Intellectual Essays

  • intellectual health

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    Intellectual health comes from mental stimulation and what we get out of our work, school and other hobbies that we take part of. To begin an intellectually healthy life we must first have the desire to learn more and have an overall interest in what is going on around us. Every human being has the desire to know, but what’s more important is how we go about that. At a young age school teaches us that we must gain all the knowledge we can in order to be successful, therefore making school the first

  • Intellectual Property in the Age of the Internet

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    Intellectual Property in the Age of the Internet When Tim Berners-Lee created the Internet as a non-proprietor, not-for-profit information conduit, he could not have predicted how controversial digitized intellectual property would become. Prior to the Internet, intellectual property was a fairly straightforward issue. It was protected with copyright, trademark, and patent legislations, which granted exclusive rights to owners. Violations were not as abundant because distribution was constrained

  • Intellectual Freedom

    2052 Words  | 5 Pages

    Intellectual Freedom The History of Intellectual Freedom and Censorship Threats to intellectual freedom have existed since the printed word. History has seen bitter censorship battles over what should and should not be published, sold, and read. The fight for intellectual freedom has been long and complex, and many agencies have been involved in the process. For example, in 1954, libraries had difficulty importing materials from behind the Iron Curtain. The post office had taken on the role

  • Intellectual Property And Intellectual Property Rights

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    Intellectual Property & Intellectual Property Rights: Intellect means creations of one’s mind which can be an idea, process, program, model, name, symbol, or a writing. Intellectual Property is conception of an intellect in form of idea, theory, conclusion, invention, design or model right to which is exclusively associated to the owner by law. What one owns should be theirs legally and rightfully. Their ideas, their creations, inventions, models, any designs modeled by them should rightfully belong

  • Intellectual Property

    1381 Words  | 3 Pages

    Technology is now the foundation to any society and in America; digital products (mp3 files, videos, books, etc.) are protected as intellectual property. Theft of any intellectual property would have similar (and in some cases more severe) consequences as stealing a car or shoplifting, however, some countries that fall behind in the development of intellectual property can easily steal digital products and produce them for a much cheaper and easier rate of production. One such country is China, which

  • Intellectual Property Law

    2528 Words  | 6 Pages

    Intellectual Property Law Anything that can be owned can be viewed as property. It can be a tangible thing, such as a car, a home, or a piece of land; or it may be an intangible, artificial right created by social interaction or legislation, such as a right to receive money under a contract or the right to control the use in commerce of the trademark Gelatissimo. In all cases, whether tangible or intangible, property may be valuable and it may be transferred to others, whole or in part. For

  • Floyd Dell's Intellectual Vagabondage

    545 Words  | 2 Pages

    I'm not so sure that Floyd Dell's work,  Intellectual Vagabondage  would be so important to me if I hadn't come across it halfway through high school when I was ready to have some illusions blown away. I came across it at a Goodwill or Salvation Army, I forget which. There it was, hiding among all the Reader's Digest Condensed Books and suchlike, just waiting to twist my head around. I loved its tone. Dell seems not to be showing off how smart he is, but is just a man concerned that he hasn't

  • Ethics And Intellectual Property: Ethics And Intellectual Property

    1032 Words  | 3 Pages

    ETHICS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 2 Ethics and Intellectual Property Intellectual property abounds in our society, it is the direct result of the expression of an idea or other intangible material (Zuber, 2014). Our laws provide rights which are specific to the owner of the intellectual property. Furthermore, intellectual property is protected by laws just like tangible property is protected (Lau & Johnson, 2014). The most widely known forms of intellectual property rights

  • The Dilemma of the Black Intellectual

    903 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Dilemma of the black intellectual In Cornell West reading on Dilemma of the black intellectual; West discussed three major points about the black intellectual: On becoming a black intellectual, black intellectuals and the black community, the future of the black intellectual. West also discussed on the black intellectual are as humanist. The Dilemma of the black intellectual is beyond and above the racist heritage according to West. The Dilemma of the black intellectual is a reflection of ones

  • An Intellectual and Emotional Response to Oedipus the King

    1214 Words  | 3 Pages

    An Intellectual and Emotional Response to Oedipus the King While reading the play Oedipus the King, my response to the work became more and more clear as the play continued. When I finished the play, my reaction to the work and to two particular characters was startling and very different from my response while I was still reading. My initial response was to the text, and it was mostly an intellectual one. I felt cheated by the play because the challenge of solving the mystery of the plot was

