Maghreb Essays

  • paper research

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    Background The region of Maghreb, situated along the north-west African coast, has been an Arab-dominated area for more than a thousand years. Today’s Maghreb consists of five countries: Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia. Most of the indigenous population regard themselves as Arabs, though there are also many non-Arabs, too. Those include the Berbers, who also regard the Maghreb as their homeland. The region’s language is predominantly Arabic, but to better facilitate international

  • France Relations with the Maghreb Countries: Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia in Past Decade

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    France Relations with the Maghreb Countries: Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia in Past Decade The international relations between the countries are the process that develops the countries, since they benefit and learn from each other. International relations can be the study of sovereign states and global issues. Also, it would the study of political and economic issues among the countries in order to have a stable political system and to benefit the economy in these countries that have strong international

  • Lingustic Dynamics of French

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    for the workplace. This saw a 12 percent increase in French speaking managerial roles from 18% in 1964 to 30% in 1979. Interestingly this attention to making the French language more accessible for the workplace is something which if mirrored by Maghreb governments would make the Arabic language more useful in the modern world of science and technology.

  • Ap Human Geography Essay

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    Recent research into regionalism and economic geography suggests that, in addition to an increasing global flow of ideas, capital, goods and labour, geographical proximity between states may also increase their level of cooperation (Tanja, 2011; Kurian and Vinodan, 2013). According to the Economic Commission for Africa (2006) Regions are subjectively determined (and thus debatable) areas that are perceived to have certain characteristics in common. They may be defined by physical geography;

  • The Perfection Of Islamic Art

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    in Spain (or Al-Andalus) by the Spanish Umayyads whose name came from the great Umayyads of Syria and after their fall the Spanish Umayyads were replaced. At the End of the 11th century two Berber tribes captured the head of Spain and Maghreb which brought Maghreb influences into art. Christian militaries brought several victories which reduced Islam in Spain by the end of the 14th

  • Booko Haram Case Study

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    “Nigeria has always been a divided country plagued by weak governance, ethnic cleavages, and corruption”("The Historical Background of Boko Haram", 2014). Also, “Boko Haram was born in this context, with religious fervor growing in the Muslim north and finally manifesting itself in violent Islamist terrorism"( "The Historical Background of Boko Haram", 2014). When the British pull out the region, it left the Northern parts of Nigeria unstable and not ensuring that northern Nigeria opened the door

  • Dome Of The Rock Research Paper

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    Beginning with the life of the Prophet Muhammad (d. 632) and continuing to the present day, Islamic art has both a wide historical range and broad geographical spread, including North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and part of South and Southeast Asia as well as eastern and sub-Saharan Africa. Through it’s beautiful use of colors, and its balance between art and form, Islamic art has had a remarkable and unique visual impact. Inside the century after the passing (ad 632) of the prophet Muhammad

  • Ottoman Empire Essay

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    weapons in battle. Taking in any religions or race expelled by the Spanish. Sivers states “Hungary was seized by the Ottoman Empire taking in a vast multiethnic and multireligious state of some 15million inhabitants extending from Algeria in the Maghreb to Yemen in Arabia and from Upper Egypt to the Balkans and the northern shores of the Black Sea” (Sivers, 2014, p. 473). Ottomans developed the Millet system allowing people to have their own beliefs if they were fighting with the Ottoman’s during

  • French Rap Music Essay

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    The first major star of French origin was Mc Solaar. He was considered ultimately open and positive, with strong literary talents. 3. Rap music in the Francophone ‘world’ originated from four different regions of the Earth, but specifically from Maghreb region—for those with African roots. Until the mid-1990s, Senegalese MCs copied original hits from both America and France, losing creative integrity and merely reciting what they heard from television and records. However, groups such as Native Tongues

  • Spread Of Islam Research Paper

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    Imagine this, you have been meditating for years and all of a sudden, on a random day in 610, the angel Gabriel tells you that you are the last prophet of god. This seems crazy, but for Muhammad, he decided to listen to Gabriel and take the matters of Allah into his own hands. Muhammad created the religion of Islam and in under two hundred years, it was spread across a large amount of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Islam was able to spread so quickly because of the preaching of Muhammad and the caliphs

