Dungeons & Dragons Essays

  • Fundamentalist Christians and Negative Conceptions of Dungeons & Dragons

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    Conceptions of Dungeons & Dragons This paper is an attempt to explain the negative conceptions about role-playing games, especially claims that the games are Satanic. I will be using many primary sources from the Internet, most of which are from Christian websites, to determine precisely what is being claimed about the games. I will be using more academic sources in order to try to explain where the claims are coming from. As the websites primarily focus on Dungeons & Dragons (henceforth noted

  • Dungeons And Dragons: A Discourse Community

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    Dungeons & Dragons: A Discourse Community “Everyone ready? While roaming through the forest on a long summer's night, the party stumbles across a pack of rabid ghouls which grumbles and growl at the very sight of you. All must roll initiative and get ready to fight. Critical hit.” Although the conversation above may not make much sense to the common person, a regular player of the tabletop game “Dungeons & Dragons” would be able to comprehend and respond accordingly to that exact situation. I surely

  • An Analysis Of 'Neverwinter Nights'

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    have made the leap from table top to computer. While the concept has stayed the same, many aspects of the games have evolved. Neverwinter Nights is a role-playing game that uses an electronic model similar to the popular tabletop game called Dungeons & Dragons. In Neverwinter Nights, the player ultimately becomes the hero of the story. The player is tasked with a number of challenging quests that test both the character and, hence, the player throughout a four chapter storyline. While the character

  • Path Of Exile Or POE Essay

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    The game Path of Exile or POE is an online roleplaying action game that is set in the fantasy world of Wraeclast. The game is free to play with in-game perks available in the online game store. These perks will not impact the gameplay since they're cosmetic like skins and animations or stash tabs for storing loot. Currency Instead of gold or cash currency in POE, there are orbs and scrolls that can be used for purchasing gear and gems from other players. There's no traditional auction house so

  • A Comparison of 'The Skeleton Key’ and ‘Dungeons and Dragons’

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    A Comparison of 'The Skeleton Key’ and ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ ‘The Skeleton Key’: Horror ‘Dungeons and Dragons’: Fantasy-Adventure-Action In ‘The Skeleton Key’ poster there is only one actress who is standing and looking into a key hole (facing the camera). She looks scared but also anxious and worried with tension. She also looks like she intensely desires to know what’s behind the Key hole. The woman is wearing dark clothes and jewelry signifying that this film is a horror. She

  • Dungeons And The Dragon Show Research Paper

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    Every thursday night hundreds of thousands tune into a live broadcast of nine friends sitting around a table pretending they are wizards and knights fighting dragons and trolls. As a matter of fact the viewership of this show has been only growing since they started about two years ago. The game they play is called Dungeons & Dragons the show is titled Critical Role. D&D (for short) is a tabletop role-playing game and even today doesn’t have a great reputation, but this show among others are working

  • Internet Addiction

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    available people will show signs of anxiety, depression, irritability, trembling hands, and restlessness. There are five types of internet addiction. The first is Net-Gaming. People with this addiction participate in online games, Multi User Dungeon Games (MUDs), will visit virtual casinos, and my become obsessed with e-auctions and online trading and shopping. Another type of internet addiction is Cyber-Relational Addiction. People with this tend to make chat room relationships more important

  • Darkness and Evil in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    described Macbeth has changed from "noble" and "kind" to the diction of Act 4 witch describes Macbeth as "black Macbeth" and a "tyrant". The Castle that Macbeth lives in, Dunsanine is also indicative of darkness. Dunsanine is similar to the word dungeon a dark and dirty place. In Act 4 Macbeth is an agent of disorder, he murders and he consults witches,  because of this he is described using dark imagery. Scotland under the rule of Macbeth is described as, "shrouded  in darkness", by Malcolm.

  • Othello: Metaphor and Contrast in Lines 299-318 in Act III, Scene iii

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    the vale of years—yet that's not much— She's gone, I am abused, and my relief Must be to loathe her. O curse of marriage, That we can call these delicate creatures ours And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad And live upon the vapor of a dungeon Than keep a corner in the thing I love For others' uses. Yet 'tis the plague (of) great ones; Prerogatived are they less than the base. 'Tis destiny unshunnab...

