Marilyn Hacker Essays

  • What Does Marilyn Hacker Mean

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    Marilyn Hacker Redefines Mother, Woman, and Daughter in Selected Poems 1965-1990 Marilyn Hacker. What does she mean? What does she mean? I check with Thrall, Hibbard, and Holman who define poetry to be "a term applied to the many forms in which man has given a rhythmic expression to his most imaginative and intense perceptions of his world, himself, and the interrelationship of the two" (364). I forge ahead through hundreds of pages of poetry. Images and impressions are beginning to form

  • Marilyn Hacker's Mother-Daughter Relationship Exposed in Selected Poems 1965-1990

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    Marilyn Hacker's Mother-Daughter Relationship Exposed in Selected Poems 1965-1990 If Selected Poems 1965-1990 can be taken as an evenly representative sample of Marilyn Hacker's work, motherhood does not seem to be the single central focus of her life or her work. Hacker has quite a few poems about or for her daughter Iva, and Iva is mentioned in many other poems, yet much of Hacker's work focuses on other aspects of her life and interests. The fact that Hacker does not focus exclusively on

  • 1910-1920

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    form of power. Electric lights became available and the first movies were made. "By 1916, 21,000 movie houses were testimony of a new industry" (Hacker and Zahler 99). Automobiles became prevalent and that caused the need for roads to be built: "The early growth of the automobile industry wakened a new and much stronger demand for surfaced roads" (Hacker and Zahler 101). Henry Ford was a major contributor in propelling the automobile industry. He improved the assembly line and mass production of parts

  • A Book report on The Cuckoo?s Egg by Cliff Stoll - A Cuckoo?s Fledgling

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    transformation throughout many facets of his life. The Cuckoo’s Egg is the story of Cliff Stoll’s maturation into an adult, mirrored by the loss of innocence and youthful-trusting-openness taking place in the network community at the time, catalyzed by a hacker halfway around the world, and necessitated by a nonchalant attitude among the governmental agencies supposed to be responsible for computer security. A question all parents, and some elder siblings, ask at some point is, “when should I let Jr. stand

  • Cyber Ethics: Principles to Combat Hacking

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    According to Wikipedia (2013b), hacker is someone who attack and seek into a computer system or network. They may motivated by different kinds of reason such as profit, to protest, to challenge a system, to grab information, etc. There are 3 types of hacker which can be classified into white hat, black hat, and grey hat. White hat hacker breaks the computer security for non-malicious reasons where they are actually to test their own security system. Black hat hacker violates the computer ethics and

  • A Study of the Group Anonymous: Are they Hackers or Trolls?

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    recent decades engaged in the controversial debate on the actual classification of the group Anonymous. Some scholars classify the group as trolls while other associates it with hackers groups. As defined, hackers are individuals or groups that search and exploit the computer system weakness (Messmer 65). In most instances, hackers engage in discouraging and unappealing activities for multiple reasons including challenging the existing systems, protesting against the prevailing rules and regulations, and

  • Ethical Hacking: The Different Types of Hacking

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    For much of the new millennia, computer network and security administrators have faced an ever-growing generation of evil, “Hackers.” Hackers wreak havoc on computer networks that do not have proper protection in place. They steal your information and sell it to the highest bidder, not thinking about what it would do to the person or company that they hacked. Let us take for instance, Edward Snowden, who is currently in Russia seeking asylum from the United States. Mr. Snowden illegally hacked

  • Computer

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    but youthful amateurs who experiment at night --- the hackers. The term "hacker "may have originated at M.I.T. as students' jargon for classmates who labored nights in the computer lab. In the beginning, hackers are not so dangerous at all. They just stole computer time from the university. However, in the early 1980s, hackers became a group of criminals who steal information from other peoples' computer. For preventing the hackers and other criminals, people need to set up a good security

  • Hackers: Heroes or Villains?

