Delaware River Essays

  • Oil in the Delaware River

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    project we explored the oil industry along the Delaware River, and considered its social, economic, environmental implications in local, regional, global contexts. Clearly the oil industry along the Delaware River has prospered the local, regional, and in some sense global economy. It has also, however, brought about social, environmental issues, positive or negative, directly or indirectly. We are trying to view the oil industry along the Delaware River in a dialectical way, to give the pros and cons

  • Delaware Essay

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    project is Delaware. Delaware is a small state located in the Mid-Atlantic. Delaware is usually referred to as the first state, because it was the first state to sign the constitution. Delaware can also be called the Blue Hen State because the blue hen is the official bird of Delaware, and because of the blue hens that Delaware soldiers carried around during the revolutionary war. Delaware even has a third nickname, the Diamond state, because Thomas Jefferson said it was a “jewel.” Delaware was never

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Adapting Trip To Delaware River

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    planned to take place on the Delaware River. There were a handful of activities to do, including tubing down the river. Being the adventured filled family that we are, we decided to take advantage of the amazing opportunity. So, we get the tubes, get the basic safety lecture of don’t be stupid, and we were on our way. Now, I must say there was a very important instruction that the instructor gave to us: At a certain point in the river there is an island that divides the river. You must go right. That

  • Delaware Declaration Of Independence

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    Delaware, one of the thirteen British Colonies, became a sovereign state in 1776 and gained its independence from Great Britain on June 15th, 1776. On February 22, 1779 Delaware signed the Articles of Confederation, then later became the first state to ratify the Constitution, sometime around December 1787. For its ratification, Delaware is known as the “First State.” This state got its “Delaware” name from the Delaware River as you can see the resemblance. The motto that Delaware goes by is “Liberty

  • Delaware: The Breadbasket Colony

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    Delaware, also known as the “breadbasket colony” for its mass production of wheat, was founded in 1636 by Peter Minuit and the New Sweden Company. Named after the Delaware River, whose roots derived from Sir Thomas West, Virginia Company’s first governor, the colony of Delaware was originally named New Sweden as an unsuccessful attempt by the Swedes to found a brand new colony in the New World. From the very start of its colonization, New Sweden was lacking manpower in a mere 10 years, but slowly

  • DuPont An Investment Analysis

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    commercial, and social achievement. DuPont is a research and technology based chemical and energy company with its annual revenue exceeding $39 billion. Eleuth‚re Ir‚n‚e du Pont de Nemours, a French immigrant, established DuPont in 1802 in a small Delaware town. E.I. du Pont was a student of Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, and when he came to America he brought some of the new ideas about the manufacturing of consistently reliable gun powder. His product ignited when it was supposed

  • U.S. Court of Appeals 9th Circuit

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    WENDT, an individual; JOHN RATZENBERGER, an individual, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. No. 96-55243 HOST INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Delaware corporation, D.C. No. Defendant-Appellee, CV-93-00142-R and ORDER PARAMOUNT PICTURES, CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, Defendant-Intervenor. Filed December 28, 1999 Before: Betty B. Fletcher and Stephen S. Trott, Circuit Judges

  • Netflix competitive analysis

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    Cleanfilms are all present in the market, but don’t possess enough force at this time to be considered a threat to Netflix. Blockbuster As of right now, Blockbuster is the biggest competitive threat to Netflix. Blockbuster was incorporated in 1989 in Delaware and is a major renter of home videocassettes, DVDs and video games throughout the Americas, as well as Europe, Asia and Australia. Blockbuster operated about 9,100 stores in the U.S. and 24 other countries, as of Dec. 2004. In the summer of 2004

  • Lebanon

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    trade for thousands of years. It has also been on the route of numerous conquering armies. With an area of 4,015 square miles, Lebanon is one of the smallest countries in the Middle East. It is smaller than every state in the United States except Delaware, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Lebanon is sandwiched between Syria in the north and east and Israel in the south. The maximum distance from the nation's northern border to the southern one is only 130 miles. And the maximum distance from the Mediterranean

  • How Did Bill T Jones Make A Difference In The American Life?

