Etiology Essays

  • Etiology of Developmental Dyslexia

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    Etiology of Developmental Dyslexia The long disputed debate about the primary cause of dyslexia is still very much alive in the field of psychology. Dyslexia is commonly characterized as a reading and writing impairment that affects around 5% of the global population. The disorder has frequently been hypothesized to be the result of various sensory malfunctions. For over a decade, studies have made major contributions to the disorder's etiology; however, scientists are still unclear of its specific

  • Etiology of HIV-Associated Dementia

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    Etiology of HIV-Associated Dementia The etiologic agents of the neurologic disease associated with HIV and AIDS are many. Opportunistic infections- cryptococcus, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, are a few of the organic causes of neurologic disease in AIDS patients, but will not be the main focus of this paper. The human immunodeficiency virus in itself is implicated in much of the neurological manifestations of the disease, and it is the effects of the presence of the virus within the central

  • The Etiology and Treatment of Parkinson Disease

    2617 Words  | 6 Pages

    Parkinson Disease There exists a group of people who live the final years of their lives in glass boxes. They are perfectly capable of seeing outside, but incapable of reaching out to the world around them. Their emotions can not be shown through facial expression, and as their condition continues, speech also becomes difficult or even impossible. These people are men and women of all races and geographical areas, constituting one percent of the world’s population over 50 years old. Parkinson

  • Childhood Sexual Abuse Impacting the Etiology of Eating Disorders

    1979 Words  | 4 Pages

    Childhood Sexual Abuse Impacting the Etiology of Eating Disorders Today's literature estimates that as many as 1 in 3 females and 1 in 7 boys have been the victim of sexual abuse. There are about 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of incest each year in each major city in the United States. It is reported by the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse that in 1993, 2.9 million children were reported to protective services because they were being abused, neglected, or both (Schwartz). 16% of these

  • Autism

    2330 Words  | 5 Pages

    until someone comes, moves her or feeds her or gives her another toy, or perhaps a book.” Excerpted from “The Seige” Autism—“a mysterious world where the unknowns still outnumber the knowns. A syndrome whose manifestations are many and whose etiology is suspected of being multi-causal”. “The word autism still conveys a fixed and dreadful meaning to most people—they visualize a child mute, rocking, screaming, inaccessible, cut off from human contact. And we almost always speak of autistic

  • Root Surface Caries

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    the lesion starts on the root surface. It has been found that root caries spreads in a lateral or circumferential manner, and over time can extend completely around the tooth, undermining the enamel. (Wilkins) In general, root caries have the same etiology as coronal cavities. S. mutans, Lactobacilli, and sometimes, Actinomyces are involved and are found in high numbers in root caries, but there are two main differences between enamel and root surface caries. (Flaitz) These differences cause the lesion

  • The Etiology of Autism

    1301 Words  | 3 Pages

    umbrella of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), a category of neurological disorders characterized by "severe and pervasive impairment in several areas of development," including social interaction and communications skills (Zager, 2006). The etiology of autism is a topic of controversial debate, while researchers strive to achieve a common objective. The goal is to identify the cause of autism to understand the complex interplay between environment and gene regulation (NCBI, 2009). Although

  • Pathophysiology: What Is Etiology?

    650 Words  | 2 Pages

    Etiology is the cause, or what has triggered the condition, whereas pathophysiology is the science behind the disease process. The term infection refers to the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms (microscopic single-celled organism), for instance, bacteria (tiny single-cell microorganisms that come in three main shapes, spherical (like a ball), rod-shaped, and spiral), viruses (tiny infectious agents) and parasites (an organism that feeds off of a host), that are not normally present within

  • Silence Of The Lambs Etiology

    785 Words  | 2 Pages

    Etiology: In Silence of the Lambs, Doctor Hannibal Lector, a well-known psychiatrist and cannibalistic murderer, is a prisoner in a psychiatric hospital. He shows signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder. The movie does not go in to what caused the disorder, but the next book entitled Hannibal does. Hannibal Lector was born in Lithuania and during World War II, he and his sister were orphaned when German deserters murdered their parents along with others from their town. Lector, his sister, and

  • Primary Hypertension Etiology

    934 Words  | 2 Pages

    2. Etiology and Pathophysiology of Hypertension with rationale: The etiology (cause) of Primary Hypertension unknown, but there are many things that can add to cause Primary Hypertension. Some of the factors that can lead to Primary Hypertension is high alcohol and salt intake, aging and sedentary lifestyle, low potassium and calcium intake. High alcohol (alcoholic) intake raises the blood pressure to an unhealthy level. Normal blood pressure ranges from 120-140 for the systolic (atrium pressure)