  • Ancient Africa Essay

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    The section titled Ancient Africa pp.66-81 starts out by briefly referencing African civilizations, specifically the Egyptians, due to the fact that their political systems and functions were considered to be among the best recorded and preserved. The author then briskly transitioned into the issue revolving around perception of skin color associated with Egyptian people. “Cheikh Anta Diop in the 1950’s argued that Egypt was a “black” civilization” (Khapoya 2016, 66). I know this to be true, but

  • Multilingualism In Moroccan Essay

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    Tamazight of the Middle Atlas Amazighs. For the sake of clarity, Berbers are the indigenous population of North Africa in general, and Morocco in particular (Zouhir 40). The term Berbers refers to the people, as well as to the indigenous languages of the Maghreb region (North Africa or the “Islamic West”). However, Berbers prefer to call themselves Imazighen, singular Amazigh, which is derived from joezaagh and means a “free man” (Chafik, van Leeuwen

  • China and Infrastructure Projects

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    Infrastructure projects are crucial to China’s overall goal of getting access to Africa’s natural resources to power its economic engine. During the struggle against colonialism and the immediate period of the age of African independence in the 1960s and 1970s, China sought to back up its ideological support of African states with a measure of economic aid, focused on the building of infrastructure for the newly independence states. It is estimated that China provided more than 900 infrastructure

  • Anti-Semitism in the Modern World

    2020 Words  | 5 Pages

    Currently people know what anti-Semitism is and how it affected our history in events such as the Holocaust and Inquisition, but how many people know if anti-Semitism exists in the modern world? Even if people do know this, can they answer where and why? Why do people often avoid learning about other people’s cultures and beliefs? According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary anti-Semitism is, “Hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.” Anti-Semitism

  • Andrew Foster Essay

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    Andrew Foster was a teacher, missionary, and pioneer, He dedicated his life to helping Deaf people learn ASL, and working to assure that Deaf people in Africa had access to education. He was passionate about helping the less fortunate, and felt compelled to go to Africa to do mission work. He stated in some of his writings that he was, “moved by this vast educational and spiritual void among my people.” Andrew Foster was born in June of 1925 to Wiley and Veline Foster. They lived in Ensley, Alabama

  • France

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    Movement A. Economic Description Compared to other countries, France’s economy is the fourth largest in the world. France is a very industrialized nation, yet it has kept some of the cultural characteristics that contribute to its old-world charm. The economy is “exceptionally diversified” (“Economic Structure”, 1). It produces everything from aircrafts to pharmaceuticals. 1. Primary Economic Activities Agriculture is France’s main primary economic activity. The agriculture and agro-food industries

  • Morocco Research Paper

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    In many ways, Morocco is a country in it of itself. It sits onn the northwestern corner of Africa, or in The Maghreb. It is tucked away from the rest of the continent and the world by the soaring Atlas Mountains which sit an at over 7,638 feet tall, in the South East you will find the Sahara Desert, which only engulfs 10 cities with its sand dunes stretching the size of the U.S. Its climate, geography, culture and history are closely related to the Mediterranean Culture than to the rest of the

  • Swallows Of Kabul Sparknotes

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    The novel Swallows of Kabul by Yasmine Khadar shows how Kabul is under the control of the Taliban’s and how they treat the people of Kabul. This novel illustrates the Islamic culture, and how Kabul has been affected by the invasion of Taliban’s. This book shows the different perspective from different characters; it shows both female and male versions of what it was like to live in Kabul at that time. This book also goes into depth about how women had no voice, and were treated unfairly with little

  • Police Corruption on Morocco

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    Have you ever bribed a police officer before? For some, bribery might seem like a great solution to avoiding those costly fines, but for others bribery has led to great amounts of injustice. A black family in tangier were harassed for years by some racist Moroccans. The Moroccans were part of a gang and had already set fire to one of the African migrants’ rooms. One day, these Moroccans entered their house, armed, and after a scuffle, the family was able to get rid of them, but 2 of them had been

  • Benghazi Foreign Policy

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    The most obvious criticism, most of the public protests, is the foreign policy of the United States. America has become very well known as the “Police Force of the World.” A debate still rages on, in today's society, about America's involvement in the Middle East. Both sides of the argument give noteworthy points according to what they believe would benefit America. However, this post will not be studying the foreign policy of America. This post will be going in depth about what caused the deaths