High-tech architecture Essays

  • History Of The Pompidou Center

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    The Facts The structure I have been given to study is the Pompidou centre, which was built between 1971- 1977, It was first decided by Georges Pompidou, the President of France, decided that Paris needed a Cultural Centre, after his death the Pompidou centre was constructed named after him instead of being named Beaubourg centre. He wanted to construct a cultural centre in Paris that would beneficial to the French economy so that it would attract tourists. Two non famous architects partnered up

  • Market Opportunity Analysis

    2514 Words  | 6 Pages

    Recently Hi-Micro company was established and have identified that the on-going globalization of the world economy, its strategic location, and the existing market structure provide them with a potential opportunity to develop as an international high-tech computer market leader. In recognition of the risks involved, Hi-micro test the market of Innovators and Mercedes to examine the basis for the opportunity, assess how these two products measure up against competing other companies , such as Wellbox

  • A Comparison of McDonald's and Fox's Diner

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    Even the color scheme used by McDonald's promotes speed. Studies show that loud colors like red and yellow increase customer turnover. With the exception of handling money, tasks are shared by the staff at the diner and there isn't anything high-tech about the operation. Fox's Diner is a world away from the bland, impersonal McDonald's just a few miles north. It sits on the right side of a two-lane highway leading into town. The Diner serves both as a truck stop and as the restaurant for

  • Pros and Cons of Outsourcing

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    are joined by means of an outsourcing arrangement. This practice became even more popular after the dot-com crash of the early 21st century. As many businesses struggled with cash-flow problems, many investors were leary in investing money in high-tech companies, which many felt were still vulnerable to the dot-com effect. Struggling to do more with less, companies looked for less expensive avenues of development and support. For the United States, Indiaseemed like a perfect resource for these

  • Got Zinc?

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    achieved the fame and notoriety of other metals such as gold or silver. In more recent times, new extraction and processing methods have allowed Man to produce higher-quality zinc than ever before, and to use it in an astonishingly high number of chemical and high-tech applications. The term “zinc” was not in use until the 16th century, at the earliest. The ancient Greeks called it “pseudargyras,” meaning “false silver,” and made very little use of it (Mathewson 1). The unassuming bluish-gray mineral

  • Females and Technology

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    professionals are needed. It is extremely important for more women to become knowledgeable in these areas. Swain and Harvey argue, “This technology gender gap is affecting half our population and causing it to be unprepared to contribute to the demands of a high-tech twenty-first century” (17). While this may not seem like a serious issue to some, it is an issue that will ultimately lead to a bigger problem if not handled immediately. So why are there so few women in the technology field? To answer that question

  • Ancient Greek Olympics

    1142 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ancient Greek Olympics Reporting today's Olympic games is like a technological masterpiece. The athletes compete in many events, their times and scores are tallied and sent worldwide by satellites and high-tech computers within seconds. Each event is carefully watched and recorded with a sense of history. There was no such sense of history or records when the first Games began in Ancient Greece. The first recorded champion in Greece was a sprinter, Coroebus, he was a cook in a near by Greek city

  • Swot Analysis Of Sony

    1991 Words  | 4 Pages

    Syn-ovate is the best brand from 1000 different brands in Asia and we were ranked 1 in two years continuously. In 2013, Sony was ranked 48 by Interbrand, though we get a little bit loss in this year, we believe that our new products can push Sony to a new high point. In 2009, we change our tagline to “make.believe”. It means that we can let our creative idea into reality and let people have a belief that anything we can imagine, we can make real. In our future, Nike is one of the main partner with us because

  • Technological Literacy

    1958 Words  | 4 Pages

    2001)—inventions, innovations, and changes intended to meet our wants and needs, to live longer, more productive lives. Such a broad definition of technology includes a broad spectrum of artifacts, ranging from the age-old (flint tools, wheels, levers) to the high-tech (computers, multimedia, biotechnologies). In short, if humans thought of it and made it, it’s technology. Two important points need to made about such a broad definition of technology. First, although some writers address only computer and communications

  • We Must Have a Right to Privacy

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    numerous television talk shows. The more exposure, the better. So it may be absurd that we should worry that our privacy is being endangered, our personal life and even our se crets made public. The loss of privacy is on the fast track, and the high-tech Information Age is a willing conspirator. Somebody, somewhere, may know something about you that you'd prefer to keep private: how much you earn a year, what you paid for yo ur car or house, whether you've had certain diseases, what your job

