Epicurean Essays

  • Epicurean Ethics

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    Epicurean Ethics In this paper I am going to deal with Epicurean ethics. More specifically, I am going to center around the nature of pleasure and its connection with desire-satisfaction. Throughout the paper I will argue, the only thing we desire for its own sake is pleasure. Thus it is best to keep our desires simple in order to achieve the greatest feeling of pleasure. I will accomplish this by first giving arguments for why the only thing we desire for its own sake is pleasure, as well as

  • Pleasure - The Driving Force in all Human Achievement

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    Pleasure - The Driving Force in all Human Achievement Every choice we make as humans, whether conscious or not, is made with our own pleasure in mind. When we choose to buy a pack of chocolate, go to church, or even go to work, we do it with the goal of maximizing our own pleasure. The choices we make are those that we feel will give us the greatest pleasure. We spend our entire lives trying to maximize pleasure and minimize pain; this is the essence of man. Aristippus was one of the first

  • The Implausibility of Ataraxia

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    The Implausibility of Ataraxia Epicurean ethical theory consistently operates under the presumption that hedonism, or pleasure, is the greatest good. For the Epicureans, an individual in a state of ataraxia, or complete freedom from mental disturbance, has achieved the most complete and pleasurable life, the greatest good for a human being. The concept of ataraxia, however, differs in many ways from what most would characterize as hedonism. Consequently, Epicurus is able to construct a great

  • Stoicism and Epicureanism

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    Epicureanism had contrary yet significant impacts on Roman society. These two philosophies differed in many of their basic theories. Stoics attempted to reach a moral level where they had freedom from passion, while Epicureans strove for pleasure and avoided all types of pain. Stoics like the Epicureans, emphasized ethics as the main field of knowledge, but they also developed theories of logic and natural science to support their ethical doctrines. Epicurus, the founder of Epicureanism, saw death as a total

  • Exposing the Falseness of Truth in On the Nature of the Universe

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    universe are futile, since human senses can never adequately grasp a truth that is so far above everyday experience. On the other hand, the Epicurean view of truth is much more encouraging; after all, this explanation of truth as being of the senses offers the hope that individuals have the ability to create, and therefore understand, their own universe. The Epicureans, by advocating truth of the senses, basically claim that whatever appears to be something, really is, whereas followers of Socrates would

  • Epicureans: A Debate

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    My topic focuses on Rosenbaum’s defense of the epicurean view, Luper’s critique of this view and my argument on who has a stronger position in regards to the topic. I am going to do this by describing both arguments in a detailed manner. Rosenbaum defends the epicurean view while Luper argues against, both sides provide excellent arguments and my argument is that which I feel is more superior. Rosenbaum defends the epicurean view throughout his essay. Epicurus “argued that since death is neither

  • The Franklin of the General Prologue

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    is described as the "St Julian of his country", so open and generous in his hospitality that "It snewed in his hous of mete and drynke". He is described as "sangwyn" (the type which is generally jolly, healthy and good tempered) and he is an Epicurean - one dedicated to pleasurable life through the exercise of virtue. As a "vavasour", he is a landowner, holding title to his lands outright - not occupying them in return for services to another landowner. He is not aristocratic, but rather a

  • Pride and Prejudice Essay: The Faults of Pride and Prejudice

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    successes of character behavior.  Richard Simpson (289)  explicates this point further in his essay, The Critical Faculty of Jane Austen: Wickham, the modified villain of Pride and Prejudice, has so much charm about him that his sensible and epicurean father-in-law is almost disposed to like him better than his other and more honorable sons.  Miss Austen has a most Platonic inclination to explain any knavishness into folly.  Wickedness in her characters is neither unmixed with goodness, nor is

  • The Hypocrisy of Religion in Moby Dick

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    to a shark, Ishmael portrays him as beastly and uncivilized, two traits that contradict the Christianity he professes and ministers to Fleece. Two more references are made to solidify the comparison; Ishmael describes the "smacking" of Stubb's "epicurean lips," and Stubb himself says he prefers his whale steak the way the sharks prefer it. Next, Ishmael alludes to the bond between sharks and man in general. "The few sleepers below in their bunks were often startled by the sharp slapping of their

  • Epicurean Hedonism

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    taught by Epicureus (341-270 B.C.). Epicureanism is a form of hedonism. Hedonism as we all know states that good equal pleasure. This expression means something that gives us pleasure should be practiced and enjoyed. But here comes the difference. Epicureans believed that we should seek pleasure in moderation and must not overdo pleasures. If we practice pleasures in excess, then it may lead to sickness and shortening of lives of people. People always criticize Epicurus for offering a hypochondriac