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    invented. With that being said, the federally listed endangered dwarf wedge mussel was discovered by chance in the Never sink River/Delaware River Basin. A first investment of 281 acres in the Southern Lake Champlain Valley which involved more than just two miles of riverfront on the Poultney River. Today, the Conservancy tends to manage much more than 9000 acres around the river in both New York and Vermont. The Shawangunk Ridge Biodiversity Partnership was made to protect the sensitive wildlife habitat

  • Job-Sharing

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    Job Sharing One may puzzle when asked, what is job sharing? Although the question may sound strange, it is because we are more familiar with the phrase flexible work. Nevertheless, job-sharing is part of flexible work. Job-sharing is a system of work where two people take the responsibility for one full-time position, dividing work, pay, holidays and other benefits between them according to the time they work.1 It is a viable option when ordinary part-time work is not, that is, when organizational

  • Education in Colonial History

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    education while Coram was the least famous devisor of educational plans. Jefferson, as we all know, wrote the Declaration of Independence and later became the third President. Robert Coram was a young man who worked for a Republican newspaper in Delaware. He based most of his plan on the works of Noah Webster, who was a supporter of public schools. The objective of this essay is to determine which person's plan is more democratic. Before that can be established, I think a definition of democracy

  • Bill Gates

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    company called Traf-O-Data. Keep in mind that they are still in high school! They designed a program that could analyze traffic counts by machine so counties could get government funding for road projects. They had clients in British Colombia and Delaware but went out of business in 1973 when the government offered the same services for no charge. Bill Gates scored a perfect 800 on the math portion of the SAT's. However, instead of going into computers, which would seem logical, he went to Harvard

  • Linear Programming

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    argument is that linear programming is one of the most optimal ways of resource allocation and making the most money for any company today. I used (in conjunction with another field supporter – My Dad) the survey method to ask 28 companies that were in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania whether they were linear programming users. In addition, I wanted to examine the effect of the use of linear programming across three different but key decision support areas of the participating companies to include

  • Essay On Delaware

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    Delaware Delaware is a really cool state. I say that because there is not a whole-lot of crime there and for country folks it’s great because there is a lot of cows and pigs, but there are also a lot of cars there too. It was some rivers and creeks land definition and tons of history, but there isn’t very many people there compared to California. Delaware has gained 2 nicknames over the years, The First State and The Diamond State. It got the nickname The First State because it was the first

  • The Battle of Trenton

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    In late 1776, General George Washington desperately needed a victory. His Soldiers morale was slumping, and public attitude was deteriorating. Washington had set his sights on Trenton, but for him to assure some much needed success; he needed intelligence on the British’s camp at Trenton. He turned to a strong patriot, John Honeyman who agreed to embed himself as a spy for General Washington. Washington sent Honeyman forth from his home in Philadelphia to Griggs town, New Jersey which was 17

  • Sports Narrative - Wrestling

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    time went on I needed to push myself and increase my level of wrestling. I decided that I would do whatever it took, through thick and thin. I traveled to small local tournaments in Colorado, and a couple out-of-state tournaments, I even traveled to Delaware. It didn't really matter how I did at these tournaments because it was just all practice until February. So, I lifted and wrestled just about every chance I got. It was all in preparation for one match, six minutes. Starting the season as the

  • Social Promotion VS. Retention

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    is a hard one to figure out. Exactly what is social promotion? Social Promotion is the practice of promoting students to the next grade level regardless of their academic progress. How serious id this issue? It is so serious that California, Delaware, South Carolina and Wisconsin have all passed laws forbidding the practice and in effect requiring schools to reinstate retention. What exactly is retention? It is the practice of holding back students to repeat a grade if they have not successfully

  • Wawa Argumentative Essay

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    the company is large and successful but it is not invincible and for many reasons. The company is privately traded, meaning it cannot issue common stock to help itself get out of hard times financially. Wawa is local with stores in New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Although Wawa has a good reputation with local people, out of town people are not as aware. Fortunately, Wawa distributes products that are inelastic in nature. Gasoline, food, and tobacco products for most people

  • The Incredibly Usable Cattail

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    occur in Illinois. In the U.S., T. glauca ranges from the upper Midwest and Northeast down the Altantic coast to Florida and into Alabama. It also occurs in California. T. domengensis, being well adapted to brackish waters, grows along the coast from Delaware to Mexico and also occurs in the Southwest. Many common names are used for cattails. T. latifolia goes by the name broadleaf cattail, common cattail and soft flag. T. angustifolia has been called narrow leaf cattail and nail rod. Blue cattail