Gift Essays

  • Chinese Culture: A Gift For A Gift Culture

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    Selecting a gift for a person with a different nationality is always difficult because in order to select an appropriate gift, you should understand their culture which is perhaps slightly or very different yours. According to one of my Indian friend whom I have met in Sri Lanka, giving a knife for a gift is appreciated in Western India. Now, let’s assume you are from the west part of India and thinking about giving a knife to your Chinese friend, this might not be a good idea because in China, giving

  • Mauss The Gift

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    glaring exception: the gift. One might surmise that presents are given out of love or the goodness of one’s heart, but in The Gift, French sociologist Marcel Mauss (1950) asserts that “[while] in theory these are voluntary, in reality they are given and reciprocated obligatorily” (3). Gifting is rather much more complicated than simple goodwill; with gifting comes “honor [and] prestige” from exhibiting one’s wealth but also “the absolute obligation to reciprocate these gifts” at the threat of losing

  • The Perfect Gifts

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    see the look on someone’s face when they receive the perfect gift. All times are great for gift giving but especially now during the holidays when it is a joyous time for everybody. One person I think really deserves a gift is my mother. My mother loves to help other people, whether it is her own children or other people in need. If I had billions of dollars to spend I would buy my mother the Red Cross foundation. This is the perfect gift for my mother because she loves to give and this would give

  • Gifts of Rain

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gifts of Rain Seamus Heaney's poem Gifts of Rain is divided into 4 sections. These 4 sections could symbolise the stages of life which consists of birth, childhood, adulthood and death. It could also symbolise the stages of the river in which it suggests the development of the river from it's source to where it gets strong. Or of course, it could symbolise the stages of the water cycle. Water is the symbol of life, but i can also be seen as purity, freshness or youth. In this mysterious

  • A Precious Gift

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    A Precious Gift Education has always been considered very important in my family. Prior to the earliest time I can remember I am told that my mother and father read to me nightly. My family has a deep background in books, my father being a collector, and my mother working at a library. My father loves books, in every way I can think of. He loves to read them, as do the rest of my family, but he has a collector's interest in books that we lack. He once wondered to a local library to check if

  • The Gifts of Santeria

    994 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Gifts of Santeria Modern practitioners of Santeria may be attracted to the religion for a variety of reasons, notable among which are curiosity with secret rituals and the longing among many immigrants and people of color to get in touch with Caribbean and African roots. What each specific individual wants from a religion is difficult to generalize upon, but Santeria offers a way for people to achieve harmony in their lives through communication with and obedience to orishas, the divine beings

  • A Curse and a Gift

    2719 Words  | 6 Pages

    A Curse and a Gift He stands in the dark, lingering. Always linger. Faceless, but his cold, menacing eyes illuminate from the depth of the abyss. He’s gone now. My attention is diverted to a lonely, deserted road. There’s no sign of life anywhere. It’s pitch dark and I’m walking. I don’t know where I’m going, but I have to get out of this darkness. A cold, unsettling breeze emerges from a warm, summer’s night. I feel chills rising through my spine. “Something’s wrong.” I walk for a considerable

  • Hearty Gifts such as the Della and Jim´s in The Gift of the Magi

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    story of “The Gift of the MAGI” by O. Henry is about a couple, Della and Jim, who trying to make each other happy by buying gift in Christmas day. Unfortunately, they are very poor, and the only valuable things they have are Della’s beautiful hair and Jim’s gold watch. Since Della does not have enough money to buy Jim a gift, she sells her hair. After shopping in too many places, Della buys Jim a chain for his watch. She is sad for her hair, but happy that she could get him a gift, and she hopes

  • Mauss The Gift Summary

    1086 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Mauss’s work The Gift, he also focused on the gift economy in social groups. For our purposes we will focusing on his more famous work of the potlaches of Pacific Northwest Native American tribes. He notes that the potlach system is unique and differ greatly from other gift economies in that it is an exercise in managing the wealth status of the tribes. (Mauss 2012) What he means by this is that the potlaches serves the purpose of changing the distribution of wealth in the tribes while building

  • Importance Of Gift Giving

    2038 Words  | 5 Pages

    they like to Give. But the way gift giving is perceived and handled can vary greatly across the globe. In China, gifts wrapped in red are supposed to be good luck, never give 13 flowers to someone in Europe, and when giving money in India it has to be an odd amount. In Sweden, birthdays are started out (start) with breakfast in bed and Japan gives the most extravagant gifts. Giving is universal, but traditions and occasions can be quite different and the importance of gift giving can also vary greatly

