Flags of the World Essays

  • Flags of the World

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    United States Flag The United States flag bears three different unique and patriotic colors significant to the United States of America. These colors include; red, blue, and white. The stripes alternating between red and white. There are 13 stripes in total symbolizing the 13 British colonies that became free from the Kingdom of Great Britain. The red stripes also represent the 7 continents of the world. Moving onto the upper left side of the flag, you will see a blue square which symbolized the

  • Importance Of Flag Essay

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    The flag is the symbol of the community which differentiates it from the rest of the world but it is more than just the symbol. It is the identity of the people in front of the world that they are belong to which country or which nation. So flag is the identity of a person or a particular region that we display in front of the people. Flag is not just a piece of cloth that flies in the air and have no mean but in fact with this flag many patriotic emotions are also connected. People have the patriotic

  • Essay On Australian Flag

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    Do you look at the Australian flag with pride? Well, the Australian flag has many people split on changing the flag. I feel as though many don’t have the connection to the flag. It doesn’t tell the story of the nation. Our flag is what brings us Australians together, it needs to represent our country with pride, but the current flag doesn’t do our country any justice. The current flag doesn’t represent any of our indigenous culture, the true custodians of this land. As well as that, have you ever

  • American Flag As A Cultural Artifact Essay

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    critique the American flag as a cultural artifact. Flags can mean a sign of surrender, or a sign of victory. And the American flag is most definitely seen as a sign of the later. Growing up as an American, I’ve known this flag as been embedded into my DNA as an American. Living in America there is no way to escape it. This flag has been a relentless symbol of victory and freedom for millions of Americans over the last few hundred years. It has also been a symbol to the rest of the world of a new way of

  • Canadian Flag

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    Canadian Flag Throughout Canada in the 20th Century, numerous events and decisions have formed defining moments for the people of this country. Events like Vimy Ridge, the formation of NATO, and the development of the new flag have made a huge impact on the country. In addition, the leadership of people like Lester B. Pearson and, much earlier, Sir Wilfred Laurier, has created very significant changes in the course of Canada’s history. Of these, the new flag, sometimes referred to as the “maple

  • American Flag Research Paper

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    American flags. While most people realize that the flag is a symbol of our nation, there are many other things about the flag that people may not know. To learn more about the American flag, consider this brief history of the American flag. Even before the United States was formed, the colonists used flags to represent this potential nation. A “Liberty Tree” flag, with a green pine tree and the saying, “An Appeal to Heaven,” was flown as early as 1775. Later, a flag known as the Grand Union flag was

  • Flags of All Countries

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    Flags of All Countries Flags hold a personal fascination for me. On the World Wide Web, “Flags of all Countries” made me sit up and take notice. This site can be found at www.immigration-usa.com/flags/. I have written of certain flags and the memories they invoke in the past. Who would have thought so much information could be packed into a site that at face value is about rectangular pieces of fabric? Even though I did no research of my own into this area, the site seemed factual and well

  • Canadian Flag Debate Analysis

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    Introduction A flag symbolizes one’s country; The Canadian flag separates us as a country, but still unites us as a diverse nation. It is the way we lift up and cheer on our favourite sport team, to wearing the flag on our backpacks worldwide (Levine, 2014). Ever since it has been signed off, there hasn’t been a debate in over 50 years to evaluate change or reform the configuration of the Canadian flag. The word debate brings strong expression of opinions and argumentative discussions in the legislative

  • Flags Of Our Fathers Sparknotes

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    “Flags of Our Fathers “ is a book by James Bradley with Ron Powers about the five United States Marines and one United States Navy Corpsman who were made famous by Joe Rosenthal's photograph of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, one of the costliest and most horrifying battles of World War II's Pacific Theater. The flag raisers included John Bradley (a Navy corpsman, and the author's father), Rene Gagnon, Ira Hayes, Mike Strank, Harlon Block, and Franklin Sousley; the latter three men died later in the

  • 7 Commandments In Animal Farm

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    human world. From this point on, the animals report that

  • Is Flag Burning protected under the First Amendment?

