups and used as fighters, cooks, messengers, human shields and suicide bombers, some of them even under the aged 10 when they are forced to serve. Physically vulnerable and easily intimidated, children typically make obedient soldiers. Most of them are abducted or recruited by force, and often compelled to follow orders under threat of death. As society breaks down during conflict, leaving children no access to school

  • Child Soldiers Research Papers

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    The use of child soldiers is a topic that is persistently ignored by several countries and organizations, as nothing is being done to help these children who are stuck in this traumatic childhood. Due to the desperation of soldiers in various regions and combats zones around the world, children are forcefully recruited into army, and onto the treacherous battlefield. Although several investigations into the use of child soldiers have been conducted, they have failed to resolve the issue at hand.

  • Should Child Soldiers Be Punished For Their Crimes?

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    poor innocent children having no choice, but to fight or die. These children are recruited to fight and risk their lives against their wishes. When they finally are saved from their torture some people treat them as criminals, but they don’t deserve that. They had no choice, but to join because if they didn’t they would die. In the article “Should child soldiers be prosecuted for their crimes?” The Children and Justice During and in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict report says “Children are often desired

  • Child Soldiers in Africa

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    world, there are about 300,000 children recruited as child soldiers (Hill 1). One-third of this number of children fight and serve for the government military or rebel groups in Africa (Hill 1). “According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, child soldiers are defined as all children engaged in hostilities under age 18. Although they are under 18, the roles of children in armed conflict are not limited because of their young age. Some children fight on the front lines of combat

  • Child Soldiers

    2240 Words  | 5 Pages

    Otunnu explains that children are forced into becoming weapons of war. Children under 18 years old are being recruited into the army because of poverty issues, multiple economic problems, and the qualities of children, however, many organizations are trying to implement ways to stop the human rights violation. Throughout the world children younger than 18 are being enlisted into the armed forces to fight while suffering through multiple abuses from their commanders. Children living in areas and

  • Globalization Increases Child Soldiery

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    pp.230). As this definition reveals, a child soldier is more than simply a child with a gun. It is estimated that there are approximately 300,000 children under the age of 18, being used as soldiers in 33 conflicts currently, and this figure continues to rise (Webster, 2007, pp.227). Similarly, in 1999 it was estimated that more than 120,000 children, under the age of 18, were used as soldiers to fight ... ... middle of paper ... seen as an entity that promotes vile results. However, it

  • Child Soldiers: An Unseen Global Tragedy

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    Children are a loved and cherished piece of the human existence, but why are they so often treated as less than they are? “For centuries children have been involved in Military campaigns-- as child ratings on warships, or as drummer boys on the battlefields of Europe,” (United Nations Children’s Fund). Although it seems old fashioned, this is a very prevalent issue that we face today, especially in Africa, the Middle East, and in some parts of South America. Children are used to fulfill a variety

  • Child Soldiers In War Essay

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    killed, can cause crimes, and are given drugs. Children are forced to do things because of their innocence and can be easily worked into becoming ruthless tools of wars. Children are being granted amnesty for fighting as victims in war that they shouldn’t be taking part of. For many years, the debate about child soldiers has continued but still has no definite answer. Children are in risk of getting injured or even killed during wartime. Children should not be forced to be in an army and fight

  • Ishmael Beah

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the story he talks about what is was like in the military. He mentioned in one passage that they might be watching a movie with other boys in the military and they would be called out for war. Then after they would come back after killing several people they would sit and watch the movie again as if nothing happened. He also said that there was no time to be alone or think because they were always doing either three things, on the frontlines, watching a movie, or doing drugs. Summary of plot

  • Child Soldiers: Kill or Be Killed

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    wars are fought now: by children, traumatized, hopped-up on drugs, and wielding AK-47s” (Beah). Innocent, vulnerable, and intimidated. These words describe the more than 300,000 children in nations throughout the world coerced into combat. As young as age seven, boys and girls deemed child soldiers participate in armed conflict, risking their lives and killing more innocent others. While many individuals recollect their childhood playing games and running freely, these children will remember “playing”

