Filiberto Ojeda Ríos Essays

  • BPA

    1399 Words  | 3 Pages

    need is a spark to ignite the powder keg again, and a charismatic leader to rally the group. But whatever they do and however people want to call them; terrorist or heroes, their name has been forever stained with blood by the actions and orders of Ojeda. Even if his intentions were noble, by wanting a free country for his people, it does not justify the killing of unarmed military personnel, and innocent civilians.

  • Calle 13 Thesis

    1516 Words  | 4 Pages

    Calle 13 “Soy América Latina. Un pueblo sin piernas pero que camina” (Latinoamerica). Calle 13 is a popular Latin music group known for their political and social stance portrayed in their music. Mostly known for their 2006 Grammy nominated song “Atrevete”, Calle 13 has skyrocketed in becoming one of the most influential music groups in the reggeaton genre. It is no secret that Latin America has become a part of the world that is looked down upon because of its poverty. Calle 13 fights against the