Mental health counselor Essays

  • Mental Health Counselors

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    on how to diagnose mental illnesses and help people with their problems. That’s where mental health counselors come in. Mental health counselors help people who have mental illnesses. One in four people will be affected with a mental illness at some point in their life, which makes mental health counselors greatly needed. A typical day for a mental health counselor usually takes place in the office and home of the counselor. Their office can be in their home, mental health centers, hospitals

  • A Career As A Counselor In Mental Health

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    them and society. This all started to interest me is when I reflect on what I had learned through my own struggle in life. It then got me thinking about working with clients who have been misdiagnosed. With that said I see a career as a counselor in mental health can be both challenging and stimulating. I hope to continue to work in an area where I can provide counseling and have a positive impact on those I serve and contribute relevant experience and educational background to a challenging counseling

  • Client and Counselor Safety for Mental Health Counselors

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    When mental health counselor’s work at outpatient mental health facilities; it is inevitable they will work with numerous clients who have multiple issues with multiple diagnosis. It is also favorable to say that mental health counselors wear many hats when working with their clients who can experience different crisis on a day to day basis. When mental health counselors work with various clients during their career, they need to practice confidentiality and privacy when conducting one-on-one, group

  • Mental Health Counselors

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    Sometimes individuals consider becoming counselors after overcoming some major life challenge such as addiction or a history of bad relationships. Perhaps an individual has encountered a particularly effective counselor or therapist and has a desire to follow in those footsteps. Others may have had a bad experience with counseling and concluded that it can be done better. People do not think of this work so much as a job, or even as a career. More typically, a constellation of life experiences that

  • Mental Health Counselors

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    Generations of mental health counselors often play a pivotal role in the training and supervision of students and new practitioners, as well as passing down the unique art form we now know as counseling today. Whether the necessary clinical skills are being conveyed in an academic setting, through a practicum and or internship experience, or even serving as a clinical supervisor for soon to be licensed or less experienced counselors, supervision is a relevant component of the mental health practice. Within

  • A Day in the Life of a Mental Health Counselor

    1983 Words  | 4 Pages

    It is a privilege to interview veteran therapists who are exiting the counseling arena after a long career in the profession. I was honored to shadow Lea Keylon, a seasoned counselor, who on the eve of retirement set aside time for a student interview. The enlightening interview opened my understanding to the importance of proper diagnostic coding for insurance reimbursements, the financial struggles of private practice, and the poignant effect of forensic counseling on therapist (L. Keylon, personal

  • The Role Of Mental Health Counselors

    785 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mental Health Counselors help people in society who have mental or emotional disorders to deal with their disorder and hopefully, conquer them. Some of the duties these counselors do in order to conquer them are confront the mental and emotional problems (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). They work with individuals, groups, families, and other professionals (“Mental Health Counselor,” n.d.). These counselors listen to their patients’ problems. In addition, counselors ask question to help patients

  • Self Reflection As A Mental Health Counselor

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    Self-reflection 1 One of my personal strength to be a mental health counselor is that I am patient and willing to be a listener. When interacting with others, I am not very talkative; instead, I prefer to listen to what others say. In a lot of situations, what the client needs is to be heard and understood. When I was in Hong Kong, I once worked with a girl who just moved to Hong Kong and was accustomed to the new environment. She felt lonely and depressed but she could not find someone to talk

  • Mental Health Counselor Essay

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    Why I want to become a Mental Health Counselor As a child, I have always sought to help others either by helping the elderly, listening to a friend in need or simple giving advice based on my own experiences. But, although this is a passion of mine, I do not currently possess the educational experience nor the tools necessary to be an effective counselor. During my high school years, I lived in a predominantly white neighborhood in Belleville, Illinois and with that came many challenges as well

  • Mental Health Counselor Career Essay

    634 Words  | 2 Pages

    interested in is being a mental health counselor. A mental health counselor is a person who went to college to help patients work through their personal issues. Some of their personal issues can be anger management, depression, suicidal thoughts, aging, parenting, self image, relational problems, phobias, eating disorders, panic disorders, stress, addiction, etc. Mental health counselors work with all ages, from kids to adults. There are many different types of mental health counselors. For instance you