  • Long Way Gone Themes

    1088 Words  | 3 Pages

    family member is killed, so another member enrolls in the military to avenge the family member’s death. In A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, the author writes of his time as a child soldier, and how the government’s military had brainwashed him into believing the rebels should die to avenge the deaths of his family. Beah using the underlying theme that war negatively influences the innocent in any part of the world. He supports this theme

  • War and the Loss of Innocence

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    In his memoir, A Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah deals with his loss of innocence as he is forced to join the children army of Sierra Leone in the country's civil war after being conscripted to the army that once destroyed his town in order for Ishmael to survive. His memoir acts as a voice to show the many difficulties that the members of Sierra Leone's child army had to suffer through and their day to day struggle to survive in the worst of conditions. In order to escape the perils and trials of war

  • Ishmael Beah Family In A Long Way Gone

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    In his personal memoir titled “A long way Gone” Ishmael Beah incorporated the concept of family into his personal story. Traveling in a world of his own Beah encountered different events where his approach to family evolved. From losing his important primary family, and establishing close relationships with individuals he met along his journey. Hope, revenge, trust & love were three important key stages discovered as his definition and approach to family changed. Ishmael Beah’s first transition

  • Child Soldier Persuasive Essay

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    wrongdoing, is considered a part of childhood. A child, however, is no longer believed to be pure after they become killers. In Africa, innocent children are forced to become child soldiers each day. These soldiers are taken from their homes ,and are told to kill or be killed. Child soldiers can be anyone under 18 associated with an armed force. Children in Africa and among other places are being forced to murder and serve in wars as young as age seven. The child soldiers are drugged and made to kill

  • Examples Of Imagery In A Long Way Gone

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    witness right then and there. A prime example of imagery in chapter 1 states, “When he opened the door opposite the driver’s, a woman who was leaning against it fell to the ground. Blood was coming out of her ears. People covered the eyes of their children. In the back of the van were three more dead bodies, two girls and a boy, and their blood was all over the seats and the ceiling of the van.” (Page 12-13) As an imagery, this quote displays a visual image that appeals to both sight and hearing. In

  • Boy Soldiers: Military Tactics On Boy Soldier

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    Military Tactics on Boy Soldiers Early into Beah and his friend’s settlement into the village Yele, everything was considerably great. Beah still endured excruciating migraines but he and the boys, along with other children in the village, even had games to play and ate regularly. Yele was recognized as home primarily for soldiers of the army but also included other men, women, and children who cooked and completed chores; the village depended on the efficiency of every villager. Do to the soldier

  • Along Way Gone Book Report

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    the past month or two we have been reading many articles and even the book “ Along Way Gone” by Ishmael Beah. These articles and this book have taken us into some child soldiers stories and what it was like having to participate in the war. These children were forced to take part in these crimes, they were brutally tortured, and many were shot because they didn’t obey their commanders. In my opinion I believe that child soldiers should be granted amnesty. While you read the book” Along Way Gone

  • Ishmael Themes

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    After Ishmael returns to Freetown, Sierra Leone, After help from the RUF and the military leaves the civilian government, and the war Ishmael has been avoiding catches up with him. After his uncle's death, Ishmael flees Sierra Leone for neighboring Guinea and eventually makes his way to his new life in the United States. The theme of this book was courage because it took a lot of strength to do what Ishmael did. Ishmael and his friends show courage on the decisions they had to make and the way they

  • Analysis Of A Long Way Gone

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    because it’s written from the personal knowledge of Beah’s history. I recommend this book to others because reading this will benefit readers, as it did for me, by helping us realize and see a different world. It transports us into the lives of children whose lives have been altered by war. It teaches us a lesson that survival isn’t easy and war can change a beautiful person to the most alarming person, but it’ll never be your fault. “There was no right answer. If you spared the monkey, someone

  • Reflection On A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    forced to serve as a child soldier for the Sierra Leone Military.When UNICEF intervenes, Beah is rehabilitated . However Beah has already experiences the bloodshed and violence of war at that time.Then eventually, becomes a spokesperson against using children as soldiers. Through the painful experience , he did many cruel thing that he was never capable of doing before the war for the sake of survival.