Feathered dinosaurs Essays

  • The Debate Over Birds and Feathered Dinosaurs

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    Birds and Feathered Dinosaurs Because dinosaurs are animals that lived millions of years ago, we are entirely dependent on the fossils that they have left behind for any understanding that we hope to gain. As any paleontologist will tell you, fossil hunting is difficult. There are no certainties, no guarantees. A certain amount of luck is as valuable as any scientific knowledge. Every so often a discovery is made that attempts to shake up pre-conceived notions of how the dinosaurs actually

  • Plight of the Peacock

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    It was a cloudy, gloomy evening when I first saw the peacock. I was outside, sitting under an aspen tree, bare as bone and as gnarly as a twisted grin. The wind whistled, a low, malevolent song that shook the walls of my small home and rattled the falling leaves of the barren trees around me. So this was it. The fall of life. Everything seemed to fail. No birds serenaded the inhabitants of Earth, no rabbits feasted on the dying grass. I had run out of food, out of water, and I awaited death

  • Understanding the Origin of Feathers

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    2000; Prum, 2002). When these barbules interlock, the structure of the vane is preserved (Bock, 2000). Interestingly, feathers are not restricted to birds; fossil evidence from Archaeopteryx lithographica showed that feathers originated in pre-avian dinosaurs (Prum, 1999). It is understoo... ... middle of paper ... ... R.O. 1999. Development and Evolutionary Origin of Feathers. J. Exp. Biol. 285: 291-306. Prum, R. O. 2002. The Evolutionary Origin and Diversification of Feathers. Q. Rev. Biol. 77:

  • Microraptor Gui: The Dinosaur with Four Wings

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    Microraptor Gui: The Dinosaur with Four Wings Knowing that pterodactyls belong to a separate group of reptiles than dinosaurs, the thought of a dinosaur with wings may seem somewhat strange. But a fairly recent archeological find adds an extra detail to make this idea truly bizarre: a dinosaur with four wings. Microraptor gui, discovered by Xing Xu and colleagues, is believed to be a kind of missing link between strictly ground-dwelling dinosaurs and birds, namely Archaeopteryx, the earliest

  • Microraptor: The Missing Link Between Birds and Dinosaurs

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    Microraptor: The Missing Link Between Birds and Dinosaurs In December of 2000, three Chinese scientists reported the discovery of the smallest adult dinosaur ever found, a species that claims to tighten the evolutionary gap between dinosaurs and birds. The dinosaur’s specie name is Microraptor, and it is slowly restoring the integrity of a sect of paleontology that was discredited in November of 1999 after National Geographic printed a story on the discovery of a species known as Archeoraptor

  • Can Dinosaurs Be Cold Blooded Essay

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    INTRODUCTION- The Dinosaurs were thought to be cold blooded animals like reptiles. But many evidences proved that they were warm blooded as well as cold blooded animals. So there is an argument on this note, whether Dinosaurs were warm blooded or cold blooded. EVIDENCES THAT PROVE DINOSAURS WERE WARM BLOODED- -Many dinosaur fossils have been found at high latitudes. Cold blooded animals tends to evolve warm regions to maintain their body temperature by using the environment. And higher latitudes

  • Archaeopteryx Evolution

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    and feathers. The Archaeopteryx was an icon for the evolution of pre-historic birds to modern birds. Their similarly feathered wing structure compared to today's birds led paleontologist to believed the Archaeopteryx could fly like modern birds (Xu, 2012). The science community accepted Archaeopteryx as the first prehistoric bird, but later discoveries of other bird-like dinosaurs have put the Archaeopteryx's reputation

  • Troodon-The Only Dinosaur That Could Pronounce Its Own Name

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    millions of years since dinosaurs have roamed the Earth, and they still capture the imagination and attention of scientists and researchers everywhere. Big, small, omnivore, herbivore, or carnivore, dinosaurs came in all different sizes with many different backgrounds. Many dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, and only a few are well known about. While everyone has heard of the Tyrannosaurus Rex or the Triceratops, there are many other unique and interesting dinosaurs to learn about. One of

  • Hypotheses On the Origin of Birds

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    origin of birds has been a thriving topic in science. Many ideas and hypotheses have been presented, but only two stand today: that birds are descendents of ancient thecodont stem reptiles, and that birds are the direct descendents of a group of dinosaurs known as the coelurosaurs. Both hypotheses pose many interesting and insightful ideas based on information obtained from the fossil record. There is not enough evidence at this time to determine which hypothesis, if either, is right. Only more hard

  • Dinosaurs And Birds

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    Dinosaurs and Birds Are birds really dinosaurs or are they simply related? That is a question that has gained new life in recent years due to the overwhelming facts the are pouring in from newly found fossils and studies from fossils that have been found in the past. Two groups have formed in the study of this question: those who believe birds are a direct result of dinosaurs and those who feel dinosaurs and birds must have had a common ancestor. Determining which view is correct is a matter

