James Lincoln Collier Essays

  • My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    you go through the journey of life you begin to realize the many obstacles you have to over come but what charts your growth is home you over come them. This quote resembles the story of My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier. Brothers Christopher and James have been writing historical fiction for young people since the early 1970s and have been known as masters of the genre. This book was named a Newbery Honor Book in 1975 and recently received a Phoenix Award. It

  • Observing the Butterflies in the Stomach

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    should not avoid provoking it because analyzing anxiety will grant them a meaningful consequence. In “Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name”, James Lincoln Collier claims that anxiety is another name for challenge and presents his personal experiences and rules to support this. The first rule is “do what makes you anxious; don’t do what makes you depressed” (Collier). When he was approaching to graduate in college, he started to consider about being a writer. Anxiety of failure or making the wrong decision

  • Compare And Contrast My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    “Boom! Boom!” I h the rifles and saw bullets from the fighting going on the Revolutionary War. In this essay, I will compare and contrast My Brother Sam Is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier and Colony of Fear by Lucy Jones Bledsoe. The topics to be discussed are the protagonist, the antagonist, Religion and Politics in the novels. In the novel My Brother Sam Is Dead is about a young man named Sam Meeker that studied at Yale University; decided to leave college and

  • My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    My Brother Sam is Dead Author: by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier Category: Historical Fiction Summary: It starts out in the 1770's during the Revolution War and Samuel Meeker or Sam for short just interred the room of the tavern and he chimes in to everybody who is waiting to eat, he comes in saying where beating the Lobster Backs. His father, Eliphalet Meeker but called Life for short, starts arguing with son. After a while they calmed down and change the subject. Finally

  • Comparing The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 and My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    Comparing The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 and My Brother Sam Is Dead In the novels The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis and My Brother Sam Is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, two young boys are faced with the challenge of learning the moral and ethical codes that will shape their futures. Kenny Watson and Tim Meeker live in very different times, but they face events that complicate their lives. Though one boy learns his morals through playful encounters

  • Book Report: My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    “My Brother Sam is dead” is a historical fiction book written by two men named James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier. This book is placed in Redding, Connecticut, during April is where the book started and was placed. Tim Meeker is the main character who has a brother Sam that left to war to fight for the patriots, but his family members are “Tories” who disagree with Sam’s decisions. Tim Meeker lives in Redding where his father and mother own a tavern and store; Tim helps daily with work

  • The Theme Of War In John Collier's My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    the authors James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier show the good and bad parts of war, but they mostly say that war is futile. The authors show their viewpoint that war is bad is the way families get torn apart. “They had shot him from so close that his clothes were on fire. He went on jerking with flames on his chest until another soldier shot him again. Then he stopped jerking.” (Collier

  • Brother Sam Is Dead 'And Collier' Arguments Against The Costs Of War

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    The costs of war are horrific, and in some cases not worth what they fought for. The novel ‘My Brother Sam is Dead’ by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier takes place at the beginning of the American Revolution. Narrating this story is 11 year-old Tim Meeker caught between both sides of the war. The conflict is introduced when Samuel Meeker, a brother and son, joins the war siding with the patriots. In the climax, Sam is accused of being a cattle thief and is sentenced to death. Ironically

  • Book Analysis: My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    million, one hundred thousand people have been killed while serving in the United States armed forces. Many wars could have been resolved without conflict, including the American Revolution. My Brother Sam Is Dead, written by Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier, is set during the time and place of the Revolutionary War. Throughout the book, the two authors made various points on war. In the end, readers can conclude because of the text, that war is vain. The authors prove through their writing

  • Character Analysis: My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    Mr. Meeker’s days. “‘You get the wrong idea from Redding, sir. There’s a lot more Tories in this part of Connecticut than in the rest of teh colonies. In New Haven there aren’t so many Loyalists and in some towns there aren’t any at all.’” (Collier and Collier 6). Sam tells this to Mr. Beach and his father when they say that not that many people want to fight. They may know a lot, but they don’t get around as much as Sam does. Being old may make someone wise, but that’s by reminesing, not by knowing

