Lake Superior State University Essays

  • Volleyball Camp Research Paper

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    prepare for the season. The volleyball camp this year was at Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) the camp was a 4 day camp and we got to stay in the dorms. Being able to stay in the dorms and have some freedom was really exciting for Adrianna, Emma, Emma and I, since we have never done anything like that before. But it was kind of nerve racking because all of the sophomore girls told us how bad the camp at LSSU (Lake

  • Computers in Kindergarten

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    explore, computers would occupy much of their time. Before a child even starts playing on a computer they need to understand how a computer works, how to use disks, how to start and use a particular program, and how handle CD ROMs. Borgh (1993) states that once these skills have been established, children should then be give opportunities to interact with the computer. Papert (1998) stresses that computers have an impact on children when the computer provides concrete experiences, children have

  • Michigan

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    States. It is one of the nation's leading manufacturing states. Michigan leads in the manufacture of automobiles. Detroit, Michigan's largest city, is called the Automobile Capital of the World and the Motor City. The Detroit area produces more cars and trucks than any other part of the nation. Flint and Lansing also are important automaking centers. Michigan is a leader in food processing and steel production. Service industries, such as health care and retail trade, employ many people in the state

  • Essay On Taconite Mining

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    largest open-pit iron-ore mine in the world. In the United States taconite was starting to be thought of as a waste rock. But, as the supply of taconite was slowly decreasing, the mining industry suddenly began viewing taconite as a significant and valuable resource. A lot of people don’t exactly know what taconite is or what it’s used for. Taconite is a low-grade magnetic iron ore that is used to make steel (Iron Mining in the Lake Superior Basin.). Geologists say about 20% of the nation’s remaining

  • Psychology and Computers

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    I use everyday which require a computer in Psychology, and this is just undergraduate work. I have not begun to tell all of the influences that computers have on Psychology. I plan on going to Graduate school after I graduate from Lake Superior State University with my Bachelors of Science in Psychology. In Graduate school I plan - 3 - to study School Psychology, but just to get into Graduate school I have to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). This is a Computer Based Test which measures

  • Michigan and Boston: The Copper-Mining Industry

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    Douglass Houghton had surveyed the Keweenaw’s copper deposits in 1840 and had reported them to the state legislature. These reports sparked interest in mining these deposits in 1841. In 1843, the treaty of LaPointe was signed with the Chippewa which resulted in a mineral land office being opened in Copper Harbor. Investors and prospectors in Copper Harbor began leasing this newly obtained land near Lake Superior for mining expeditions. This led to issuances of permits that would be required for mining

  • First Inhabitants of the Great Lakes Region

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    The First Inhabitants of the Great Lakes Region in North America As archeological discoveries of bone fragments and fossils continue to support the existence of homo-sapiens in North America prior to the arrival of Indo-European explorers in the 15th century, this paper will attempt to explain chronologically, which Native American inhabitants lived or migrated throughout what is known today as the Great Lakes Region. This region includes lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario, & Erie as

  • Avo Active Naturals Greenwashed Case Study

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    Brandi Marshall Bradford Nadziejko Eng. 101 07 April 2017 Aveeno Active Naturals Greenwashed “We believe nature has the power to make life beautiful-to nourish, soothe and even transform.” This is quoted from Aveeno’s mission statement telling its audience they believe in using natural ingredients to ensure natural beauty. Aveeno is mainly targeted to women especially those with skin disorders and hair deficiencies such as eczema and other dermatological issues, to improve their skin to becoming

  • How Did Rockefeller Impact Society

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    The Standard Oil Company in 1870. In 1877, Standard Oil Company bought out Colombia conduit Co. which gained them control of lots of pipelines and refineries. (Poole 14) By 1879, Standard Oil Company owned 90% of the oil refineries in the United States. (Poole 14) Every company he bought out, showed the power that had become of him. Rockefeller’s wits bring him to inspire a many of people From 1891-1892 Rockefeller had a partial nervous breakdown from overwork and lost all his hair, suffering from

  • Global Warming

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    Global warming is the rise in average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. If the warming continues it will have drastic effects on our lives in the future. Things such as harsher summers and colder winters will become a reality for future generations. Global warming is real, despite what the naysayers say, and it will affect us in many different ways if we can’t solve this problem. By presenting skeptics arguments about global warming I’ll prove global warming to be real by disproving them