  • Velociraptors: Fact and Fiction

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    somebody has to imagine what a dinosaur looks like. Maybe it is a Paleontologist, maybe it is an Artist, maybe it is a Movie Maker. Basically, everyone is entitled to deciding in his or her mind what a dinosaur may look like. How do we form these ideas, though? And on what information are these ideas based on? The “picture” of the dinosaur – whether it’s in our mind, on paper or a motion picture film – helps us to understand how these animals behaved. Ideas about how dinosaurs looked have changed over

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex Was a Slow Runner

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    Was a Slow Runner Ever since we were young we have been fascinated by the dinosaurs. We have played with dinosaurs as children, watched documentaries as adults with interest, and watching movies with enjoyment. No dinosaur from the past strikes more fear in the present day to the average person then that of Tyrannosaurus Rex. For decades children have played with dinosaurs and had T-Rex dominating other dinosaurs by chasing them down and destroying them. We have seen it time and time again in

  • The Implications Involving Dinosaur DNA

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    The Implications Involving Dinosaur DNA Of course it was the movie Jurassic Park who seemed to coin the phrase “Dino DNA.” This movie gave the public the thought that, a) it is possible to find dinosaur DNA and b) we can clone dinosaurs from this DNA. This essay is not going to pick apart Jurassic Park’s scientific value, however it will share the current knowledge and information on dinosaur DNA. The discovery of DNA is important because it may uncover different bits of information. The

  • Discovery of Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs in Argentina

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    Discovery of Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs in Argentina The difficulty in re-constructing dinosaurs for television and movies lies in the fact that not everything can be preserved. Fossilized bones create the skeleton of a dinosaur, thereby allowing scientists to study how they moved, how big they grew, and how different body parts worked as a whole. But what children see on television: the scaly green skin of the brontosaurs or the brown hair of a mastodon may not hold much fact. Unfortunately

  • The Warm and Cold Blooded Nature of Dinosaurs

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    Blooded Nature of Dinosaurs The debate of whether dinosaurs were cold blooded or warm blooded has been ongoing since the beginning of the century. At the turn of the century scientists believed that dinosaurs had long limbs and were fairly slim, supporting the idea of a cold blooded reptile. Recently, however, the bone structure, number or predators to prey, and limb position have suggested a warm blooded species. In addition, the recent discovery of a fossilized dinosaur heart has supported

  • Is the Portrayal of the Dinosaurs in the Movie and Book Accurate in Real Life

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    sauros meaning a lizard. From these words “Dinosaur” is created. When imagining a dinosaur, do thoughts of a large Tyrannosaurus Rex, a swift Velociraptor, or a gliding Pterodactyl appear? Or are those thoughts composed of an image of a small Compsognathus? Do visions of the dinosaurs that we often saw in our childhood come to mind? The amiable brightly colored friends in cartoons or the fearsome bloodthirsty experiments in movies? Were those dinosaurs portrayed accurately? There are features such

  • Recreating Prehistoric Life: Jurassic Park

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    the face, a more seductive idea has emerged with immense support from the media. The idea of cloning dinosaurs and other prehistoric life became popularized by the 1992 film Jurassic Park (based on Michael Crichton’s 1990 novel). Though it may have sparked new interest into the field of paleontology, it did so with deceiving inaccuracies. However, the technical fallacies of the actual dinosaurs are somewhat forgivable as it added to the film’s dramatic appeal. Velociraptor, as depicted in the

  • Lessons From Jurassic Park

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    table's were turned and little did they know, the dinosaurs had gained control of more than just Jurassic Park but their lives as well. When Hammond thought him and his associates had complete control of Jurassic Park, Nedry, who knew how to enter the computer system manually, shuts off the electricity to the whole Park. Nedry was hired by another company to steal the dinosaur embryos. The dinosaurs where not held captive anymore. The Dinosaurs began to attack and went on a killing spree. Dr

  • The Permian-Triassic Extinction Event and It's Effects on Life on Earth

    1520 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction The Permian-Triassic extinction event is undoubtedly the largest extinction event the Earth has ever seen. While evidence shows that it occurred over a great amount of time, it was effective in causing the extinction of an incredibly large portion of life on Earth. To such an extent that it took millions of years before any large amounts of biodiversity occurred again. This is why it is also referred to as the ‘Great Dying’. This paper will will analyze the survivability of terrestrial

  • Jurassic Park: A Scientific Discovery

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jurassic Park is a science fiction novel written by Michael Crichton which was published in 1990. The book follows a mysterious island that is inhabited by genetically engineered dinosaurs created by a bioengineering firm. The story lets us watch as visitors land on the island at the request of the rich billionaire who owns the island and the bioengineering firm, which is named InGen to revel in the wonder that they have created. We follow all the miss-steps until all is lost and the island has to