Hauptschule Essays

  • Foreign Language Curriculum

    904 Words  | 2 Pages

    The U.S. government has acknowledged the demand for foreign languages, but managed to reduce funds that support language programs for K-12 grades. However, advocates have been emphasizing the importance of learning a foreign language at a younger age to promote the program. School districts have developed a plan to incorporate a foreign language curriculum in grade schools, which is designed to improve communicative competencies. Learning a language at adolescent years helps with the memory, creativity

  • Finland: The World´s Best Education System

    1020 Words  | 3 Pages

    Education differs from one country to another because every country possesses its own system of education. However, it is commonly believed that Finland has the world’s best education system (Gamerman,2008). So, its education system differs in many ways from the other countries like the one in Germany. The Finnish education system consists of basic education, upper secondary and higher education (Vossensteyn,2008) whereas German education system consists of primary education, secondary education

  • Willhelm Von's Impact On The German Education System

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    Education in Germany can be traced back to the middle ages, where it existed in the form of church schools. It has come a long way from then and Germany is now considered to have one of the top education systems in the world. Of course it did not start off that way, and it took centuries of history and change to be shaped into how we know it today. During the protestant reformation, Martin Luther- a German monk and catholic priest- advocated the importance of education so that people can learn

  • The German Culture

    1062 Words  | 3 Pages

    Many symbols and components of the American culture such as the Christmas tree, gingerbread houses, valentines, and the tooth fairy actually derive from “the heart of Europe” (Steckler, 2012). Germany is a highly populated country in Europe, composed of 16 states and is known for its’ breathtaking sceneries, oceans, and mountains (Steckler, 2012). Germany is also known for its thriving and large economy. Germany’s climate varies based on location with the mountains at cooler temperatures and warmer

  • IB

    1732 Words  | 4 Pages

    Being a business education major, I am very interested in the different structures of the education systems in the world. Not only do I think it is important to teachers to understand the different education systems, but also everyone else. Because of our world growing into a more global world, we all need to understand the culture and customers of different countries. As described in International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World, culture is, “in the broadest sense

  • Function Of English Essay

    2913 Words  | 6 Pages

    Functions of English in a globalised society Over the last few decades the functional range of English has spread tremendously, affecting various domains in a worldwide context. It enables interaction for many sectors including technology, science, business, media, politics, and international organisations. English teaching in the classroom is becoming more widespread because English in the workplace is becoming more widespread. Management, IT, industry and tourism are all examples of professional