Essence Essays

  • The Essence of Pip

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    The Essence of Pip The forms that stand in closest competition with those undergoing modification and improvement will naturally suffer most. --Darwin, The Origin of the Species (1859) Christopher Ricks poses the question, in his essay on Dickens' Great Expectations, "How does Pip [the novel's fictional narrator] keep our sympathy?" (Ricks 202). The first of his answers to this central inquiry are: the fact that Pip is "ill-treated by his sister Joe and by all the visitors to the house" and

  • The Essence of the Otavalo

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    The Essence of the Otavalo In our modern era and by our modern standards, the Otavalo people of Ecuador shine with scintillating success in the global arena. A myriad of factors have contributed to Otavalo prosperity and wealth, factors both outside and within their control, but factors nonetheless dependent upon the fluidity and ever-changing construct of indigenous identity. Tracing the saga of this indigenous people’s rise to textile, musical and cultural capital, the opportunistic attitude

  • The Essence of the Human Spirit

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    The Essence of the Human Spirit My mother taught me the two most important lessons I have learned: you really can do anything if you work hard and dedicate yourself to it; and, every person has a responsibility to contribute something toward improving the world. She taught me by example. When I was eight, she went to college to fulfill her dream of becoming a teacher. Very few things in my life have been more inspirational than watching her, a poor woman with a husband and four children, graduate

  • The Essence of Tragedy in The Book of Job and Oedipus Rex

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    The Essence of Tragedy in The Book of Job and Oedipus Rex In the search for the essence of the tragedy, The Book of Job and Oedipus Rex are central. Each new tragic protagonist is in some degree a lesser Job or Oedipus, and each new work owes an indispensable element to the Counselors and to the Greek idea of the chorus. The Book of Job, especially the Poet's treatment of the suffering and searching Job, is behind Shakespeare and Milton, Melville, Dostoevski, and Kafka. Its mark is on all

  • Free Essays on Kafka's Metamorphosis: True Essence of the Metamorphosis

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    Upon completion of Kafka's Metamorphosis I was immediately drawn away from the conclusion of the novel and back into the second section.  It seemed to me that the true essence of the novella resided in the thoughts and observations revealed in this portion of the story.  After watching the video adaptation I was once again intrigued by these events.  I re-read the second section and found the first strong impressions of the grotesque were evident here. Kafka used the constant setting of the Samsa

  • The Essence Music Festival and Mardi Gras

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    firsthand the diverse offering of culture and artistic expression found in a community. The Essence Music Festival and the Mardi Gras are two of the festivals that many people attend for all over the world. The Essence Music Festival is a festival, of many, that is held in New Orleans every year. This festival, which is scheduled during the 4th of July, draws many people from all over the world. “Essence Fest draws the best of both national and local acts, with a strong representation of both the

  • My First Chat Room Experience

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    explore, I was exposed to all of these options. Initially, my first experience was frustrating and awkward. However, as I became more familiar with the sites, I was able to navigate around quicker and acquire helpful information and resources. In essence, entering the online community world has offered me unparalleled experiences which have strengthened me both educationally and emotionally. Although the Internet is quite a mechanically inclined experience, (ie research a topic, find the information

  • Relationships

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    negative relationships, we become withdrawn, guarded, and wary of engaging in future relationships. However, it is this wariness that causes us to examine our contribution to the relationship to make the next one, or current one, more successful. In essence, it is not just the good or bad relationships that make us who we are, but also what we learn about ourselves from them. Relationships take a great deal of work to be successful, and there are no guarantees that they will be. In his film, Leo Buscaglia

  • The Originality of Levinas: Pre-Originally Categorizing the Ego

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    transubstantiation of Ego to Other has not yet occurred to thought in Levinas, but what does occur here is the altersubstantiation of the I. The Other in the Same is an alteration of essence. It is precisely through thinking the contraction of [the modern] essence [of consciousness] that Levinas thinks otherwise than being, beyond essence, thinks "a thought profounder and 'older' than the cogito." Humanity signifies a "new image" of the Infinite in the preoriginary freedom by which the Self shows the Other mercy

  • No Universal Truth

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    No Universal Truth Hume wrote, “be a philosopher; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man,” (qtd. in Jones 351). This statement strikes me more than all others, written by Hume or any of the philosophers from W. T. Jones’ Hobbes to Hume. It demonstrates to me that even after all of the inquisition towards what and how we can know anything, and the very methodical ways in which Hume is reputed to examine these things, he realizes that nothing is truly certain and begins to lean towards