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    American frontier, the deep web has its share of heroes and villains. When the word hacker is brought into a conversation, it seems to manifest with a negative connotation. However, this should not be the case. In recent years hacking has become an integral part of the technological development process, helping to improve security conditions on personal and national levels in both the material and digital worlds. Hackers have cooperated with numerous companies to hack into newly released or nearly completed

  • The Use of Hacking to Identify Weaknesses in Computer Security

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    com: Staff, A. (2011). Lulz? Sony hackers deny responsibility for misuse of leaked data. Retrieved 11 17, 2013, from Techterms. (2013). Hacker. Retrieved 11 17, 2013, from Yeo, V. (2006). Do former black hats make good hires? Retrieved Feburary 1, 2014, from www

  • Is Hacking Ethical Or Ethical Essay

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    opinions range from hacking being considered immoral due to it being illegal activity and the vast negative impact it has on people. This includes the affirmative opinions on hacking; such as hacking being considered ethical due to the “white hat” hackers.

  • Necessary Natural Evil And Inevitable Moral Evils: Analysis

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    existence of God and the problem of evil in the world, Kenning Arlitsch and Adam Edelman provide information about hackers' techniques and the ways in which people can minimize the risk of being victims of identity theft and/or hacking bank account. In the article “Staying Safe: Cyber Security for People and Organizations”, Arlitch and Edelman discover techniques and tricks that many hackers practice to steal money, identities, and personal information throughout the internet. In addition, they provide

  • Dangers Of Artificial Intelligence In The Movie Morgan

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    The film Morgan was created as a means of communicating the dangers of artificial intelligence as a cliffhanging thriller that catches the attention of millions of people. Morgan gives viewers a chance to preview the not-so-distant future regarding the concept of artificial intelligence. Although the film places a negative connotation on artificial intelligence, the audience is able to effectively formulate their own opinions on the use of artificially intelligent people and machines. The recurring

  • The Importance Of Civic Hacking

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    that black hat hackers gain more by participating in illicit activities than honest citizens do in a year of work, causing them to feel as if it is unfair to themselves because they are stealing from honest citizens like most readers would be. Also, in emphasizing the damages done by black hat hackers and the mysterious backgrounds they often seem to come from, fuel is added to the fire of an already negative connotation. As the other two articles mention, the common perception of hackers is that they

  • Nt1330 Week 2 Research Assignment

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    Hat Hackers White hat hackers are known as a person who identifies weaknesses within a computer system or network. However, instead of taking advantage of them like black hat hackers do, the white hat hackers assist in exposing the weaknesses to the system’s owners in efforts to repair the weakness keep others from taking advantage of it. White hat hackers also recommends fixes to the owners. Many major corporations employ people like this to help keep their systems secure. Black Hat Hackers Black

  • Why I Happened To Ansel's Hackers?

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    Hackers     As Ansel looked at the one way mirror, he saw his messy hair and scratched face. He fixed his hair and sat down on a wooden chair. The detective handed him a cup of coffee and said “tell why do you need help?” Ansel spoke with quiet voice “it all started when I was doing community service…     “It was Tuesday morning and I was picking up trash with other minor criminals. As I was picking up cups I asked the guy next to me, what was your crime? He answered with a husky voice that he had

  • The Purpose Of Underground Culture

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    commentators of indie, hacker, and makers cultures disagree on the purpose of underground culture. Indie traditionalists argue that indie artists seek to express themselves through original and independent art. Hacker separatists argue that hackers aim to force positive change in the mainstream through resistance and protest. Maker evolutionists claim that the maker community is characterized by its goal to evolve the mainstream with its creativity and

  • Why Hacking Is Wrong

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    digital machines, and phones are hackable. With a single attack hack, bad hackers can search our information through the digital tools we use. For us, there is nothing we can do. But we can be protect by some people who have certain skills. Those people are call hackers or people prefer calling good hackers who are hired by government or private sectors and have less, same, or more knowledges about hacking like bad hackers. In the article “The U.S. Army is teaching kids how to hack at DEF CON,” Selena

  • Sony Security Breach

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    been discussing in this class so far this semester. First, from the media coverage of the cyber attack in the publication Fortune , it appears that Sony PlayStation and Qriocity were hacked by LulzSec, a sub-sect of the hacker organization

  • Trouble And Her Friends

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    let me explain the New World Order. Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai… the keyboard cowboys… and all those other people out there who have no idea what's going on, are the cattle…. Moo...'; (Hackers, 52 min). This quote emphasizes the theme of the book I've read, Trouble and Her Friends, by Melissa Scott. Sometimes in life, you don't always seem to feel in control. Well, imagine believing that you are but somehow finding out your not. India,