  • When Mental Health Helps Mental Health: The features of an Effective counselor

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    When Mental Health Helps Mental Health: The features of an Effective counselor Introduction It is known that Therapeutic counseling is an important tool for the treatment, prevention and promotion of mental health. The psychotherapeutic method contains variables that influence the progress of the emotional state of an individual. Although the techniques and methods are components of the treatment, yet there still not a robot or machine to execute the interventions, as is found on the medical field

  • Unethical Behavior by a Mental Health Counselor

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    The purpose of this paper is to discuss Joe, a mental health counselor and his action on treating Jill. Jill's was looking for help in dealing with mild anxiety and depression dealing with her job. After treating Jill for three weeks she disclosed she was having trouble with her sexuality. Joe reacted with shock and disbelief. Under the APA Joe violent Standard 2: Competence. First he broke 2.01 Boundaries of Competence; Joe didn’t have the proper training and education for treating Jill. (APA

  • Clinical Mental Health Counselor

    513 Words  | 2 Pages

    School counselors and clinical mental health counselors (CMHCs) play vital roles in supporting the emotional, psychological, and academic well-being of individuals. While both professions aim to enhance the quality of life for their clients, they operate in different settings and address distinct needs. This analysis explores the primary duties and functions of both roles, highlights their similarities, and delineates their differences concerning setting, target population, and scope of practice

  • The Importance Of Professional Mental Health Counselor

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    and career life. Such stressful situations are often hard to get through and awfully devastating for some. The inability to cope with such stress in healthy manner, often leads to mental and emotional sprain. In such cases, mental health counseling is used to pull some individuals from their mental turmoil. Mental health counseling professionals offer counseling, psychological support, and guidance to people with problem coping mentally or emotionally. This paper

  • Mental Health Counselor Interview Analysis

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    The professional mental health counselor I interviewed is my faculty advisor and her name is Dr. Konja Kleeper. She has many credentials and certifications and, as my faculty advisor, is aligned with my licensure and career goals. She is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) and is a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC). She also informed me that any credentials beyond the LPCC and NCC are up to my own discretion. Summary of the key ideas discussed in an interview There are very many

  • Mental Health Counselors Case Study

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    are common in the field of mental health. Mental Health Counselors (MHC) rely heavily on ethics as a guide to navigate tough decisions between the client’s wellbeing, law, and the counselor’s own liability. Using ethical decision making models, counselors can make better decisions, however there are situations where other factors outside of the counselor’s control that can influence these decisions. These factors can include the education and experience of the counselor as well as their current

  • Ethical Dilemmas In Mental Health Counseling

    1067 Words  | 3 Pages

    common in the field of mental health, and so mental health counselors rely heavily on sound ethical decision-making to navigate difficult decisions that affect the client’s wellbeing, law, and the counselor’s own liability. Using ethical decision-making models, counselors can make better decisions, however, there are situations where other factors outside of the counselor’s control can influence these decisions. These factors can include the education and experience of the counselor as well as their

  • Careers in Human Services

    2709 Words  | 6 Pages

    in the populations that are provided with services. In discussing 5 different careers that cross areas and population will demonstrate how varied this career field is, along with how narrow of a focus that these careers can have. Substance Abuse Counselor My interest in substance abuse and the recovery process was the reason for choosing this role in the human services field. I would be interested in working with clients with substance abuse, because I have a friend who is an alcoholic and drug addict

  • Importance Of Youth Counselor

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Youth counselors treat children and adolescents who have mental or emotional problems, disabilities and substance abuse issues. They typically work with children to help them become mentally and emotionally stable, through counseling and behavior modification. According to Statista Dossier, 29.4 percent of people residing in Virginia have poor mental health (pg.17). In fact, the total expenditures for 2016 is projected to be 194.4 billion dollars in the United States (pg.19). From these numbers

  • Career Essay: My Career Choice For Mental Health

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    others because of my own personal struggles with mental illness. My unique perspective on mental illness allows me to empathize on a different level with individuals. I desire to give back and support to the community the way it was there for me during my dark times. I was lucky to have known from the start that psychology was my interest. I am excited to continue my education in the counseling field and become a future Clinical Mental Health Counselor.