E. J. Pratt Essays

  • The Shark

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    In “The Shark” by EJ Pratt, the poet tends to use “he” when referring to the shark. The poet also describes the shark in a way that leads us to think that the shark is a symbol representing war. The poet suggests this by using metal descriptions of the shark such as “sheet iron”, “three-cornered”, “knife-edge”, “tubular” and “metallic grey” (4-6, 10, 19-20). So it could be that the poet is doing this to associate the shark with weapons used as war alas the association of metal in the poem. In my

  • Themes and Settings in New Foundland and Ice Floes

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    E.J. Pratt: Themes and Settings in “NewFoundland” and “Ice Floes” E.J. Pratt is a poet who is especially well known for his narrative poems, which are in the nature of epic tales that are told about man’s battle with nature, and his experiences at sea and other Canadian stories [Froesce, n.d.]. His poems may be divided into two categories, the longer epic narrative poems which have drawn more public attention and the shorter variety. The poem “Ice floes” is an example of the former, while the poem

  • How Does the Penal Populism’ Theory Explain Penal Policies in Certain Countries?

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    ...., ISHAYA, L. D., SUMAN, K., BORKAR, U. A., PRUSTY, P. B., SRIVASTAVA, A., GUPTA, S., GUPTA, K., SREENIVASULU, S. E. & JANGUBHAI, N. M. A Conceptual Overview of Deviance and Its Implication to Mental Health: a Bio psychosocial Perspective. OECD. Better Life Index: Norway [Online]. Available: http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/countries/sweden/ [Accessed 15/05/2014. PRATT, J. & CLARK, M. 2005. Penal populism in New Zealand. Punishment & Society, 7, 303-317. ROPER, B. S. 2005. Prosperity for all

  • The Importance Of Grounded Theory

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    qualitative inquiry. Since then, Grounded Theory (GT) approach appears as a powerful (ke, J. and Wenglensky, S., 2010) as well as a very popular (Birks, M., and Mills, J., 2015; El Hussein, M., Hirst, S., Salyers, V., and Osuji, J., 2014) qualitative research approach for developing theory grounded in qualitative data. It is popular because GT offers researchers the luxury of maintaining an open mind (Birks, M., and Mills, J., 2015) and allowing the data to generating a theory. In this process, the emergent

  • Criminology: The Evolution of Crime

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    Pratt, T. C., Gau, J. M., & Franklin, T. W. (2011). Key ideas in criminology and criminal justice. Los Angeles: SAGE. Sampson, R. J., & Laub, J. H. (2005). A life-course view of the development of crime. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,602(1), 12-45. Straus, M. A. (1991). Discipline and Deviance: physical punishment of children and violence and other crime in adulthood. Social Problems, 38(2), 133-154. Wright, B. R. E., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., &

  • Succinate Dehydrogenase Lab Report

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    438 0.445 Tube E 0.044 0.057 0.106 0.115 0.201 0.227 Tube F 0.039 0.044 0.129 0.133 0.134 0.133 Tube G 0.045 0.046 0.064 0.105 0.134 0.134 Table 1 shows that the difference in absorption increases as time progresses.

  • Examples Of Grounded Theory

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    qualitative inquiry. Since then, Grounded Theory (GT) approach appears as a powerful (ke, J. and Wenglensky, S., 2010) and widely popular (Birks, M., and Mills, J., 2015; El Hussein, M., Hirst, S., Salyers, V., and Osuji, J., 2014) qualitative research approach for developing theory grounded in qualitative data. It is popular because GT offers researchers the luxury of maintaining an open mind (Birks, M., and Mills, J., 2015) and allowing the data to generate a theory. In this process, the emergent findings

  • Child Obesity and the Media

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    secure this future generations existence. This is an problem where, nationwide, we have communities facing how to best make their youths obesity issues diminish as they find ways to make changes regarding how to best facilitate making improvements. (Pratt 2013) Research has shown that many of our nations obese adults had their issues actually created during childhood with documented cases where the deviations from normal adipocyte size have been occurring during children’s first year of age. (Flores

  • Attempted Murder and Criminal Acts

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    attempt but may not be convicted of both the criminal attempt and the completed crime….” (Young, 2014, para. 1-2). Attempted murder, involved the voluntary act of Jack pointing a gun and firing it (act) at Bert that resulted in (causation) death of Pratt (social harm), which proves the elements of actus reus. ... ... middle of paper ... ...ttempted jmurder of Bert should not be dismissed. The court was clearly wrong to dismiss the charge of attempted murder of Bert on the ground that Jack could

  • Why Juvenile Choose a Gang Lifestyle?

