Eastern thought Essays

  • Eastern Thought in the Works of Kerouac and Ginsberg

    2455 Words  | 5 Pages

    Eastern Thought in the Works of Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg In the late 1950's and throughout the 1960's, a fascination with Eastern thought developed, concentrating on Zen Buddhism and Daoism. This attraction can be explained in part by the complete strangeness of these thought forms to Western ideals. Buddhism's denial of reality and Daoism's wu-wei or flowing with life were revolutionary ideas to the people of the late '50's who had been brought up with consumerism, patriotism, Christianity

  • The Ecological Impact of Native Americans in Eastern North America

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    The Ecological Impact of Native Americans in Eastern North America Shetler, in the book Seeds of Change: Five Hundred Years Since Columbus, supports the myth that the new world was an unspoiled paradise by stating that " Native people were transparent in the landscape, living as natural elements of the ecosphere. Their world…was a world of barely perceptible human disturbances"(Shetler 1991). Sale contends that the Indians had a benign effect and refering to them as the "Ecological Indian".(Sale

  • Freedom comes from within yourself

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    In the Eastern culture freedom comes along with a level or state that you have reached in your life. To understand the meaning of freedom you also have to understand its relation to words like Samsara, Avidya, Maya and Moksha. These are all part of the journey towards the Hindu concept of freedom. Samsara is important in defining freedom in Hindu terms because it is what you want freedom from. Samsara is the continuous cycle of life that takes place in the material world. It is thought of as a

  • Eastern and Western Medicine

    4233 Words  | 9 Pages

    Eastern and Western Medicine The complex structure and foreign nature of Tibetan medicine makes it difficult to relate its practices to Western medicine, making it difficult to determine the clinical efficacy of Eastern medical practice. Several clinical analysis studies have recently been performed in order to determine the efficacy of the “holistic” practices of Eastern cultures. Whether the studies show Eastern or Western practices to be more effective, I believe that the most effective

  • Middle Eastern Culture

    2002 Words  | 5 Pages

    The region of the Middle East and its inhabitants have always been a wonder to the Europeans, dating back to the years before the advent of Islam and the years following the Arab conquest. Today, the Islamic world spreads from the corners of the Philippines to the far edges of Spain and Central Africa. Various cultures have adopted the Islamic faith, and this blending of many different cultures has strengthened the universal Islamic culture. The religion of Islam has provided a new meaning to the

  • The Role of Media on Middle Eastern Conflicts

    4376 Words  | 9 Pages

    The Role of Media on Middle Eastern Conflicts 'By now, all of us realize that there is a high powered media campaign aimed at promoting the war on Iraq and shaping the views of the American people, relying on media-savvy political strategy to sell the administration's priorities and policies' 'Systematic sources of bias in TV coverage of international affairs not only distort information, but can also restrict citizens' awareness and options, and thereby produce more social control. The


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    details of Rig Veda,it would be better giving information about eastern philosophy and also Hinduizm. Firstly I want to explain some basic characteristics of eastern philosophy and the place of Hinduism as a religion entering the side of the philosophy. Actually if we want to understand the eastern philosophy completely, there is need to know that these philosophies depend on a religious area, like Indian philosophy. The system of eastern philosophy aims to experience the truth in a directly but also

  • Eastern and Western Religions

    903 Words  | 2 Pages

    The “Soul” According to Eastern & Western Religions The idea of the soul varies widely in religious tradition. While these variations exist, its basic definition is unvarying. The soul can be described as the ultimate internal principle by which we think, feel, and will, and by which our bodies are animated. The soul is seen as the core principle of life or as the essence of a being 1. Views on the permanence of the soul vary throughout religious tradition as well. While some view it as a mortal

  • The Downfall of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe

    1758 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Downfall of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe The shocking fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe in the late eighties was remarkable for both its rapidity and its scope. The specifics of communism's demise varied among nations, but similarities in both the causes and the effects of these revolutions were quite similar. As well, all of the nations involved shared the common goals of implementing democratic systems of government and moving to market economies. In each

  • Eastern Cougars, Maybe

    708 Words  | 2 Pages

    Eastern Cougars, Maybe (1) Most Field and Stream enthusiasts know that cougars are a fast and agile animal that can live for many years with no real predator other than humans. Another name for the cougar is the well used mountain lion which many Eastern states have named stores, schools, and even sports teams after. The distinction that the Mississippi river stops cougars from traveling into Eastern states can’t be proven because there are many animals in the West that are in the East

