Hypnagogia Essays

  • What is Hynogogic State

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hypnogogic State Hypnogogic state also known as Hypnagogia, is the transition between sleeping and awake where dreams are mixed with reality including sight, sound, and other sensations. Hypnogogic state is the start of consciousness, and is responsible for the birth of lucid dreaming, hallucinations, out of body experiences, and sleep paralysis. It is possible to induce yourself into Hypnogogic state by deep meditation. People claiming that they experienced paranormal events like sleep paralysis

  • Hypnagogic Hallucinations and Sleep Paralysis

    1444 Words  | 3 Pages

    I find myself lying in bed, drifting ever so closely to sleep. My mind is calmly running the days memories through. Deeper and deeper. Closer to dreamland. My body slowly numbs into a more rested state. Abruptly, I am awakened by an incredible force that is pinning my entire body down at once. It is overwhelmingly strong. My limbs wildly try to fight back only to find themselves powerless to this unseen...something...what it is I am unsure. I feel paralyzed. I am physically unable to move a muscle

  • Examples Of Sleep Paralysis

    1195 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sleep Paralysis: Is It For Real? After a long day of activities, you decide you have enough time to squeeze in a nap. You are slowly waking up and becoming aware of what is going around you. You can hear someone in another room, moving around, and through the open window by your bed, you can hear the sounds of the kids of the neighborhood running and playing. You can even hear the old lady down the street yelling at the neighborhood boys for using her yard as a shortcut. You got about an hour rest

  • Sleep Paralysis

    1343 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sleep Paralysis You are lying in bed taking a much-needed nap. You have had a long day and this little refresher is just what you need. You are slowly becoming awake and aware of what is going around you. You can hear someone in the kitchen cooking and through the open window by your bed you can hear the sounds of the kids of the neighborhood jumping rope and playing hand games. You can even hear Old Mrs. Jones yelling at Little Johnny for running all over her flowers. You have been sleeping

  • Unconscious Mind Research Paper

    1503 Words  | 4 Pages

    The unconscious mind is a complex part of the brain as it contains all the automatic processes that occur without self examination, including memory, affect, and motivation. Although these course of actions are well buried underneath the conscious, they (arguably) still have an impact on the behaviour. This concept was further developed by the Austrian neurologist and psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Driven from evidence, studies show that the whole “hidden mind” also contains “repressed feeling, automatic

  • Near Death Experiences

    1944 Words  | 4 Pages

    Near Death Experiences is a controversial phenomenon that has been debated among researchers, physicians, and the general public. The debate is whether or not what people think they experience is real or if it can to be explained by science. There are twelve characteristics of these experiences that are frequently experienced across the board including out of body experiences which lead to the questions: Does the conscious require the brain, or is it a separate entity that can exist and function