  • Series on Intellectual Property Controversies

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    Series on Intellectual Property Controversies It might not have been how I originally wanted to spend my Saturday night, but then again if I hadn’t of gone it would have been extremely difficult to write this paper. I attended Molly Kleinman’s lecture about copyright and how it’s linked to libraries. So there I was with my pen and note book ready to take notes for later use. She first started out just talking about the purpose of copyright. From there she gave two different points of views on

  • The Internet and Intellectual Property Laws

    1417 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Internet and Intellectual Property Laws With the emergence and growth of the internet, intellectual property laws are much harder to enforce and many people are saying that they are outdated and obsolete. Intellectual property allows you to own your ideas, thoughts, and creativity as you would own a piece of tangible property. The human mind is a creative tool that comes up with ideas, designs, schemes, and inspirations of all kinds. Intellectual property views these ideas as being property

  • Intellectual Property on the Internet

    3900 Words  | 8 Pages

    Intellectual Property on the Internet On one of my first web sites I had an original graphic design, done by one of my friends. The design was interesting and eye-catching, two necessary elements for my site. I kept the design on the site for over six months, before taking it down and rebuilding. Almost a year after the graphic went up on my site, the person who designed it saw it on another site. After he showed me, he expressed his disappointment. He had put his time and hard work into this

  • Mccarthyism V. Eisenhower's Anti-Intellectual Movement

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    The 1950s-anti-intellectual was a national movement when non-intellectuals raised concerns outside of the intellectual community. During the time of Dwight Eisenhower considered regularly inarticulate. A part of that movement is McCarthyism “arousing the fear the critical mind was at ruinous discount” (Hofstadter). The 1852 primary election between Adlai Stevenson and Dwight Eisenhower further showed the contrast between intellectuals and anti-intellectuals. Steven appealed to intellectualist, and

  • Intellectual Property in The US

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    Intellectual Property Intellectual property is an incredibly complicated facet of the law. In the United States, we have many laws in place to control and limit profiting from others intellectual property. The issue is not only profiting from others intellectual property, but not purchasing the property from the originator as well. We will discuss why it is important to protect this property as well as why it is tremendously difficult to regulate all these safe guards. “Intellectual Property has

  • Napster and Intellectual Property

    1145 Words  | 3 Pages

    individuals holding copyrights on intellectual property, this is a frightening proposition. After all, there is virtually no protection for these copyright holders from the misuse of their property. But, as Scott Sullivan, writer for The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin stated, “as history has proven, technological and societal advances usually come with a price.” The price society is paying for the Internet is a loss of copyright protection by laws for their intellectual material. Napster is a good example

  • Intellectual Property in Singapore

    3306 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction to Intellectual property and various property laws in Singapore First of all, the definition of Intellectual property refers to the creation of mind, such as literary and artistic works, inventions, designs, names, symbols, logos and even images used in industries. Some example of Intellectual property are that business owners, they are given exclusive rights for the use of their trademark or even their identity, logo, which were originally established by them. Even for creative artistes

  • Intellectual Property Analysis

    742 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nicole Schiera CS320-I01 Professor Covert 4/4/14 Response 8 Way before their time Esther Dyson and Lance Rose both had their own opinions about the future of 'intellectual property' in the digital age. In 1995, two authors noticed this emergence of change. In the Wired article "The Emperor's Clothes Still Fit Just Fine" Lance Rose suggested that the norm of copyright infringement being a criminal act such as stealing a car would prevent this practice from becoming something that would be acceptable

  • Intellectual Property Patents

    1075 Words  | 3 Pages

    What are the different types of IP Rights (Patents, Copyright and Registered Designs)? Intellectual Property (IP) is a legal concept that refers to the creations of the human minds for which exclusive rights are recognized. A variety of tangible assets are granted rights to the owners, artistes or innovators for a specified duration. IP is an intangible asset to a company as it gives commercial business partner and financial institutions the confidence to invest or in any way collaborate with the

  • Intellectual Property

    1164 Words  | 3 Pages

    Intellectual property are the legal rights (control and ownership) of creations, such as ideas; inventions; designs, etc. for the use in commerce (Bainbridge, 2012). Intellectual law in countries seeks to deter individuals or organizations from copying or capitalizing upon another’s work. The main areas protected by protect intellectual property law include: patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret. Intellectual Property can be categorized under the following: Monopoly Right to prevent