  • The Road to Success is Paved with Anxiety

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    to push himself to the limits and overcome fear. Collier, a freelance writer with more than six hundred articles to his credit, published an article, “Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name “. He uses his personal experience and proves that we can overcome anxiety. In the article "Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name," Collier explains that anxiety is a very common part in our life and overcoming it instead of backing away is the only way we grow. Collier uses personal experiences, and shows his audience

  • The C Above High C Social Issues

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    html >. Armstrong, L. (1997, May 10). 'The C above ...' vividly recounts racial injustice. New York Amsterdam News Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docview/390452386?accountid=8289 Collier, James Lincoln. Louis Armstrong, edited by James Lincoln Collier, Oxford University Press, 1985. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/lib/apus/detail.action?docID=253387. Home | University of Colorado Boulder, www.colorado.edu/AmStudies/lewis/1025/women1950s

  • Summary Of The Boston Tea Party

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    one of the main events that led up to the Revolutionary War. "Sam's fighting for the rebels, did you know that?" "We heard that," Ezekiel said. "Father got into a rage. He said that Sam was too smart a boy to be fooled by sedition." (L. Collier and C. Collier 102) This quote by the authors shows how disappointed Sam’s father is in him for joining the Patriot side. It also recognizes the underlying theme of patriotism, which is shown through Sam’s love for America and his hatred against the oppression

  • Summary Of My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    My Brother Sam is dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier was first published in 1974. This story occurs during the Revolutionary War. The story is told in first person by Timothy Meeker. Timothy is Sam’s younger brother. There are four main characters in My Brother Sam is Dead. They are Mom, who is depressed because of the war. Dad, who died on a prison ship after being captured by cowboys. Tim is the main character and is very worried about his brother, Sam. Sam, who is an American

  • hiroshima and nagasaki -why did the u.s. use the atomic bomb?

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    feelings toward Japan. Japan often fought until the last man standing… the atomic bomb was the only thing that would force them to surrender. “Japanese were scornful of men who surrendered, and killed many of the sick or wounded along the way” (Collier, 69). This makes one ask themselves how the emperor could surrender if their troops were trained to kill off weaklings. Japanese leaders appeared determined to fight to their deaths. In the spring of 1945 as the bomb neared completion, Leo Szilard

  • Symbolism In My Brother Sam Is Dead

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    includes loss of human life, the spread of diseases, and induces a feeling of anxiety and dismay among communities. The brutal sacrifices that innocent people undergo may not be worth the outcome. In My Brother Sam is Dead, written by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, Tim must choose whether to be a Patriot, a Loyalist, or neutral. The reality of war and the inhumane acts that

  • What Did We Do To Be So Black And Blue Summary

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    and James Lincoln Collier’s Jazz: The American

  • Zoe Ockenga The Excuse Not To Summary

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    Excuse ‘Not To’,” Zoe Ockenga talks about how anxiety can be a huge setback for people. At the start of Ockenga’s essay, she talks about how anxiety affected her when she had to do her first speech in front of her class. Later, she spoke of James Lincoln Collier and how anxiety made him miss out on a huge opportunity that he would later regret. Towards the end of the article, Ockenga talks about her mom not having a job outside of the house and how it affected her when she was asked to take on a job

  • Analysis Of Anxiety: Challenge By Another Name, By Stephen King

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    horror movie, James Lincoln Collier’s article “Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name” suggests that a certain amount of fear and anxiety is beneficial. Collier mentions that “[t]he thought of graduate school wasn’t what depressed [him]. It was giving up on what deep in [his] gut [he] really wanted to do. Right then, [he] learned another lesson. To avoid that kind of depression meant, inevitably, having to endure a certain amount of worry and concern.” In order to pursue his dream, Collier realized that

  • Illinois Artists: Roscoe Misselhor, Helen Hokinson, Edward Kemeys

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    and a few of them are from illinois. Artists can sculpt, draw, paint, carve, or do just about anything. Having an idea of what artists can do might help in understanding what they draw and why. Artists like Roscoe Misselhorn, Trygve Rovelstad, Nate Collier, Hellen Hokinson, and Edward L. Kemeys live in illinois. The artists are very unique in their personality, but in their artwork as well. Even though they do their artwork in illinois, it doesn’t always stay in illinois; they go through the whole U