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    Is Flag Burning protected under the First Amendment? There is a proposed amendment to make flag burning illegal. Congress tried to pass the Flag Protection Act of 1989, but the act failed because it is seen as a form of public protection.  There have been other attempts to pass legislation to protect the American flag but all of the attempts have failed so far. Flag burning is very controversial because people have different definitions of what “freedom of speech” means and what our flag

  • Burning The American Flag

    880 Words  | 2 Pages

    White and Blue The American flag is majestic, waving in the wind, standing tall and proud. For the patriotic, respectful Americans, it brings us to our feet when the national anthem plays, mouthing the words with honor. America is a free country, often referred to as the promise land, where respect should be earned. The American flag is treated as a living object. It is respected and easily recognizable all around the world. It should be illegal to burn the American flag because not only is it disrespectful

  • Argumentative Essay On Flag Burning

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    The colors of the flag, white, red, and blue, all have distinct significant meanings of what the United States stands for. White signifies purity and innocence, red signifies hardiness & valour, and lastly blue, which shows vigilance, perseverance & justice, while the stripes indicate the original 13 Colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. Although the flag may just be a piece of cloth, it most certainly has a definitive symbol that beholds a tremendous amount of power in its

  • Maple Leaf Flag In Canadian History

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    adaptation or the maple leaf flag in 1965 is a defining moment in Canadian history because it exhibited Canada as its own country, it created the true meaning of “Canadian”, and it can now be classified as an independent country. A flag is a symbol, which identifies people in a specific group. Having the Union Jack on the Canadian flag creates a tie between Canada and Britain. This made other countries perceive Canada as part of Britain. Once the union jack was removed from the flag designs, Canada was

  • Germany : A Beautiful Country Of Rich And Bold History

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    are evident in the nation’s flags. Its government was responsible for most of these changes, and just as the national anthem is tied to the nations government so is its flag. Because the government changed so much about the nation throughout time, we can analyze it by looking at the many different flags the country has had. In fact, one could learn about the history of Germany by analyzing the history of its flag. Germany has had upwards of 11 flags, and each change of flag symbolizes a major change

  • Persuasive Essay On Flag Desecration

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    For over 200 years, the American flag has been a symbol of our country’s strength and freedom. It has been the beacon of hope for so many both, citizens and noncitizens. It’s stars, stripes, and colors all have meaning. The stars represent the 50 states, the stripes represent the original 13 colonies, the red symbolizes hardiness and valor, the blue stands for perseverance and justice, and the white represents innocence and purity. This flag has been flown, in its variations, since 1776 and since

  • Essay On Canadian Identity

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    that “The world needs more Canada”, he was referring to increased need for Canadian identity. Identity is defined as the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another. As individuals, we show our identity through name, attire, or belief. Canadian identity was often labelled as a popular discussion among social scientists and historians, due to the inability to procure a time when Canadian identity prospered. Canadian identity is often easily distinguishable from others, due to its flag and historical

  • Comparison Essay On Patriotic Icons

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    and the American Flag. Yasmin Sabina Khan shows in her book "Enlightening the World: The Creation of the Statue of Liberty” why the Statue of Liberty was built, how each part of the statue describes everything and how it represents U.S today. In “Capture The Flag: The Stars And Stripes In American History”, Scot M Guenter talks about how the American flag is seen everywhere and how the flag has remained strong throughout many incidents. In the Barbara Kingsolver essay “And Our Flag Was Still There”

  • Compare And Contrast The Confederate Flag

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    Many people criticize the Confederate Battle Flag because of its tainted history of racism and slavery. But the truth is the South were not the only colonies to own slaves. In fact, Northern colonies auctioned off slaves in the open market all the way from Philadelphia to Boston and New York. It has even been noted in history that many Union generals and heroes such as Ulysses S. Grant and even Benjamin Franklin owned plenty of slaves. Grant even kept his slaves until right after the 13th amendment

  • Burning The American Flag Research Paper

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    Flag code states that the flag represents a living country therefore the flag is considered a living thing. Over the years, the Burning of the Flag has been a very heated topic. Several individual cases went on to the Supreme Court. “The freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much” (Jacoby el al. 20). Do you think it is unconstitutional to burn the American Flag? The Constitution of the United States says yes, it is unconstitutional. Even by adding an American flag patch to