Essay On Dinosaurs

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Dino means terrible and sauros (sarus) means lizard. The word dinosaur means "terrible lizard", the name is rather misleading, as dinosaurs are not lizards. Instead they are a separate group of reptiles. Many extinct forms do not reveal characteristics traditionally seen as reptilian, such as a sprawling limb posture or exothermic. Many prehistoric animals including masseurs, plesiosaurs, and Dimetrodon are popularly conceived of as dinosaurs but are not classified as dinosaurs. Before birds were recognized as dinosaurs the scientific community believed dinosaurs to have been sluggish and cold-blooded. Most research however has proved that all dinosaurs were dynamic animals with elevated metabolisms and a number of social interactions adaptations.
Since the first dinosaur fossils were found in the early 19th century, mounted fossil dinosaur skeletons have been major attractions in museums and dinosaurs turned into an lasting part of world. The sizes of some groups, as well as their seemingly horrible and incredible nature, have enhanced dinosaurs' regular appearance. Persistent public interest for the animals has resulted in major support for dinosaur science. Dinosaurs can be generally described as archosaurs with limbs held erect beneath the body.
The fossil record indicates that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs during the Jurassic Period. Birds are considered as a subgroup of dinosaurs by many palaeontologists. Some birds survived the extinction event that occurred years ago and their lineage continued the dinosaur lineage to the present day.
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals known as Dinosauria .Dinosaurs are based on two groups which are base on the structure of the hip bone, ornithiscchains these are b...

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... : Diplodocus carnegii -for Andrew Carnagie(1835-1919)
In away the can be described : Tyrannosaurus rex - Tyrant lizard king
: arrhinoceratops -No nose horned face
: Maisaura - Good mother repital
The story of dinosaurs in the Bible is an ongoing debate within the Christian community. The proper interpretation of Genesis and how to deduce the physical evidences we find all around us. Individuals who believe in an older age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does not mention dinosaurs because according to their hypothesis dinosaurs vanished millions of years ago before the first man were created. They believe that men who wrote the Bible could not have seen living dinosaurs.

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