Effects Of War Essays

  • Effects of War Exposed in All Quite on the Western Front, Bury the Dead, and Paths of Glory

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    Effects of War Exposed in All Quite on the Western Front, Bury the Dead, and Paths of Glory "From the happy expression on their faces you might have supposed that they welcomed the war. I have met with men who loved stamps, and stones, and snakes, but I could not imagine any man loving war." Margot Asquith revealed her discontent with war in this quote. War is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as a concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious

  • The Effects of War

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    Death by the millions. War; caused by the petty disagreements of those in power; fought by the brave young men that had no other choice. No one truly wins a war; it does not decipher who is right, only whom is left. The horrors of war are devastating; both mentally and physically. The horror is not only ever present during life on the Frontline, it lives on in the survivors guilt. I believe the horror of war is not only represented in the soldiers, we are all too quick to forget about the feelings

  • Barbed Wire By Mary Emeny

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    Wire,” depicts war as a negative force, destroying every decent aspect of human existence. Written during the Vietnam War, the work displays Emeny’s negative views on war. In one way or another everyone experiences and identifies with the presence of war. Although some wars are fought for justifiable reasons, every war tears into the lives of those undeserving. The tragic effects of war consume the innocent creating an unconquerable path of entanglement. The physical effects of war overwhelm the naïve

  • O'Brien's Things They Carried Essay: Experiences and Emotions

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    and Emotions in The Things They Carried Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried is not a novel about the Vietnam War.  “It is a story about the soldiers and their experiences and emotions that are brought about from the war” (King 182).  O'Brien makes several statements about war through these dynamic characters.  He shows the violent nature of soldiers under the pressures of war, he makes an effective antiwar statement, and he comments on the reversal of a social deviation into the norm.  By skillfully

  • War in the Works of Virginia Woolf, Siegfried Sassoon, and Wilfred Owen

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    War in the Works of Virginia Woolf, Siegfried Sassoon, and Wilfred Owen War has the ability to destroy not only countries and society, but families and individuals as well.  Adverse effects are often the outcome of a war.  It is not looked at in a positive way and often causes conflict.  Through the works of Virginia Woolf, Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen, and the 1992 Welsh film Hedd Wyn the effects of war are made apparent.  All of them express their representations of war differently; however

  • Enrich Maria Remarque: A Militant Pacifist

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    The First World War was a horrible experience for all sides involved, no one was immune to the effects of this global conflict, and each country was changed in many ways. Erich Maria Remarque was drafted into World War I at age 18. In 1929 Remarque’s first book All Quiet on the Western Front was published. Throughout the book, the death and destruction caused by battle is clearly shown. Remarque's novel is a statement against war, focusing dramatically on the extreme effects of war on the humanity

  • Hiroshima Essay

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    The most significant theme in John Hersey’s book “Hiroshima” are the long- term effects of war, confusion about what happened, long term mental and physical scars, short term mental and physical scars, and people being killed. The confusing things after the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima where that the city had been wiped out, all means of communication where gone, all the roads and street signes where wiped out, destroyed or blocked by collapsed buildings “…saw through the darkness that all the

  • Comparing All Quiet On The Western Front, The Wars, and A Farewell To Arms

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    The Western Front, The Wars, and A Farewell To Arms Any and all events in one's life may change a person profoundly, but the effect may not always be as expected. For instance, situations of despair may cause feelings of depression and uncertainty to develop in an individual, as would likely be expected. However, those same situations could ultimately lead to a sense of fulfilment or enlightenment. In the novels All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Remarque, The Wars by Timothy Findley, and

  • English Commentary

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    paragraph in P.G 211 a 212 in the Sorrow of War.. The paragraph from page 211 to 212 has a very important significance to the story as a whole. It has a lot of metaphors and similes that add to the sorrowful mood of the story. In the beginning, the paragraph is very poetic, juxtaposing past images of life to future and present images of death and destruction. In specific it juxtaposes the "eternal" beauty of his girlfriend Phuong to the tragic finality of war. The paragraph is written in the simple

  • War Creates Social Division, Not Cohesion

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    War Creates Social Division, Not Cohesion In attempts to truthfully learn from our past and make progress towards a peaceful world with equality for all, the topic of war, and the effects of war, is an importance issue. Many people believe that war, although obviously destructive, does lead to social cohesion within the particular nation-state at war. The Senate of Canada defines social cohesion as the capacity of citizens living under different social or economic circumstances to live together