  • Comparing Virginia Woolf and Emily Bronte

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    had bred bad feeling in the house” (WH 30). The Heights became a place to dream of for Catherine (1) when she married Linton and moved to the Grange.  For her it held the memories of Heathcliff and their love.  For her daughter, Cathy, it became a dungeon; trapped in a loveless marriage in a cold stone home far away from the opulence and luxury of the home she was used to. Then, upon the death of Heathcliff, I can almost see, in my minds eye, the Heights itself relax into the warm earth around in it

  • Honest Betrayal in Othello

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    vale of years-yet that's not much- She's gone: I am abused, and my relief Must be to loathe her. O curse of marriage, That we can call these delicate creatures ours And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad And live upon the vapour of a dungeon Than keep a corner in the thing I love For others' uses. Yet 'tis the plague of great ones; Prerogatived are they less than the base. 'Tis destiny unshunnable, like death: Even this forked plague is fated to us When we do quicken. Desdemona

  • The Symbolic Use of Nature in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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    day; She bore in her arms a child, a baby of some three months old, who winked and turned aside its little face from the too vivid light of day; because its experience, heretofore, had brought it acquainted only with the gray twilight of a dungeon, or other darksome apartment of the prison (49). The sunlight gives the reader a feeling of exposure and scrutiny.  This feeling is later reveled to the reader by Hawthorne, Her prison-door was thrown open, and she came forth into

  • The Fallen Angels in John Milton's Paradise Lost

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    skill with which the individual leaders perform their tasks and speeches, we are never left in any doubt as to the truth of G-d, and the futility of their debates.  By examining the angels as a group, Milton is able to leave the infernal dungeon, to take a flight throughout history, giving his own point of view.  It is thus that Books I and II of "Paradise Lost" are so unique, as the alternative, and less-frequently explored world of the devils, is probed in such a fascinating

  • Othello’s Diversity of Imagery

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    spider catching a fly, beating an offenceless dog, wild cats, wolves, goats and monkeys. To these Othello adds his pictures of foul toads breeding in a cistern, summer flies in the shambles, the ill-boding raven over the infected house, a toad in a dungeon, the monster ‘too hideous to be shown,’ bird-snaring again, aspics’ tongues, crocodiles’ tears, and his reiteration of goats and monkeys.’ In addition, [. . .] . (79) The play’s imagery is oftentimes reflective of the fortunes of the protagonist

  • Vengeance in The Count of Monte Cristo

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    Vengeance in The Count of Monte Cristo The corpse of Madame de Villefort lay stretched across the doorway leading to the room in which Edward's lifeless body resided. Eyes filled with tears, the miserable M. de Villefort revealed the sorrowful scene to Dantes. After beholding the results of his revenge "Monte Cristo became pale at this horrible sight; he felt he had passed beyond the bounds of vengeance, and that he could no longer say 'God is for and with me.'" Set in France during the turmoil

  • People's Obsession With MUDs

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    shin. Krista pirouettes and falls down laughing. Cislynx seduces Missworld. Ralphie shouts, "who wants to tango"?! I am not having a nightmare, and I do not live in a mental institution. I am simply witnessing the typical behavior of a Multi User Dungeon (MUD). MUDs have become all the rage in the rapidly increasing world of computer technology. MUDs put you in a virtual space where you can create an identity and "chat" with other people. In this virtual world, you are represented by a self-composed

  • The Museum Experience

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    much more specific way. Some fine examples of these kinds of museums include the Pez Museum, close to San Francisco, dedicated to the little candy dispenser, the Muzeum hracek in Prague, dedicated to toys of the world, both past and present, the Dungeon, a history of Medieval torture, also in Prague, and the Liberace Museum in Las Vegas, dedicated to all things Liberace--and I mean all things. The Pez Museum is not actually in San Francisco, but is located south of the city in a town called Burlingame

  • Film Comparison- Shawshank Redemption VS Murder In The First

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    bringing public humiliation to the sadistic associate warden, Milton Glenn (Gary Oldman). In violation of the federal guidelines that mandate 19-day maximums for solitary confinement, Glenn orders three years of physical torture and isolation in a black dungeon five feet high. No light, no water. The broken, twisted man who emerges three years later immediately murders fellow inmate Rufus McCain, the informer who betrayed him, and is now on trial.Christian Slater portrays the young lawyer assigned to deal

  • Othello Seminar

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    goes through events which now have answers, "She's gone: I am abused, and my relief must be loathe her. O curse of marriage, That we can call these delicate creatures ours And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad And live upon the vapour of a dungeon Than keep a corner in the thing I love For other's uses." (III,iii, 264 - 270) Othello is getting angry: "Villain, be sure thou prove my love a whore; Be sure of it: give me the ocular proof," (III, iii, 356-357) Othello hears Iago's predictions:

  • Individual Beauty

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    bouncing with charming confidence as I transcend all muddied doubts of myself. I am effortlessly and naturally beautiful. I am—“Don’t forget to pluck the hair from between your eyebrows,” my mom’s brassy voice of reality plummets me back to my Mary-Kay dungeon of anxiety. “Mom, pl-ea-se stop. I do not need you telling me what to do.” I innocently crank up the volume two notches on my stereo in hope that River Cuomo’s electric guitar can silence her motherly concerns and rattle away my “I don’t want to