  • Understanding Sepsis: Etiology, Response and Treatment

    1058 Words  | 3 Pages

    Systemic Response Many great historical figures of the scientific community have written on the subject of the same perplexing disease over the centuries (Angus, van der Poll, Finfer, Vincent 2013). Sepsis has been given many names, origins, and etiologies. In the 4th century, Hippocrates declared the disease the cause of organic decomposition, wound festering, and swamp gas (Angus et al. 2013). During the 19th century, Louis Pasteur theorized the disease was the outcome of a pathogenic microorganism

  • The Etiology of Addiction Disease Model

    1538 Words  | 4 Pages

    Addiction is like all behaviours “the business of the brain”. Addictions are compulsive physical and psychological needs from habit-forming sustenances like nicotine, alcohol, and drugs. Being occupied with or involved in such activities, leads a person who uses them again and again to become tolerant and dependent eventually experiencing withdrawal. (Molintas, 2006). Addictive drugs cause dopamine neurons to release dopamine, the pleasure hormone. The narcotics disable the neurons that would usually

  • The Origin, Etiology and Treatment of Syphilis

    5683 Words  | 12 Pages

    The Origin, Etiology and Treatment of Syphilis “And this disease of which I speak, this syphilis too will pass away and die out, but later it will be born again and be seen again by our grandchildren just as in bygone ages we must believe it was observed by our ancestors.” – Fracastoro, 1538 1 It has been written about, debated over, and has affected every culture it has come into contact with. One can only be amazed when examining the microscopic syphilis bacterium. It traveled the seas of 1492

  • Greek Mythology: The Etiology Of The Thunderstorm

    721 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Etiology of the Thunderstorm As the rain was coming down and the lightening flashed and the thunder crashed outside my window, I was sitting at my table writing when I was visited by the Muses. They said to me ask us anything and ask us whatever you wish to know and we will tell you the story. I looked at the storm brewing outside in all its fury. I replied, “Muses, goodness of music, arts and memory, tell me, tell me how it is that the storm brews so fierce, with the thunder following the lightening

  • ADHD: Diagnosis, Treatment, Etiology, and Treatment Outlook

    1976 Words  | 4 Pages

    ADHD: Diagnosis, Treatment, Etiology, and Treatment Outlook Attention Deficit with hyper activity Disorder commonly known as ADHD is classified as a disruptive behavior disorder usually diagnosed in childhood. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed behavior disorder of childhood. It appears to be more common in boys than it is girls. This Disorder is more common in boys than in girls and approximately five in one hundred children are affected (Busing). There are three subtypes: Predominantly

  • Tamponade Case Studies

    1085 Words  | 3 Pages

    Title of Case: Etiology and treatment of pericardial tamponade. Background: While in the SICU, I was involved in the care of a patient that presented with pericardial tamponade. He subsequently underwent a pericardiocentesis and a pericardial window. I was interested in the specific causes of pericardial effusions/tamponade as well as the incidence of each cause. Furthermore, I was interested in the treatment of cardiac tamponade. Specifically deciding between pericardiocentesis versus pericardial

  • Stuttering Essay

    1011 Words  | 3 Pages

    this characteristic of speech that about 1% of the population experiences (Cite). However when critically analyzing the evidence it is apparent that there is a clear nurture component as well. Researchers and clinicians have been searching for the etiology and incidence of stuttering; to formulate an effective treatment, also known as the epidemiology. Unfortunately like many areas of language this disorder is complex to study based on various factors. Thus a primary point noted based on the various

  • Understanding Fluency and its Disorders in Speech

    814 Words  | 2 Pages

    inappropriate prosody. An example for a disease that can cause this type of disorder is Parkinson’s which affects the inter-system of speech production. Etiologies of this disorder is explained, yet will be clarified now. Any injury to the nervous system that occurs before, at the time, or shortly after birth, can cause AOS. In other words, a knot etiology of this disorder is cerebral

  • Quantitative Article Critique

    887 Words  | 2 Pages

    reviewed by Lykeridou, Gourounti, Deltsidou, Lautradis, and& Vaslamatzis (2009) was to examine women’s level of depression, perceived anxiety, and overall stress related to infertility while receiving fertility treatments. It w as hypothesized that the etiology of an infertility diagnoses wouldwill affect female’s psychological vulnerability. The variables that were looked at in the study were infertility diagnoses and psychological disturbances. The levels of infertility diagnoses used in the research

  • Diagnosing Psychopathy: The Triarchic Model by Christopher J. Patrick

    2026 Words  | 5 Pages

    Psychopathy has fascinated the public for years due to the gruesome and evil portrayal it has received in the media. Psychopathy is defined in the DSM-III as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior (Patrick, Christopher, Fowles, Krueger, Rober, 2009). Psychopathy represents a cluster of different dimensions of personality found amongst the general population to varying degrees (Patrick et al, 2009). The