  • Alicia Zakon’s Poem, Remote Control

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    symbols used throughout the very strong overall message. Symbolism is defined as the practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships. The whole poem is, in essence, one giant symbol. The opening line questions, "Why you let him play you like a video?". All in all, this summarizes the entire poem. Zakon uses symbols to question a woman why she lets her boyfriend, or possibly husband, treat her the way he does

  • Hamlet: The Theme of Having A Clear Conscience

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    this development seen clearer than with Hamlet.  The Prince's development comes as a result of the self-evaluation of the actions that have taken place, and the ensuing actions that he takes are a clear result of this self-evaluation.  So, in essence, the actions cause him to think of his conscience and then act upon these feelings.  Hamlet's several soliloquies are a testament to this method.  His first soliloquy, following a conversation with his recently wed mother and uncle reflect the

  • Existentialism

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    Jean-Paul Sartre says "man is nothing else but what he makes of himself" (762). This existentialist view depicts the idea that one is not based on the essence of a soul, but rather, based on decisions made throughout life. Sartre also believes that every man is responsible for all men. One may choose his marriage partner, however, in choosing to marry, one chooses monogamy. Decisions that individuals make will collectively create a set of principles and beliefs for all of man. Many people believe

  • Personhood

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    what is a body? Some say that a body is, like I said before, a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials. Some say it is more than that. These people agree that the body is made up of skin, muscles, bones, etc., but they think the whole essence of personhood is in the body. They don’t believe in souls or minds, and they think that biological processes are the only processes that take place in a body. And when these processes cease to take place, death occurs, and since, to these people,

  • Pride And Prejudice - Point Of View

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    affection for one another, and Elizabeth observes about Bingley’s affection for Jane, "I never saw a more promising inclination. He was growing quite inattentive to other people, and wholly engrossed by her… Is not general incivility the very essence of love?" (106). Mrs. Bennett approves of the match mostly on a monetary basis, and exclaims, "Why, he has four or five thousand a year, and very likely more. Oh my dear Jane, I am so happy!" (260). Elizabeth, however, looks down on

  • Mama Lola

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                         CSP 12 Prophetizing- Peaches and Cream All religions are very specific with the details which set that religion apart from others. However, when all the little details are melted away, there are only a mere handful that are different in essence. When looked at closely, even the religions which are perceived completely dissimilar at first glance are surprisingly similar. For example, the Voodoo religion, and that of early Christianity are stereotyped as extremely different, but with closer

  • Hegel and Kant on the Ontological Argument

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    confronted by Hegel's critique of Kant's refutation. The ontological argument can be exposed in a syllogistic way: everything I conceive as belonging clearly and distinctly to the nature or essence of something can be asserted as true of something. I perceive clearly and distinctly that existence belongs to the nature or essence of a perfect being; therefore, existence can be stated as true of a supremely perfect being, that is, perfect being exists. I intend to argue that Kant criticizes both the major and

  • Augustines God Vs. Epictetus God

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    of Epictetus, and the God of Augustine, and in the end, my stand will be clear. Epictetus and Augustine both identify God on basic level. Epictetus says, "Where the essence of God is, there too is the essence of good. What is the essence of God?......Right Reason? Certainly. Here then, without more ado, seek the essence of good." He says strive for goodness, live in conformity with it, and you will find God. God is the vital force that creates all things and the cosmic intellegence that

  • Moral Doubt in Hamlet's Soliloquy - To be or not to be...

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    The Moral Question in Hamlet's Soliloquy - To be or not to be... "The major question in 'To be or not to be' cannot be suicide. If it were, as many have noted, it would be dramatically irrelevant. Hamlet is no longer sunk in the depths of melancholy, as he was in his first soliloquy. He has been roused to action and has just discovered how to test the Ghost's words. When we last saw him, only five minutes before, he was anticipating the night's performance, and in only a few moments we shall

  • Saint Thomas Aquinas' Five Proofs for the Existence of God

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    of question three, Aquinas determines that God is ultimately simple in that his essence does not differ from his being. He writes, "Therefore, since in God there is no potentiality, it follows that in Him essence does not differ from being. Therefore, His essence is His being." God is an unchanging, infinite being. There is no conceivable way in which he could have parts, such as a separate being and a separate essence. From these proofs and others, Aquinas determines that God is an all knowing, perfectly