  • Epicurean Theory Analysis

    860 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Epicurean theory essentially encompasses the thought that we as humans, have a natural instinct to seek pleasure and avoid pain and that this instinct in and of itself is what will ultimately cause us to achieve happiness and the ‘good life’. Pleasure is considered a feeling of satisfaction, joy and overall contentment with a particular situation or state of being. While pain as the polar opposite, being a feeling of immense physical or mental discomfort/distress. Epicurus states that pleasure

  • Breaking Bad: Marx and Epicureans

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    ​Walter White exaggerates and pushes some of the Marx's and the Epicureans view of life to an extreme which along the way destroys his family, causes harm to others and at the end even kills him. Karl Marx's philosophy was to bring the full potential of each persons ability(2) and for that person to do that job. The Epicureans had a view that being freed of fear along with that pleasure would bring the greatest good. (1) Walter finds great pleasure in making his meth, he also does so with his greatest

  • What Is The Epicurean View On The Human Soul

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    ccount of the Epicurean views on the human soul. In this essay, I intend to give an explanation as to what the Epicurean view on the soul is, I will discuss their ideas concerning the soul and the justifications they give, before looking at some of the problems and questions that arise from them. I will then go on to conclude that the Epicurean account of the soul isn’t very satisfactory taking into account the difficulties that the theory gives rise to. Epicureans maintain the materialist

  • A Comparison of Contemporary American Notions of Happiness to the Epicurean View

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    for it in all the wrong places. Epicurus states that we only need three things to be happy besides the essentials needed for survival: friends, freedom, and an analyzed life. I will be comparing contemporary American notions of happiness to the Epicurean view. In our contemporary American life we have the desire for things that we do not really need to make us happy. Our commercial world intends to sell us substitutes for the things we truly need in order to be happy. We replace our real needs

  • Epicureanism and Stoicism: How to Live a Comfortable and Satsifactory Life

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    . . To the Epicurean, the good life is that of rational enjoyment of all the satisfactions which the world affords” (De Burgh 178). De Burgh humbly summarizes the basic concepts of living as a Stoic in contrast to life as an Epicurean. Through explanations of both Epicurean and Stoic ideas and illustrating the differences concerning these philosophies, their few similarities diminish and the exceptional variations between them are obvious. When examining the beliefs of an Epicurean, their strategy

  • Cicero's Definition Of Pleasure

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    Cicero is not that of vice and over-indulgence, but rather that which has no consequence and is pure of heart. For example, following the Epicurean philosophy, getting drunk, smoking, stealing and any other acts of lust or greed are not considered pleasurable due to fact that they all might have unfavorable repercussions. Temperance is a core value in the Epicurean society in order to achieve true pleasure, however if transitory intemperance is required to avoid greater pain, then it is accepted as

  • Existentialists in the Television Show Spongebob Squarepants

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    teenagers and adults including occasional sophisticated humor and philosophical references. Two philosophies referenced in the show are Epicureanism and Existentialism. Epicurean beliefs are shown through Sandy and Mr. Krabs, while Squidward and Patrick showcase Existentialism. Sandy and Mr. Krabs exemplify Epicurean characteristics. Epicureans believe that pleasure is the greatest good, though one should make balanced decisions about one’s indulgences. Sandy finds the greatest pleasure in exercise and

  • Stoicism Vs Epicureanism

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    writes a conversation that occurs between Velleius, who is an Epicurean, and Balbus, who is a Stoic. After this comparison, Cicero concludes that Stoicism is a better argument for proof of god than Epicureanism is. In this essay, I will briefly describe the dialogue, and then attempt to logically dissect each argument given to deduce whether Cicero’s initial conclusion is good or bad. The dialogue begins with Velleius, the Epicurean. Velleius has a very unique perspective on the Gods that

  • Neil Gaiman's Sunbird

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    story. The short story begins with the introduction of the Epicurean group of five noble people who are all rich or was rich at one point. Augustus TwoFeathers McCoy, Professor Mandalay, Virginia Boote, Jackie Newhouse, and Zebidiah T. Crawcrustle are the only members of the group of those who concern only one goal, which is to eat or try eating all the animals that are known to the public. The story progresses until the members of the Epicurean group fulfills their goal by eating the Sunbird, which

  • The Tale of Two Philosophies: Epicureanism and Stoicism

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    middle of paper ... ...Epicureans and Stoics] offered a conception of the world and human nature which drew its support from empirical observations, reason and a recognition that all men have common needs” (6). Though both views opposed each other in various ways, they both provided man with a way to live and to care for oneself. WORKS CITED Brennan, Tad. The Stoic Life: Emotions, Duties, and Fate. Oxford: Clarendon, 2005. Print. Hicks, Robert Drew. Stoic and Epicurean. New York: Russell & Russell