  • The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe

    6159 Words  | 13 Pages

    The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe Communism is like Prohibition - it's a good idea but it won't work" (Will Rogers, 1927) (1) This essay will give a brief introduction to communism. It will then discuss the various factors which combined to bring about the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. It will examine each of these factors and evaluate the effect of each. Finally it will attempt to assertain whether Rogers' opinion (see above quotation) on Communism is true, that is, whether


    1959 Words  | 4 Pages

    the most money, but there are many other people in the world who might disagree. What would they want the most of? you ask. Well, that depends on whom you ask. When you take a trip half way around the world, the values are totally different. The Eastern religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, to name a few, practice very different beliefs. They are more centered on love thy neighbor than the Christian Religion. This is not to say that Christians are wrong or act wrongfully, it just says that the difference

  • The Inevitable Spread of Soviet-backed Communism in Eastern Europe

    1888 Words  | 4 Pages

    Inevitable Spread of Soviet-backed Communism in Eastern Europe At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States were principle players involved with reshaping post-war Europe. The region most affected policy changes was Eastern Europe, which includes those states that would eventually fall behind the Iron Curtain. While the camaraderie between the Big Three deteriorated, Soviet-backed communism was spreading across Eastern Europe. The argument during this time was

  • The Status of Women in the Work Force After the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

    3924 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Status of Women in the Work Force After the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe The fall of communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union marked the end of an era in which official ideology and state policy often masked the reality of citizens' lives. This contradiction was particularly acute for women, a group that the Soviet model of communism was intended to emancipate (Basu, 1995; Bystydzienski, 1992; Corrin, 1992; Einhorn, 1993; Millarand and Wolchik, 1994; Nelson and Chowdhury

  • Sympathism In Gilgamesh

    1911 Words  | 4 Pages

    rather than an Eastern text. Gilgamesh, in its ancientness can be seen as the catalyst for the majority of Western ideologies and texts. The text in its approach to aging, finding the truth and the pursuit of immortalizing oneself are in parallel with how Western beliefs conduct themselves and by extension show how Western motivation for their text could be constructed. In this manner, Gilgamesh is the oldest surviving Western text to pave the paradigm of Western texts rather than Eastern texts. Gilgamesh’s

  • Shooting an Elephant and The Man Who Would Be King

    2534 Words  | 6 Pages

    Moral Authority and the Ultimate Fate of Imperialism The 1800’s staged the universal dissemination and climax of British imperialism, thereby destructing and reconstructing the world into a new order. It is ordinary to depict the British as overindulgent consumerists, and the natives as magnanimous servers of the Empire, though history suggests that imperialism was not a mere black and white affair. It is certain that imperialism unjustly exhausted global resources and is therefore deserving of

  • Causes of the Cold War

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    would argue about some schools of thought, the orthodox or traditionalist thinkers who blamed the Soviet for the confrontation and give some historians views to prove this school. Thirdly, another school declared (revisionist people) who thought that the cause was US because of the Soviet looses which the Soviet suffered during the war. In addition, I analyzed some historian's suggestions for Truman. Forth point and final school (post-revisionist people) and they thought that both of sides played part

  • Tao Of Pooh Essay

    739 Words  | 2 Pages

    As a member of the Western culture we view things very different from members of the Eastern culture (Taoist). Although there are good and bad traits of both comparing and contrasting both religions gives a new understanding of both religions. The Tao of Pooh written by Robert Hoff explains the religion of Taoism through Pooh and his friends. By using real life situation and personality characteristics it’s easy to identify the differences between the two cultures and religions. In The Tao of

  • Comparing How We Survived Communism And Even Laughed

    1577 Words  | 4 Pages

    In “How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed,” Slavenka Drakulic accounts the story of women of Eastern Europe, she relates complaints she has heard in most East European countries: "Look at us - we don 't even look like women. There are no deodorants, perfumes, sometimes even no soap or toothpaste. There is no fine underwear, no pantyhose, and no nice

  • The Marshall Plan: America's Investment in Post-WWII Europe

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    De Long and Eichengreen thought that “the Marshall Plan should thus be thought of as a large and highly successful structural adjustment program.” (De Long and Eichengreen 5). It was because the post-World War 2 reconstruction of Western Europe was much faster than the previous World War and compared to Eastern Europe. Charles Kindleberger said that Postwar Europe was a “supergrowth” since the Marshall Plan created