  • A Memorable Experience In Photography

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    oppression of Horthy and knew the kind of anarchy that constitutes war(Images of War 8). Robert's work represented 3 categories: 1. Images of battle. 2. Images of the effects of war. 3. Images of calamity(Photographs,Introduction). His work also had a swift understanding and sympathy for the people who suffer from being caught in war. This type of suffering made it impossible for him to ignore the events which affected their lives(Images of War 9). Robert's belief on photography is "If your pictures are

  • Nick’s Psychological Development in Ernest Hemingway’s "In Our Time"

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    in both Parts I and II of “Big Two-Hearted River”. Through this we see Nick develop and learn about some major facts of life. Nick is a character who changes through the effects of war on many different levels. Although Hemingway hardly mentions the war, he uses the stories to express different effects and emotions caused by the war. In “Indian Camp” we meet Nick as he joins his father to help a pregnant Indian woman in labor. Nick’s father, a doctor, brings him to experience this as a sort of initiation

  • Meet Me in St. Louis & Raging Bull

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    The 1940’s were a time when most were living with the effects of war every day. Whether it be stomaching the violence of war or trying to deal with the absence of male family members in the family unit, everyone was shaken by World War II. Therefore it is easy to see how a movie such as Meet Me in St. Louis was born. It takes us back to a time that is associated with wholesome family values and a world with less major problems before war had directly affected Americans of modern times. A film of

  • Red Badge of Courage

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    tale of war, life, responsibility, and duty. It has been considered the first ^great modern novel of war^(Alfred Kazin). It traces the effects of war on Henry Fleming, a Union soldier, through his dreams of battle, his enlistment, and his experience through serveral battles of the Civil War. Henry, ^the youth^, was a young man who lived on a farm with his mother. He dreamed about what fighting in a war would be like, and dreamed of being a hero. He dreamed of the battles of war, and of

  • The Epic Poem, Beowulf - Beowulf and Christianity

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    Beowulf and Christianity It was a dark time and the devastating effects of war had taken their toll.  Many had given up hope entirely that things would ever get better, that the land of present day England would cease its bloodshed.  From the conquests of the Romans, to the Germanic tribes, to the Vikings, the people of the British Isles had been battered.  They needed a hero, someone who represented strength, decency, and bravery.  So came the story of Beowulf.  Beowulf is a fictional hero of

  • Transformation in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now

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    Arthurian Legend, in particular the quest for the holy grail, and other allegorical journey narratives. The sum of the experiences of the protagonists, Marlow in Heart of Darkness and Willard in Apocalypse Now, reveal to them how the horrors and effects of war or conquest, can lead some people to madness, while other persons may discover the light and find absolute truth. Traveling on a river is often used as a symbol for a journey of self-discovery in numerous literary works. For example, in

  • Siddhartha and Narcissus and Goldmund Comparative Essay

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    Siddhartha and Narcissus and Goldmund Comparative Essay Hermann Hesse was a man that lived from 1877 and 1962 and faced a life of struggle as he coped with the effects of war. During this period of time the theme of finding yourself was quite popular and experiences affect his works. Hesse wrote both Narcissus And Goldmund and Siddhartha, two books that are about men who are searching for who they are. The novels themselves have various ideas in common, even small details, but are two different

  • Architects as Managers of Change in Croatia

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    Republic of Macedonia. The surprising national optimism and excitement upon which these states were formed quickly back-fired. The war, in the beginning of the 1990s, completely destroyed the Croatian economy, especially the tourist industry. The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the mid-1990s, transformed Croatia into an enormous refugee camp. The compounded effects of war and transition of the political and economic system, in fact, placed Croatia amongst the levels of Third World countries. A corresponding

  • Truman War Effects

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    A war that has been going on for years can end, but to do so President Truman has to make a decision that could completely destroy a country and leave long term effects on it. WWII ended and soon after President Truman was told about the Manhattan project, which was a secret project to make the first nuclear bombs. He found out that the Manhattan scientists constructed two bombs that could end the war between the United States and Japan, on July 25, President Truman approved for the dropping of the

  • The Effects Of War In The Iliad

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    historical times, war was viewed as glorious, especially during the medieval era, as depicted in countless novels and narratives with which fighters were portrayed as heroic and brave. Contrary to this viewpoint, modern civilization sees war as an orgy of destruction that despite sometimes being necessary demolishes entire cultures and puts families into disarray and ruin. Within the Iliad, Homer incorporates these two conflicting viewpoints into a complex and deep attitude towards war. In the historical