  • The Gift I Cherish

    899 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Gift I Cherish Right before Haldun went back to Turkey, he gave me a good luck charm that he brought here from home. The good luck charm was a hand made gift Haldun had received from his parents before coming here. I thought that this was the greatest thing ever, especially coming from one of my best friends. To make any sense of this, I would have to go back about nine months ago. It was the first day of school when I had my study hall in the cafeteria, I noticed a student which resembled

  • Schhrag On The Ethics Of The Gift Summary

    915 Words  | 2 Pages

    the gift is one that is central to the philosophy of Calvin O. Schrag, and is closely related to his notion of the transversal and the basic structure of moral experience. However, the possibility of genuine gift giving occurring within the construct of our daily lives is doubted by many philosophers, in particular Jacques Derrida. Derrida suggest that genuine gift giving in impossible within the context of our social and ethical economies of exchange. In his essay On the Ethics of the Gift, Schrag

  • Marcel Mauss The Gift Analysis

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    of gift giving in his book “ The Gift”. Marcel Mauss’ refers to the ritual as potlatch that binds the recipient and the giver in a continuous bond of commitment, which both, the recipient and the donor cannot escape. Through the analysis of the clip and the book ‘The Gift’ I have established that a gift plays four important roles, of a present; of poison; as a special ability and of a bond and I verify that there indeed exist no free gifts or as Mary Douglas states, “There are no free gifts; gift

  • Ap Economics Gift Exchange

    1248 Words  | 3 Pages

    How do gift exchanges and commodity transactions shape your everyday interactions with others? It is undeniable that in the 21st century economics is a key factor in the social world fitting together. Whilst commodity transactions are a well-accepted inclusion in the subject of economics gift exchange is less so. This is likely due to the supposed good intent that drives gift giving. However, renowned anthropologist Marcel Mauss proposes that gift exchange is in fact an obligatory and self-interested

  • The Gift of the Magi, by O. Henry

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    known stories among teens and adults is the tale of a poor, young couple struggling to find the perfect Christmas gifts for each other using their very limited means. They each manage to get what they think is the perfect gift for the other, but only accomplish this by selling a prized possession which effectively makes the new gifts impractical. This bittersweet narrative, “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry, illustrates the moral idea that a person, motivated by nothing but love for another, can

  • Symbolism In The Gift Of The Magi

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    story “The Gift Of The Magi” the main character Della cuts her hair,which is her prized possesion to buy a tab chain for her husband.Jim’s pocket watch.In this story the author shows us how people sometimes sacrifice for love.Unfortunetely Jim sells his watch to buy Della a set of combs for her hair. In the story the main literary element is theme,which is impacted by character, conflict,irony,setting point of view,symbolism,tone and mood.The theme in this story is love is a better gift than any

  • Irony In O. Henry's The Gift Of The Magi

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    “Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are the wisest.”(Henry 108). This is one of the quotes from O. Henry’s short story, “The Gift of the Magi.” “The Gift of the Magi,” by O. Henry, is short about two adults making a sacrifice for one another. “The Gift of the Magi,” by O. Henry, is about sacrificing something for someone else which is revealed by the author’s irony, descriptive language, and dialogue. In this story, “The Gift of the Magi,” the author uses different situations throughout

  • An Annotation of The Gift Outright by Robert Frost

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    An Annotation of The Gift Outright by Robert Frost In "The Gift Outright," Robert Frost traces the development of American culture from colonial times to a more present perspective. He tells the American story of colonialism, freedom, westward expansion, and the quest to develop a specifically American culture. In doing this, he focuses on explaining ways in which Americans supported the growth and development of their country and culture. Frost suggests that Americans showed their allegiance

  • Gift-Giving in Beowulf and the Odyssey

    1693 Words  | 4 Pages

    Gift-Giving in Beowulf and the Odyssey Literature has always been an immensely helpful resource when discerning cultural values in societies past and present. Through the study of noteworthy historic fictional and factual, texts we are able to distinguish parallel characteristics present through many different cultures and time periods. These distinguishing characteristics are one of the main things that help us to determine when and how a society, or world culture as a whole changes as time

  • To Give is to Recieve in Gift of the Magi, by O. Henry

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    about what they might have gone through just to give you that one perfect gift? The giver may have sacrificed something very dear to their heart to give you that small token. In Gift of the Magi, by O. Henry, a young couple who is in desperate financial struggle sells their most prized possessions to purchase gifts for each other. O. Henry teaches the valuable lesson that sometimes in order to give a well thought out gift we may be required to sacrifice our time, possessions, or self aspirations