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    merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gang Morch, S., & Andersen, H. (2012). Becoming a Gang Member: Youth Life and Gang Youth. Online Submission Regoli, R., Hewitt, J., DeLisi, M. (2011), The Essentials Delinquency in Society, Jones and Bartlett Publishers Sante, L. (1991). Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York. New York: Vintage Books. Schmidt, L. M., & O'Reilly, J. T. (2007). Gangs and Law Enforcement: A Guide for Dealing with Gang-Related Violence. Springfield: Charles C Thomas Publisher, LTD. Sela-Shayovitz

  • Analysis Of Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm

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    • Bubble sort: (n-1)n/2 - O(n2) comparisons 2. Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm Introduction: Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm is one of the most popular effective string matching algorithms. It compares the pattern string to the text in left to right direction as compared to Boyer Moore Algorithm. The algorithm shifts the pattern more intelligently

  • Limiting Sexual Deviance by Castration

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    ts and demographic characteristics. Behavioral Sciences & The Law, 28(6), 832-849. doi:10.1002/bsl.959 Pratt, J. (2000). Emotive and ostentatious punishment. Punishment & Society, 2(4), 417. Scott, C. L., & Holmberg, T. (2003). Castration of Sex Offenders: Prisoners' Rights Versus Public Safety. Journal Of The American Academy Of Psychiatry And The Law, 31(4), 502-509. Stone, T., Winslade, W. J., & Klugman, C. M. (2000). Sex offenders, sentencing laws and pharmaceutical treatment: A prescription

  • Analysis of The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition

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    (Roid, 2003). To further the critical analysis, of the sample, bias reviews were done on a multitude of the demographics such as: gender, ethnicity, religion, region, and S... ... middle of paper ... ...osh, D.E., Dixon, F. Newton, J.H., & Youman, E. (2010). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition, With A High-Achieving Sample. Psychology in Schools, 47(10), 1071-1083. Wilson, K. & Gilmore, L. (2012). Assessing Intellectual Functioning in Young Adolescents:

  • Argumentative Essay On Head Start

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    their life. I also chose this because when I was in high school I went over to the head start and would help volunteer and it was incredible to see how much the students knew and how fast they would pick up new things. Gichuru, M., Riley, J. G., Robertson, J., & Park, M. (2015). Perceptions of Head Start Teachers about Culturally Relevant Practice. Multicultural Education, 22(2), 46-50. In this article it talks about how there are many different cultural and social backgrounds in the preschool classroom

  • Theories of Crime

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    IQ-Delinquency Relationship: a Longitudinal Analysis of Multiple Theoretical Models. Justice Quarterly, 604-635. Pratt, M. a. (2006). Maternal Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy and Criminal Deviant Behavior. International Journal of Offender Therapy, 231-248. Pratt, T. C., & Cullen, F. T. (2005). Assessing Macro-Level Theories and Predictors of Crime. Crime and Justice, Volume 32, 373-450. Pratt, T. C., & Godsey, T. W. (2003). Social Support, Inequality, and Homicide: A Cross National Test of Integrated

  • Language Acquisition in Children

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    (Hulit & Howard, 2002). Among the various proposals concerning the mechanisms involved in acquiring a language, two opposing theoretical positions, the behaviorist and the nativist, are the most prominent and influential ones (Ayoun, 2003; Garton & Pratt, 1998; Owens, 2001). Due to the indefinite explanation of the exact process, the continuous interest of the inquiring people, and the sheer significance of the precise result, the controversy remains ongoing and popular. In view of the more obvious

  • Persuasive Essay On Health Insurance

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    that are sometimes as frequent as three-times a week to only once a month, can be hefty. This added to the medication that will be needed can drive a person to be broke. Mental health medication is among one of the highest costing medications (Cohn. J.) With majority of those living in poverty, or working class in a job that does not offer them insurance or an insurance plan they cannot afford, their only option is choose such a plan that has steep out of pocket

  • Brain Structures And Functions Worksheet Essay

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    Brain Structures and Functions Worksheet Angela Ostermann, Charlene Pratt, Justin Jones, Phenicia Johnson, Sherlock Rose, and Stephanie Stellakis PSY/340 – Biological Foundations of Psychology April 28, 2014 Chris Garwick-Foley Brain Structures and Functions Worksheet In the chart below, provide the missing information -- either the name of each region illustrated, or the function of each region -- and then provide the letter for the location of each region based on the diagram below. Each correct

  • The Effects of Parenting Styles on Child Outcome

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    146-156. Timpano, K. R., Keough, M. E., Mahaffey, B., Schmidt, N. B., & Abramowitz, J. (2010). Parenting and Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms: Implications of Authoritarian Parenting. Journal Of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 24(3), 151-164. Weiss, L.H., & Schwarz, J.C. (1996). The relationship between parenting types and older adolescents’ personality, academic achievement, adjustment, and substance use. Child Development, 67(5), 2101-2114. Wolfradt, U., Hempel, S., Miles, J. N. V. (2003). Perceived parenting

  • Importance of Health Education

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    ..ls, 36(2), 406-413. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2013.08.010 11. Ramirez, R. (2013). Pass the Change, Please: Stymieing America’s Childhood Health Crisis With Local Foods in Schools. Duke Forum For Law & Social Change (DFLSC), 5129-147. 12. Scherr, R. E., Cox, R. J., Feenstra, G., & Zidenberg-Cherr, S. (2013). Integrating local agriculture into nutrition programs can benefit children's health. California Agriculture, 67(1), 30-37. doi:10.3733/ca.v067n01p30 13. Tappe, M. K., & Galer-Unti, R. (2013). U.S. Policies