  • paintball

    1971 Words  | 4 Pages

    introduced to Australia and the first indoor field was opened in Buffalo, NY. From this point, paintball started to “snowball”, picking up interest in foreign countries and on the internet. New high-tech paintball products are invented all the time, making the sport increasingly more complex. Paintball has become a high-tech sport compared to the guns of the last couple of decades. For a long time, all of the guns ran off of 12 gram Co2 which would shoot up to 40 shots. The guns were pump action, and would

  • Rise of Professionalism in Sports

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    test physical skill is considered a sport; hence the list of sports can go on endlessly. In the past, all these were only very simple games, but they have evolved tremendously over the years and now, have become very professional sports, with many high-tech equipment to boost the sportsman’s performance. Bowling provides an excellent example; it dates all the way back to 5200 BC in Egypt, where kids literally take a ball-like object to throw at marble bars, resembling pins. It then slowly spreaded

  • How to Use a Stethoscope

    912 Words  | 2 Pages

    How to Use a Stethoscope Perhaps one of the greatest abilities in today’s medical world is the ability doctors and nurses have to listen to heartbeats, pulses, and breathing patterns with simplicity. It doesn’t require any high-tech equipment. It doesn’t require a myriad of tests and examinations. It doesn’t cost thousands of dollars per minute to operate. In fact, the abilities that I just mentioned are made possible by this instrument: a stethoscope. The stethoscope that we know today is not

  • I Wish to Pursue an MS Degree in Electrical Engineering

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    were either to gain work experience or to further my education by pursuing an MS degree in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). I saw an opportunity to both work and learn through employment at Xilinx Inc. Operating as a product engineer at a successful, high-tech semiconductor company has enabled me to utilize my technical and interpersonal skills in new and challenging ways. The position has also allowed me to interact with a multitude of departments including marketing, integrated circuit (IC) design, software/CAD

  • Internet Hackers

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    Downloading." They were considering selling the information to international terrorist groups or foreign governments. The number of hacker related crimes seems to be increasing year by year. Theft on the internet is costing companies billions, and the high-tech industry is struggling to stop it. According to Michael Meyer's Crimes of the "Net", last year roughly $2 billion worth of software was stolen over the internet last year. Also that year, the leader of an international piracy ring operating out

  • High-tech Snooping Threatens Our Privacy

    982 Words  | 2 Pages

    High-tech Snooping Threatens Our Privacy The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution states: The right of the people to be secure in their person's houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. The Fourth Amendment values privacy in the home and protects

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    3317 Words  | 7 Pages

    receive more attention from the general public as the implications of farming are realized and the problem of potential world wide food shortage is addressed. With the future in focus, much of agricultural establishment uses words like biotech, and high-tech to describe their goals for U.S. agriculture. With few exceptions, traditional agriculturalists see a continuing trend of industrial agricultural practices that continue to drive production to fewer, larger, and more specialized production units

  • Galicia

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    people) are very different from other Spanish people and seem to almost be a different race. They have a whiter pailer complextion, and have blond hair. They are also different in the things that they do for entertainment. They don't have any of the high-tech theatures, or the night life of Madrid. They are more interested in music, poetry, land, family, witchcraft, death, and superstition. They spend a lot of time thinking about things and why they are the way that they are. They usually are not prejudice

  • Satellite Surveillance

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    that Dean is on to them, and proceed to turn his life upside-down, ruin his reputation, and frame him for various incidents, thanks to the latest in high-tech government surveillance techniques. In an attempt to clear his name and reclaim his life, Dean teams up with the reclusive Brill (Gene Hackman), a former federal employee who has as much high-tech equipment and expertise as the government itself. Smith scores as a man who is desperate to reclaim his identity and prove his innocence. This intense

  • Changes that Have Occurred in Industry in South Wales Since 1800

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    Changes that Have Occurred in Industry in South Wales Since 1800 The main industries that South Wales were dependent on since 1800 were mainly mining for coal, iron ore and limestone, manufacturing steel and labour. The main areas and ports in South Wales where the main industries were located were Cardiff, Newport, Swansea, Ebbw Vale, Merthyr Tydfil and Port Talbot. Coal was mined locally in valleys in the large area between Ebbw Vale to Swansea. Iron ore was also mined in the area from