  • Internet and Education

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    Internet and Education Since the Internet was created it has always had an effect on education. After military establishments Universities were the first real contributors to the Internet's structure. The Internet has vastly improved education. There are so many ways that education and the Internet are connected these days. Almost every textbook has a corresponding Internet sight including the one for this course. [ Some sites like these contain valuable

  • From Little Falls to Major Power Producer: A Brief History of the Post Falls Dam

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    arguably one of the greatest social and geographical influences in the region today. To appreciate the history of the dam, it is important to start at the beginning, before the dam was built, even before there was a Spokane River or a Lake Coeur d’Alene. Before Lake Coeur d’Alene existed, the St. Joe River ran through the present lakebed northward and up through the Rathdrum Prairie before turning west and into the Spokane Valley. About 15,000 years ago, during the peak of the last glacial period

  • The Effect of the Transcontinental Railroad

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    As the need of human transportation and various forms of cargo began to rise in the United States of America, a group of railroads with terminal connections along the way began to form across the land mass of this country, ending with the result of one of the most influential innovations in American history, allowing trade to flow easily from location to location, and a fast form of transportation, named the Transcontinental Railroad. America at this time consisted of overland travel and ocean travel

  • Great Lakes Water Pollution

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    Introduction The Great Lakes provide almost half the water for the residents of Ontario. The Great Lakes also provides water to residents in Thunder Bay, Port Hope, Sault St Marie, Niagara and many parts of The United States to name a few. With 70% of the Earth covered in water only 0.1% of it is clean accessible drinking water. The Great Lakes plays a major role in helping to provide water for people that live near the American/Canadian border. However this resource is being mistreated. Water pollution

  • The Impact of Technology on Education

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    that student’s courses, along with notes if anything has been updated since the student’s last visit. All of this is available forLSSU students at their web page. These are examples of how exactly technology has affected education at Lake Superior State University. Technology has had a huge impact on education. It continues to shape the way we learn and what we learn today and in the future. As technology advances, so does the quality of education and that is nothing but good news for the students

  • School Daze Sociology

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    While the exact number will never be know, historians estimate that about twelve million African slaves were imported to North and South America. Of that twelve million, six hundred thousand were transported to the United States and grew into the forty million people who identified as African-American in the 2010 census. Contrary to popular belief, for black people to go from not being considered human in one century, to receiving equal rights in the next century, and have a black man as the current

  • The Japanese Defeat by the Soviet Union At Nomohan

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    army in 1939, were a mixture of both Soviet and Mongolian units, due the Soviets having pledged to defend the Mongolian People's Republic in the event of a Japanese, however both of these forces were quite disorganized by the time of the Battle of Lake Khasan. This was due to the fact that the Japanese offensive had never been planned but was lau... ... middle of paper ... ...versity Press, 1985. Dollinger, Hans. The Last Days of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Old Saybrook: Konecky and Konecky

  • Creation Stories of the Universe in Different Cultures

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    curiosity. It does not really matter who or what created the universe we are all looking for the answer to the same question “Why are we here?” Works Cited Breugel, Will van. “Mask of the Cosmos: Cosmologies since the Beginning of time.” University of Merced. 5200 Lake Rd, Merced, CA 95343. 21 January 2014 Harrison. Edward R. “ Creation of the Universe” Hawking, Stephen W. “Our Picture of the Universe.” Explaining Sciences and Technologies, 2001. PDF. Sagan, Carl. “Can We Know the Universe.” Broca’s

  • Eurocentric Perception Of Ancient India

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    to challenge the Eurocentric view of perceiving ancient historical texts such as the Vedas and Puranas as nothing more that superstitious and useless books. This essay will also try to explain how the Indian subcontinent was far more advanced and superior compared to their European counterparts

  • Claire Chennault

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    named after him due to his successful career; Chennault Air Base in Lake Charles. Starting life early with the passing f his mother, Chennault became a wandering child; hardly ever seen outside of the woods near his home. He states in his novel, “Way of a Fighter,” that it made him self-confident and made him make his own decisions. Later on, he attended Louisiana State University for three years, but transferred to Louisiana State Normal for his last year to become a teacher. As the world erupted